The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 263 Blood Transformation (2)

Days had passed since Orion had started practising the Blood Refinement method. He had been diligently refining his blood and improving its quality.

Despite the pain that he had experienced in the beginning, he had grown accustomed to it, and he was able to endure it for longer periods of time.

Orion knew that this was a necessary part of the cultivation process. He understood that he needed to push himself beyond his limits to achieve greatness. He was determined to master the Blood Refinement method, no matter how difficult it was.

As each day passed, he could feel his body becoming stronger and more resilient. He was able to push himself harder than he ever had before, and he was able to endure the pain for longer periods of time.

The pain was still there, but it had become more manageable. He had grown accustomed to it, and he was able to focus on refining his blood without being distracted by the pain.

Orion was also starting to notice some changes in his body. The changes were not in his physical body but more in the flow of the Qi. He could feel that it was easier now to use Qi than before. It was as if his body had become more attuned to the Qi.

He could also feel that the liquid Qi in his blood vessels was becoming denser and more powerful. He was able to move it more effectively, and he could feel it improving the quality of his blood.

Orion continued to practice the Blood Refinement method every day, focusing on refining his blood and improving its quality. He knew that he needed to be patient and persistent if he wanted to achieve greatness.

As the days passed, he started to notice that he had more energy than before. He was able to work for longer periods of time without getting tired. He also noticed that he was able to focus more effectively, and his mind was sharper than before.

Orion knew that these changes were a result of his cultivation. He knew that he was becoming stronger, both physically and mentally. He was also becoming more attuned to the world around him.

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The Blood Refinement method was not just a physical practice, but it was also a spiritual one. Orion was learning to connect with his inner self and to tap into the power of the universe.

Orion continued to practice the Blood Refinement method until it was the last day before the match. He had been practising for days, and he was ready to face his opponent. He knew that he had done everything that he could to prepare for the match, and he was confident in his abilities.

On the final day of his Blood Refinement practice, Orion felt a sense of accomplishment. He had put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve his goal, and it had paid off.

[Congratulations on reaching the Second-Stage Lord, host]

Orion was surprised but pleased to hear the system's congratulatory message. "Thank you," he said aloud, though he knew the system could hear him through the implant in his brain.

[You have finished the Blood Transformation process, and your cultivation has improved significantly.]

Orion was proud of his progress, but he also knew that there was still much more to learn. "I'm grateful for the system's guidance," he said. "I couldn't have done it without your help."

[It's my pleasure to assist you, host. Remember, your journey is far from over. There is still much more to learn and many more challenges to face.]

Orion nodded. "I understand," he replied. "I'm ready for whatever comes next."

The system's voice faded away, and Orion headed back to his room to rest and prepare for the next day's death match where he would fight Marcus.


Marcus sat alone in his dark house, seething with anger. He was a powerful figure in the sect, but his recent encounter with Orion had made him look weak and insignificant. It had been humiliating, and he couldn't let it go. Tomorrow was the day when he would finally get his revenge.

He knew that he had the power to make a statement and show everyone what happened when they messed with him. He was determined to prove his worth and make sure that no one ever dared to cross him again.

As he sat there lost in thought, his subordinates entered the room, their eyes gleaming with wickedness.

"Boss, are you ready for tomorrow?" one of them asked.

Marcus smirked. "Of course, I am. Tomorrow is the day when I will make him pay for what he did to me."

The subordinates exchanged looks, knowing that their boss was up to no good. They were loyal to him, but they also enjoyed causing chaos and spreading fear throughout the sect.

"What do you want us to do, boss?" one of them asked eagerly.

Marcus leaned back in his chair, his mind working quickly. "I want you to make sure that everyone in the sect knows what's going to happen tomorrow. Spread the word, make sure they all know that I'm going to crush that weakling Orion and show everyone who's boss."

The subordinates nodded, their grins widening. They would enjoy spreading the news and causing fear among the sect members.

"And when I win tomorrow," Marcus continued, "I want you to make sure that everyone knows what happens to those who cross me. Make an example out of Orion, let everyone see what happens when they mess with me."

The subordinates nodded eagerly, eager to do their boss's bidding. They would make sure that everyone knew what happened when they crossed Marcus.

As the night wore on, the subordinates left Marcus alone to plan his next move. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive, to finally show everyone what happened when they messed with him. He knew that he had the power to crush his enemies and make sure that he remained in control of the sect.

He closed his eyes and envisioned the battle ahead. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was ready. He would prove his worth and show everyone that he was not to be messed with.

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