The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 252 Killing The Assassins

Orion stood firm and unwavering, his eyes locked on the now-powered-up Red Tail Scorpions. He didn't get intimidated by their appearance or their newfound strength.

As he observed the Red Tail Scorpions, he noticed that they were moving with greater speed and precision than before. Their movements were more coordinated, and their strikes were filled with renewed strength.

But despite their enhanced abilities, Orion remained unfazed. He kept a steady gaze on the assassins, his expression calm and collected.

The assassins were taken aback by Orion's lack of reaction. They had expected him to be intimidated by their powered-up Red Tail Scorpions, but it seemed that he was completely unaffected by them.

"What's wrong, Orion? Aren't you afraid of our new and improved Red Tail Scorpions?" one of the assassins taunted, his voice filled with malice.

Orion didn't respond. He simply stood his ground, his eyes fixed on the assassins. He knew that their taunts were meant to rattle him, to throw him off his game. But he refused to let them get under his skin.

The assassins exchanged uncertain glances, wondering what to do next. They had thought that their powered-up Red Tail Scorpions would be enough to defeat Orion, but it seemed that he was far more resilient than they had anticipated.

"Attack him, Red Tail Scorpions!" one of the assassins shouted, hoping to catch Orion off-guard.

The Red Tail Scorpions moved in, their tails and pincers poised to strike. But Orion was ready for them. He moved with grace and agility, dodging and weaving as he avoided their strikes.

The assassins watched with frustration as Orion evaded their attacks. They exchanged glances, wondering how to break through his defenses.

"He's too quick. We can't catch him," one of the assassins muttered, his voice filled with defeat.

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The other assassins nodded in agreement. They knew that they had to come up with a new plan if they were to stand a chance against Orion.

Orion continued to move with fluidity and precision, his eyes never leaving the assassins. He could see the frustration on their faces and the uncertainty in their movements.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice filled with confidence.

The assassins growled in response, their frustration turning to anger. They had thought that they had found the perfect weapon to defeat Orion, but it seemed that he was more than a match for them.

But even as the assassins continued to attack, Orion remained unfazed. He moved with a calm and collected demeanor, his eyes fixed on the assassins.

Suddenly, Orion spoke up, his voice carrying a sense of finality. "It seems that this is the end," he said.

The assassins paused, taken aback by his words. They exchanged glances, wondering what he meant.

Orion closed his eyes and focused his Primordial Qi, allowing it to flow freely through his body. He could feel its power coursing through him, ready to be unleashed.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the four Red Tail Scorpions moving in for another attack. He didn't hesitate. He focused his Primordial Qi into his hand, and with a swift motion, he struck each of the scorpions with a powerful blow.

The impact of his strike sent the scorpions flying, their bodies crumpling to the ground. The assassins stared in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"How is this possible?" one of the assassins whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.

Orion remained calm and collected, his gaze fixed on the assassins. He knew that his Primordial Qi had given him the strength to defeat the Red Tail Scorpions.

After seeing the scene, one of the assassins suddenly spoke up. His voice filled with urgency. "Let's get out of here," he said, looking around at his colleagues.

The other assassins exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of what to do next. They had been so focused on their attack that they hadn't considered the possibility of retreat.

Orion, who heard the assassin's words, suddenly shouted at the one who wanted to escape, "Don't think that you can escape."

He directly rushed towards the assassin, his speed surprising the other assassins. They watched in awe as Orion closed the distance between himself and the fleeing assassin in a matter of seconds.

"Today, you die here," Orion said with determination as he reached the fleeing assassin. He quickly unleashed a powerful punch, strengthened by his Primordial Qi.

The assassin who got punched couldn't believe it. "It's impossible that you are this strong. I cannot accept this," he muttered, his voice filled with disbelief.

But the moment he was punched by Orion, his neck snapped, and he fell to the ground lifeless. Orion was just too powerful for him to withstand.

The other assassins were stunned by what they had just witnessed. They had never seen anyone move as quickly or with such strength as Orion. They exchanged uncertain glances, wondering if they too, would suffer the same fate as their fallen comrade.

But Orion showed no signs of slowing down. He moved with newfound confidence, his gaze fixed on the remaining assassins.

"You can either face me now or suffer the same fate as your friend," he declared, his voice echoing through the silent night.

The remaining assassins exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to do next. They had thought that they had the upper hand in this battle, but it seemed that they were no match for Orion's strength and skill.

One of them suddenly spoke up, his voice trembling with fear. "Master Orion, please let me go. I promise I will not do this again," he pleaded, hoping to avoid a similar fate to his fallen comrade.

Orion turned to face him. His expression was unchanging. "Do you think that I am a fool?" he asked, his voice cold and emotionless. "You and your colleagues came here with the intention of killing me. And now you expect me to believe that you won't try it again?"

The assassin bowed his head in shame, realizing the futility of his plea. He knew that he had made a mistake in underestimating Orion's strength and skill.

Orion continued to stare at the remaining assassins, his gaze cold and unwavering. He knew that he had to deal with them before they could cause any more harm.

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