The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1052 Secret IV

Inside the ring, Huo Long sat in Lotus's position near Clift with his eyes closed, his expression was calm and collected but the volcano in front of him erupted reminding him of the tragic memory of the past, Huo Long's eyelashes began to flutter like butterfly wings before slowly he opened his eyes.

"Seeress" he mutters quietly.

Behind him, Arthea stood up quietly with her gray eyes staring at the volcano in the distance for a long time before she shifted his eyes behind Huo long "The time had arrived ..." she said in a profound tone.

"From now on it depends on them" Huo Long clenched his fist with his eyes fixed on the Volcano.

"You've been waiting for a long time, alone and desperate you searching for a way to fulfill your promise to your master...the master that you let down" Arthea's voice was like steel it was hard and cold.

Huo Long lowered his head, his eyes misted with tears and the pain on his face was inconceivable for anyone to see.

"To avoid the nightmare of the past you created this world in mystique real inside, a world as you remember when everything was still good, I wonder if that boy realizes that mountain is the same Yin Shan mountain thousands of years ago" Arthea glance meaningfully at Huo Long.

"Aren't you the same" Huo Long stands abruptly, he flicks his sleeves while throwing a reproachful Look "I know you have many secrets, the past that you want to forget...the unforgivable mistakes you want to fix...isn't that why we are all here because the past haunts us so relentlessly, its grip our soul and mind, and it never let us go no matter how long time has passed "

Arthea is not angry, she turns her gaze and smiles thinly "I'm not coming here to agitated you, red dragon"

"Well, you might fool me!" Huo Long said sarcastically.

"You worry, I understand that" Arthea saunter to the edge of the cliff then she closes her eyes and lets the wind blow her long silvery hair.

"This will be the biggest trial for both of them, whether they will succeed or fail in the end will determine the fate of the whole world in the universe"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You think Lazarus will not stop after he destroy this world, there's some hope in me thinking for at least after he gets what he wants he will finally stop" Huo Long takes a sharp breath feeling lost and uncertain.

Arthea was silent, guilt flashing in her eyes before vanishing without a trace then she took a deep breath while saying in a heavy tone "Perhaps there might still be hope if it was the former him but the current he is right now?...unfortunately, he has lost control long ago"

"Apart from that you also won't let Lazarus take Lory despite everything you say or do to her, I can feel you care for her...deeply" Huo took a long time to assess the change on Arthea's face but the woman remained unperturbed.

"I won't let Lucient's line be broken and that the promised I meant to keep and I will fulfill it... at any cost," there was a cool determination in her expression though it was hidden behind her youthful beauty.

Huo Long looked at him and sighed heavily "We can only pray to God…"

The corners of his lips lifted in a sneer "Even though I conveyed the words of the Gods but I never prayed to them… not since that day" her eyes were dark and hooded.

"Seems personal?" Huo Long stared inquisitively.

Arthea turns around and walks away, saying "It's always has been, don't you think…" she walks past Huo Long soon after her figure slowly vanishes into thin air.

Huo Long glanced at where Arthea had disappeared then he turned his eyes back to the volcano, "There is only one card left and it's all up to the descendant of the first king to end this long tragedy… may God help us all…" Huo Long said quietly while closing his eyes.


As Zhao Li Xin went deeper into the cave, more beasts faced her ranging from centipedes, spiders, and scorpions, the good thing was that most of them were ordinary beasts and she had never met a hybrid beast… yet.

Zhao Li Xin's eyes darted to the corners of his eyes, from far away he could feel someone had been following her for a while. Zhao Li Xin didn't want to surprise the culprit so he let the mysterious stalker follow him and see what this person wanted, but after a while Zhao Li Xin got bored.

"Better show yourself before I make you to..." Zhao Li Xin opened his palm and golden flames emerged from his palm like a torch.

"I wonder why you didn't pay attention to me..." Lao Min Na sat leisurely on a high rock with her palm supporting her chin.

Suddenly flames hit her and instantly shattered the rock but Lao Min Na nimbly jumped into the air and then smoothly landed on the ground with an annoyed expression, "That's a rude greeting, don't you think?!"

"If only you would humbly accept it," he said sarcastically.

Lao Min Na's mouth twitched, she could feel a thick murderous aura emanating from Zhao Li Xin's frosty gaze as if he couldn't wait to tear her apart.

