The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 278 Fighting Blazing Sun Disciple

The Blazing Sun sect's disciples stepped forward, their eyes filled with determination as they summoned their beasts. Orion watched them closely, noting the confident look on their faces.

As the disciples began to chant and focus their energy, the air around them started to heat up. Flames flickered into existence, and soon the disciples were surrounded by a ring of fire.

Orion's eyes narrowed as he examined each beast that emerged from the disciples' beast space. He could see that they were mostly fire elements, which was to be expected from members of the Blazing Sun sect.


[Beast Race: Fire Lion]

[Elements: Fire]

[Realm: First-Stage Lord]

[Tier: C]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Flame Claws:] The Fire Lion's claws are imbued with flames, allowing it to deliver fiery slashes to its enemies. This skill is particularly useful for burning through tough materials and leaving a lasting burn on its target.

[Inferno Roar:] The Fire Lion can unleash a deafening roar that sends waves of fire in all directions, incinerating anything in its path. This ability is particularly useful for attacking multiple enemies at once or creating a fiery barrier to defend itself.

[Enhanced Agility:] The Fire Lion has enhanced agility, allowing it to move with incredible speed and grace, and easily dodge attacks. Its fiery nature also grants it a boost in speed when running through fire-based environments.

[Flame Shield:] The Fire Lion can create a protective shield of flames, which not only protects it from attacks but also burns any enemies that come too close. This skill is particularly useful for defending against ranged attacks or when surrounded by enemies.

[Heat Resistance:] The Fire Lion is highly resistant to heat and flames, allowing it to move freely through fiery environments without being harmed. This skill also grants it resistance to fire-based attacks from enemies.


[Beast Race: Fire Wolf]

[Elements: Fire]

[Realm: First-Stage Lord]

[Tier: C]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Flame Fangs:] The Fire Wolf's fangs are imbued with flames, enabling it to deliver fiery bites to its enemies. This skill is particularly useful for burning through tough materials and leaving a lasting burn on its target.

[Fire Breath:] The Fire Wolf can exhale a powerful stream of flames, incinerating anything in its path. This ability is particularly useful for attacking multiple enemies at once or lighting fires to aid in battle or survival.

[Enhanced Speed:] The Fire Wolf has enhanced speed, allowing it to move with incredible agility and evade attacks with ease. Its fiery nature also grants it a boost in speed when running through fire-based environments.

[Heat Resistance:] The Fire Wolf is highly resistant to heat and flames, allowing it to move freely through fiery environments without being harmed. This skill also grants it resistance to fire-based attacks from enemies.


As the disciples' beasts materialized, Orion noted that they were mostly Fire Lions and Fire Wolves, fierce creatures with blazing fur and sharp claws. He knew that these beasts were known for their ferocity and tenacity in battle, and he could feel their intense heat radiating from their bodies.

Orion's gaze flickered over the beasts as they prowled around their masters, emitting low growls and snarls. He observed the way their muscles rippled beneath their fiery fur and the sharpness of their teeth and claws.

These beasts were powerful, and their presence alone was enough to make even a seasoned warrior uneasy. The Fire Lions were the larger of the two, with majestic manes of flames that seemed to flicker and dance in the air.

Their eyes burned with a fierce intensity, and Orion could sense the primal energy emanating from their bodies. They were built for strength and endurance, and their roar alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

The Fire Wolves, on the other hand, were smaller but no less deadly. They moved with a grace and agility that belied their size, their eyes shining with a cunning intelligence.

Orion could see that these beasts were not to be underestimated, for they were known for their speed and precision in battle. With jaws that could snap bones with ease and paws that could rend flesh, they were a force to be reckoned with.

As Orion inspected the disciples' beasts, he could hear their mocking laughter and jeers. They seemed to think that the sight of their powerful beasts alone would be enough to intimidate him, but Orion remained unfazed.

The disciples smirked as they surveyed their beasts, confident in their numbers. One of them turned to Orion and sneered, "Did you see this? We have more beasts than you. You are alone."

Orion didn't flinch at the taunt, instead letting out a laugh that echoed across the clearing. "You think numbers are everything?" he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Let me show you what true strength is."

The disciples looked at each other, confusion etched on their faces. They had expected Orion to cower or at least show some sign of fear, but instead he seemed almost amused by their boasting. They exchanged a wary glance, unsure of what he was planning.

Ignoring their hesitation, the disciples shouted their orders to their beasts. "Fire Lion, Flame Claws!" cried one, as his beast leapt forward with flaming claws outstretched. The other disciples followed suit, commanding their beasts to attack with fire fangs and claws.

As the disciples commanded their beasts, the Fire Lions and Fire Wolves began to respond. The Fire Lions raised their paws, and their claws ignited with intense flames, casting an orange glow across the clearing. The disciples grinned with satisfaction as they watched the display of power, confident in their beasts' abilities.

The Fire Wolves also joined in, baring their fangs as they too ignited in flames. The heat emanating from their bodies intensified, making the air around them sizzle and crackle with energy. The disciples watched with pride as their beasts continued to display their fiery prowess.

Orion observed the beasts carefully, noting their movements and the intensity of their flames. He could feel the heat radiating from their bodies but he didn't even flinch in front of those beasts.

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