The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 245 Gift For Atlas

Orion looked at Atlas, his faithful beast companion, who had just appeared before him. The Iron Hide Rhinoceros stood before him, towering over him with his massive frame, his dark hide gleaming in the sunlight.

As he stood before Atlas, Orion reached out and placed a hand on his massive horn, feeling the rough texture of the surface against his palm. He looked up at Atlas's eyes, which were a deep shade of brown, and he could see the intelligence and loyalty reflected in them.

Taking a deep breath, Orion reached into his pocket and pulled out the small, velvet-lined box containing the Beast Core that he had just obtained from the Beast Emporium. He looked down at the box and felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. He knew that this core was special, and he couldn't wait to see how it would affect Atlas.

"Atlas," Orion said, holding the box out to his companion. "I have something for you."

Atlas sniffed at the box curiously, his eyes fixed on Orion. He knew that his master had something important to show him, and he was eager to see what it was.

Orion opened the box, revealing the small crystal that was nestled within. As soon as the box was opened, a powerful aura emanated from the crystal, filling the air around them with palpable energy.

Atlas snorted in recognition, his eyes fixed on the crystal. He knew that this was no ordinary beast core; it was something special, something powerful.

"This is a Beast Core," Orion explained, "and it contains a huge amount of Primordial Qi. It's special, and I think it will help you in your training."

Atlas nodded in understanding, his eyes fixed on the crystal. He could sense the power within it, and he knew that it would be an invaluable asset to his training.

Orion held out the crystal to Atlas, who took it carefully in his jaws. He crunched down on it, and a surge of energy flowed through him. Orion could see the effects of the crystal on Atlas immediately; his muscles seemed to bulge, and his eyes glowed with intense energy.

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As Orion watched Atlas, he could see the changes taking place within his body. The massive rhinoceros was growing stronger and more powerful by the second, his muscles rippling with newfound energy. Orion could feel the Primordial Qi coursing through Atlas's body, filling him with a vitality that he had never experienced before.

As he watched, Orion knew that he needed to give Atlas some time to fully absorb the Beast Core's power. He reached out and placed a hand on Atlas's flank, feeling the heat of his body beneath his palm.

"Good job, boy," he said softly, smiling at his companion. "Now, it's time for you to rest and fully absorb the energy."

With that, Orion closed his eyes and began to summon Atlas back to his Beast Space. He focused his mind on the familiar bond that he shared with his companion, picturing the space in his mind's eye and visualizing Atlas disappearing from the open field.

As he concentrated, he could feel the energy around him shifting and warping, and he knew that Atlas was being pulled back into his Beast Space. After a few moments, the energy dissipated, and Orion opened his eyes to find himself alone in the field.

He stood there for a moment, feeling the lingering energy of the Beast Core still coursing through his body. He knew that it would take some time for Atlas to fully absorb the energy, but he was confident that his companion would come back stronger and more powerful than ever.

With a sense of satisfaction, Orion turned and headed back towards his house. He knew that there was still much to be done in his journey as a cultivator, but he was confident that he was on the right path.


In the house of one of the Senior Disciples. The luxurious home of the Senior Disciple was adorned with expensive furnishings and ornate decorations. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the room was filled with the soft glow of candlelight.

The Senior Disciple sat at a large table in the centre of the room, surrounded by his most loyal subordinates. His eyes were fixed on one of his subordinates, who stood before him, hesitantly delivering an update on the situation they had been dealing with.

"Have you gotten rid of that kid?" the Senior Disciple asked impatiently, his voice laced with frustration.

"It seems that he is much stronger than we thought," the subordinate replied hesitantly. "The people we sent cannot get the job done. They are even crippled."

The Senior Disciple's expression darkened at the news. This was not what he wanted to hear. He had been trying to get rid of the young cultivator who had been causing trouble for him in the Martial Arts Hall. He wanted revenge.

"How is this possible?" the Senior Disciple growled. "We have the power and the resources to deal with anyone who opposes us. Why is this kid such a problem?"

The subordinate shifted nervously, avoiding eye contact with the Senior Disciple. "It seems that this kid is more talented than we anticipated. He has a powerful beast companion."

The Senior Disciple scowled at the response from his subordinate. "Can't you send more people to him?" he asked, his voice dripping with frustration and anger.

"It will be troublesome," the subordinate replied hesitantly. "The sect despises this kind of action, and if we got caught, we would be in some trouble."

The Senior Disciple sighed, knowing that his subordinate was right. The sect had strict rules against harming other cultivators, especially those who were weaker than them. If they were caught trying to harm the young cultivator, they would face severe consequences.

But the Senior Disciple was not willing to give up so easily. He had been humiliated by the young cultivator in front of his peers, and he wanted revenge. He needed to find a way to get rid of him, no matter the cost.

"We need to do something," he said, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "We can't let this kid continue to make a fool out of us."

The subordinate nodded in agreement, knowing that his boss was not one to give up easily. "Perhaps we could hire someone from outside the sect," he suggested tentatively. "Someone who has no ties to us and who could get the job done quickly and quietly."

The Senior Disciple considered the idea for a moment before nodding in agreement. It was a risky move, but it was their only option. They would have to be careful in their selection and make sure that they chose someone who was skilled enough to take down the young cultivator without drawing too much attention.

"Find someone," he ordered. "Someone who is ruthless and efficient. We can't afford any mistakes."

The subordinate nodded and quickly left the room, eager to carry out his boss's orders.

The Senior Disciple sat back in his chair, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge. He knew that he would have to be patient, but he was determined to get what he wanted. He would not rest until the young cultivator was out of his way.

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