The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 280 Elder's True Nature

The five elders from five different sects had gathered outside the entrance of the Ruin Space, a newly discovered site rumored to hold ancient treasures and artifacts. They had come with their own disciples, all eager to explore the ruins and claim whatever valuable items they could find.

As the elders waited outside the entrance, they heard a faint humming noise emanating from the portal. Suddenly, a group of disheveled and injured disciples teleported out of the portal, landing on the ground with a thud. The elders rushed over to them, concerned about their condition.

Elder Matt, one of the elders present, recognized the disciples as belonging to the Blazing Sun sect. He looked at Elder Ethan, the leader of the Blazing Sun sect, and said with a smirk, "It seems that your disciples were eliminated quickly."

The other elders couldn't help but chuckle at the comment, as there was a sense of competition and rivalry between the sects. Elder Ethan frowned at the comment but didn't respond, instead turning his attention to his injured disciples.

He examined them carefully, noting their wounds and injuries. It was clear that they had been in a fight and a fierce one at that. He asked them what had happened.

The disciples struggled to speak, their breaths labored, and their bodies trembling with fear and exhaustion. Elder Ethan's concern was evident in his voice as he gently asked, "What happened to you? Who attacked you?"

After taking a few deep breaths, one of the disciples managed to speak, his voice barely above a whisper, "We were exploring the forest when we ran into a disciple from Celestial Harmony Sect. He attacked us without warning, and we were no match for him. He was too powerful."

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Elder Ethan's expression darkened as he heard this. He directly looked toward Elder Winston, who was representing the Celestial Harmony Sect. There was a palpable tension between the two elders as they locked eyes.

Elder Winston, however, remained composed and showed no signs of guilt or remorse. He simply said, "I'm sorry to hear that your disciples were injured, but it's not uncommon to encounter danger in this kind of expedition."

Elder Ethan's anger simmered beneath the surface, but he couldn't refute Elder Winston's statement. It was true that expeditions like this were risky, and they had all prepared their disciples accordingly.

Elder Winston then continued, "Let's cut to the chase now. I'm sure that you all also ordered your disciples to attack other disciples to get the resources."

His words were like a bombshell, and the other elders present looked at each other, unsure of how to respond. Elder Ethan felt his blood boil, but he knew that Elder Winston was not entirely wrong. The competition between the sects was fierce, and there were instances where disciples resorted to violence to gain an advantage.

Elder Ethan cleared his throat and said, "While it is true that we are all here to search for resources and treasures, we do not condone violence. Our disciples have been instructed to defend themselves if necessary, but we do not tolerate unprovoked attacks on others."

Elder Winston raised an eyebrow skeptically, "Don't be hypocritical. I know that your disciples mostly attack the others. We can't really say that my disciple was the one who attacked them. It can be said that my disciple was just strong and defeated them when they attacked him."

Elder Ethan gritted his teeth at the accusation, but he knew that there was some truth to it. He had even ordered his disciples to eliminate other disciples for the treasures. He couldn't deny it, but he couldn't admit it either. He looked at Elder Winston, his eyes burning with anger, but he remained silent.

The other elders looked at each other nervously, unsure of how to intervene in the escalating tension between the two elders. It was clear that there was a longstanding rivalry between their sects, but this was the first time it had turned violent.

Elder Winston continued, "Let's just cast off the face and admit that we all have done things we're not proud of in the pursuit of power and resources."

Elder Matt from the Terra Nova sect then laughed and walked toward them. "I see that the competition has begun. I don't need to hide it anymore. I indeed ordered my disciples to attack other disciples," he said, grinning broadly.

Elder Ethan's eyes narrowed at the admission, but he didn't say anything. The situation had become even more complicated with the involvement of a third sect. He wondered how many other sects had similar strategies, and how far they were willing to go to gain an advantage.

Elder Winston crossed his arms over his chest, "See? It's not just us. The truth is, this is the reality of the cultivation world. We are all in a race to become the strongest, and sometimes that means stepping on others to get there."

The tension in the room was palpable as the four elders from different sects faced each other. Elder Olivia from the Aqua Tempest sect and Elder Samuel from the Sky Wing sect had remained quiet until now, but they didn't hesitate to speak up when they realized what was happening.

"I have to admit, I have done the same," Elder Olivia said, her voice steady and unapologetic. "We are all here to gain power and resources, and we will do whatever it takes to achieve our goals."

Elder Samuel nodded in agreement, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, we have to be ruthless if we want to survive in this world. Our disciples have been instructed to eliminate any threats to our sect's prosperity."

As the other elders spoke, Elder Ethan's mind was racing. He knew deep down that he had done the same as them, but he didn't want to admit it. He had always tried to keep a low profile and not draw attention to himself. But now, hearing the others confess their misdeeds, he could feel his true personality bubbling up to the surface.

Suddenly, he couldn't hold it in any longer. "I can't believe this," he burst out, his voice cracking with emotion. "You all act so high and mighty, but you're all just as ruthless as I am."

The other elders turned to look at him, surprised by his outburst. Elder Ethan continued, his voice growing louder and more forceful with each word. "My disciples were the first to be eliminated in this competition, and I know that I was partly to blame for their failure. I pushed them too hard, and I didn't care about the consequences."

He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But you know what? I don't regret it. In this world, only the strong survive, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that my sect comes out on top."

Elder Winston raised an eyebrow at this, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Well, well, it seems that Elder Ethan has finally shown his true colors. I always suspected that there was more to you than met the eye."

Elder Ethan bristled at the comment, feeling both angry and exposed. But he knew that there was no going back now. He had revealed his true nature, and he would have to live with the consequences.

The room fell silent as the elders stared at each other, each lost in their own thoughts. The reality of the cultivation world was harsh and unforgiving, and they all knew that they would have to continue to be ruthless if they wanted to survive.

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