"You have always been a cruel man even from the past" Lao Min Na's red lips curved into a smirk "But I liked you more then than now"

Blatant contempt appeared on Zhao Li Xin's face, "I don't know what happened in your previous life, but I'm sure we're not close so don't even try it now... it disgusts me" Zhao Li Xin knew about Lao Min Na rewind her time with Lazarus's help but it didn't impress him, instead, it made him think that everything Lao Min Na had achieved so far was nothing but a fraud.

Anger flared across Lao Min Na's face but she hold it, she actually expected his harsh comment besides he was known to have a poisonous tongue.

"We can still be friends you know..." an innocent smile bloomed on her dazzling face that could touch any man's heart.

Unfortunately, Zhao Li Xin was no ordinary human, instead increasing her killing intent even faster after thousands of petals of sparks poured down on Lao Min Na.

Lao Min Na quickly raised her arm and a spike made of blood thrust against the flower petals but one of the petals manage to graze her cheeks.

Lao Min Na was startled and dark blood trickled down to her cheek.

Infuriated, she released her power and like the mouth of snakes it swallow Zhao Li Xin's flame and extinguish it into nothing "Enough!" she shouted, "I came here to give you an offer!"

"Another offer? Don't you got bored with this? well, I do," Zhao Li Xin thought about how boring Lao Min Na's scheme was, can she find a new one? Zhao Li Xin prepare for another attack but Lao Min Na stopped him.

"I'm being serious here, Long Ming" there's a frustration hinted in his words "Do you want to know what Lazarus wants with the crimson Lightning sword!"

Nevertheless, her words stop Zhao Li Xin's rampage the fire around him slowly dissipated "Go on…" he calmly said before lowering his hand.

Lao Min Na saw the killing intent dwindle slightly and inwardly heaved a sigh of relief, she was finally able to speak, "First of all, I will tell you that for some unknown reason Lazarus seems to want you to get the crimson lightning sword. "

"And…" Zhao Li Xin didn't look impressed she look at him impatiently.

"Aren't you worried? who knows what kind of evil plans he has for you? it could be worst than hell but don't worry because I have a better solution for you" A smirk played on the edges of Lao Min Na's red lips.

"You should know from your 'wife' that her ancestor didn't kill Lazarus, but instead imprisoned him in the depth of the earth so why not repeat that action, why not lock Lazarus instead?"

Zhao Li Xin didn't say a word but Lao Min Na knew she had caught his interest, and her voice became more and more confident.

"How to lock Lazarus I think your dear princess Lorient should know about it, when that happened you don't have to worry about your own safety..."

Zhao Li Xin suddenly interrupted, "What happened to Lory after Lazarus was locked up, will Lory be free from her curse?" his features set in concentration because to him nothing was more important than this.

Lao Min Na's face instantly turned sour. If there is one thing she hates the most about Zhao Li Xin it will be his unwavering feeling for Lory, she never understood how could a blood-crazed monster like him could love anyone so sincerely and purely.

She always thought Zhao Li Xin was like her because of that even when she knew Zhao Li Xin fell in love with Lory, she was sure that feeling wouldn't last long, how could that be? After experiencing so many betrayals, humiliation, and cruelty by everyone close to you, how could you love someone with all your heart without suspicion and paranoia? just like her feelings for Zhao Yi Chen in the end that feeling inevitably wears off.

But Lory and Zhao Li Xin are different, not only that their relationship lasts longer than he thought, their relationship is also healthy and harmonious, there has never been any suspicion or excessive jealousy between them, and she has never heard of any big quarrel between Lory and Zhao Li Xin, everything seem calm and peaceful between then so what made Zhao Li Xin different from her?

If Zhao Li Xin heard what Lao Min was thinking she would answer with certainty without any hesitation, the only difference between them was 'Lory'.

"What has been given can't be taken back, that's the law" Lao Min Na casually opened her arms and shrugged nonchalantly "But what that matter, you still have a long time in your life to live together, you may love it very much now but who knows after a long time passes after you got old and wrinkles that feeling will decrease like a normal human being so you might not care too much about after all she's not your responsibility anymore after she dies right?"


Another hit strikes Lao Min Na but this time it was faster and stronger than before even when she was protected by the blood barrier she was still pushed back a few meters.

"Wrong…" Zhao Li Xin's eyes shone with fury.

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