The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 250 Red Tail Scorpion

Orion's eyes widened as he watched the four Red Tail Scorpions emerge from their beast space. The creatures were massive, easily the size of a horse, and their tails were tipped with deadly stingers that glinted menacingly in the dim light.


[Beast Race: Red Tail Scorpion]

[Elements: Poison, Insect]

[Realm: Sixth-Stage Warrior]

[Tier: C]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Venomous Stinger: The Red Tail Scorpion possesses a venomous stinger at the end of its tail that it can use to defend itself or attack its enemies. The venom can cause intense pain, paralysis, and even death in some cases.]

[Armor Plating: The Red Tail Scorpion's exoskeleton is hard and thick, providing excellent protection against physical attacks.]

[Crushing Pincers: The Red Tail Scorpion has two powerful pincers that it can use to crush and grip its prey or enemies. These pincers can exert a force several times the scorpion's body weight.]

[Poison Resistance: The Red Tail Scorpion is resistant to its own venom as well as other poisons, making it immune to most forms of poisoning. This ability allows the scorpion to use its venom without fear of harming itself.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Orion studied the information displayed in his mind about the Red Tail Scorpions that had been summoned by the assassins. The Red Tail Scorpions were a type of beast race with the elements of poison and insect. They were categorized as C-tier beasts.

Orion paid close attention to the skills and abilities of the Red Tail Scorpions. The first one that caught his attention was their venomous stinger. The scorpions could use it to defend themselves or attack their enemies, and the venom could cause intense pain, paralysis, and even death in some cases.

Orion's eyes also scanned the information about the Red Tail Scorpion's other abilities and skills. He noted the poisonous stinger, the tough exoskeleton, and the crushing pincers, all formidable traits for a creature of its size.

However, Orion did not feel afraid at all. His body had been strengthened to levels far beyond that of an ordinary human, and he knew that even daggers and other weapons were unable to damage him. These scorpions stood no chance against him.

The assassins commanded their beasts, urging them into action against Orion. The Red Tail Scorpions, with their powerful venomous stingers and crushing pincers, moved towards Orion with deadly intent.

"Red Tail Scorpion, use your venomous stinger!" one of the assassins ordered, his voice filled with excitement.

The Red Tail Scorpion obeyed its master's command, and its tail shot out towards Orion like a missile. Orion, however, was quick to react, and he dodged out of the way just in time. He moved with a grace and agility that belied his size, his movements fluid and precise.

The assassins were surprised that Orion could dodge the venomous stinger attack. They exchanged glances, wondering if they had underestimated Orion's speed and agility.

Undeterred, the assassins continued to command their beasts. "Red Tail Scorpion, use your crushing pincers!" another assassin shouted, hoping to catch Orion off-guard.

The Red Tail Scorpion obediently moved towards Orion, its pincers poised to strike. But once again, Orion proved to be too quick for it. He dodged the attack, moving with the grace of a dancer as he evaded the scorpion's deadly grip.

The assassins were growing frustrated. They had hoped that their beasts would be able to overwhelm Orion, but it seemed that he was more than a match for them.

The assassins exchanged more glances, their eyes filled with uncertainty. They knew they had to come up with a new plan if they were to stand a chance against Orion. They ordered their Red Tail Scorpions to regroup, hoping to catch Orion off-guard with a coordinated attack.

"Red Tail Scorpions, use your venomous stingers together!" one of the assassins commanded, hoping to overwhelm Orion with a barrage of venomous strikes.

The scorpions moved in unison, their tails striking out toward Orion with deadly precision. Orion reacted quickly, dodging and weaving as he avoided the strikes. He could feel the wind of the scorpion's tails as they narrowly missed him, the venomous tips just grazing his skin.

The assassins were growing frustrated. They had expected their beasts to be able to take down Orion, but it seemed that he was too skilled and too powerful for them. They needed to come up with a new plan quickly.

Orion noticed the assassins' frustration and began to mock them. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice filled with confidence.

The assassins scowled, their eyes narrowing as they glared at Orion. They knew they had to do something quickly or risk being defeated by the powerful warrior.

"Red Tail Scorpions, use your crushing pincers!" one of the assassins shouted, hoping to catch Orion off-guard once again.

But Orion was too quick for them. He moved with the speed and agility of a cat, his body twisting and turning as he evaded the scorpions' attacks.

"Come on, is that really the best you can do?" Orion continued to taunt the assassins. "I thought you were supposed to be skilled killers."

The assassins gritted their teeth, their frustration turning to anger as they heard Orion's taunts.

"Red Tail Scorpions, attack him from all sides!" one of the assassins shouted, hoping to catch Orion off-guard with a surprise attack.

The Red Tail Scorpions sprang into action, moving towards Orion from all directions. Their tails lashed out with deadly intent, their pincers poised to strike. Orion remained calm and focused, his eyes scanning the movements of his opponents.

The Red Tail Scorpions closed in. Their movements were synchronized and relentless. Orion moved with the grace and agility of a panther, dodging and weaving as he avoided the scorpion's strikes.

But then, suddenly, one of the scorpion's venomous stingers struck true, inflicting a small cut on Orion's arm. The assassin who had commanded the attack let out a triumphant cry, thinking that they had finally managed to wound their opponent. Even though the wound was not big but the true ability of Red Tail Scorpion was poison.

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