The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 266 Marcus Join In

Marcus, the owner of the Shadow Leopard, couldn't help but let out a laugh at Orion's failed attacks. "What about that?" he taunted, "My Shadow Leopard has Shadow Camouflage ability. It will be hard for you to hit it."

The Shadow Leopard remained hidden, blending in perfectly with its surroundings. Orion knew he had to be careful now, as the beast could strike at any moment from its hidden position.

He focused his attention, searching for any sign of the Shadow Leopard's movements. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of movement in the shadows and launched a powerful kick in that direction.

But once again, the Shadow Leopard managed to evade his attack, darting away into another shadowy corner.

Marcus couldn't help but laugh at Orion's attempts, mocking him for his lack of skill. "Ha! You call yourself a fighter?" he jeered. "You can't even land a hit on my Shadow Leopard."

Orion gritted his teeth, his frustration growing with every passing moment. He knew he was skilled, but the Shadow Leopard was proving to be a formidable opponent.

"You think you're so clever," Orion retorted, "But you're just relying on your pet's abilities to do the work for you."

Marcus simply smirked in response. "What's wrong, can't handle a little challenge?" he taunted, "Or are you too scared to face my Shadow Leopard head-on?"

Orion felt his anger boiling over. He was not scared, he was simply frustrated with the elusive beast. He took a deep breath and focused his attention once again on the task at hand.

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"Fine," he growled, "If you won't come out of hiding, then I'll just have to force you out."

With that, Orion charged forward, throwing a flurry of punches and kicks in the direction of the Shadow Leopard's last known location. He was determined to land a hit, no matter what it took.

But just as he was about to make contact, the Shadow Leopard vanished once again, reappearing behind him with a powerful swipe of its Shadow Claw.

Orion felt the attack and directly spun around, launching his own attack with a fierce roundhouse kick.

The Shadow Leopard managed to dodge the attack just in time, thanks to its Shadow Step ability. Marcus chuckled at Orion's futile attempts.

"You're really making this too easy," he taunted, "Maybe you should just give up and admit defeat."

But Orion was not one to give up so easily. He knew that he was getting closer with each failed attempt.

He continued to press forward, dodging and weaving as the Shadow Leopard attacked. He could feel his muscles straining with the effort, but he refused to back down.

And then, finally, he saw his chance. The Shadow Leopard was momentarily distracted by a sudden noise, and Orion seized the opportunity, launching a powerful punch that landed squarely on the beast's side.

The Shadow Leopard let out a fierce growl of pain, and Marcus was shocked by the sound of it. He had never heard his pet make such a noise before. He had always believed the Shadow Leopard to be invincible, impervious to any attack.

"How can you damage it?" Marcus exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief, "Even though you can punch him, the damage is not to this extent."

Orion simply shrugged, a look of satisfaction on his face. "I guess I'm just stronger than you thought," he replied, "Or maybe your Shadow Leopard isn't as invincible as you believed."

Marcus scowled at the remark, his pride stung by the defeat of his beloved pet. He had always relied on the Shadow Leopard's abilities to win his battles, never considering the possibility that it could be defeated.

"My Shadow Leopard was a Third-Stage Lord Realm Beast. It was impossible for you to damage it," Marcus said, trying to recover from the shock of his pet's defeat.

Orion let out a chuckle at Marcus's words, his confidence growing with each passing moment. "I am more powerful than you think," he replied, "Even though my realm is lower, my power is on another stage."

Marcus scoffed at the remark, unable to believe that someone with a lower realm could defeat his Third-Stage Lord Realm Beast. He had always believed that power came solely from one's realm, but now he was beginning to see that there was more to it than that.

He watched as Orion approached the Shadow Leopard once again, his fists clenched and ready for another attack. He could see the determination in the other fighter's eyes, and he knew that he was in for another tough battle.

But Marcus was not one to back down so easily. He was determined to prove that his Shadow Leopard was still a formidable opponent.

He reached for his sword, unsheathing it with fierce determination. "Shadow Leopard, fight with me," he commanded, "Use Shadow Step to attract his attention."

The Shadow Leopard obeyed, darting in and out of the shadows as it launched a series of attacks on Orion. But despite their best efforts, the two fighters found themselves evenly matched, neither able to gain the upper hand in the battle.

Orion could feel the sweat pouring down his face, his muscles straining with the effort of the fight. But he refused to give up, pushing himself to the limit as he dodged and weaved through the Shadow Leopard's attacks.

Marcus, meanwhile, was focused on his own attacks, using his sword to deflect any blows that came his way. He could feel the weight of the weapon in his hand, its reassuring presence giving him the strength he needed to continue the fight.

Despite their efforts, the battle raged on, each fighter unwilling to give up. Orion launched a powerful kick, but Marcus managed to block it with his sword, sending the younger fighter stumbling backward.

But then, something unexpected happened. Orion felt a sudden rush of energy coursing through his body, a surge of power that he had never experienced before. It was as if a barrier had been broken, allowing him to tap into a new level of strength.

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