The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1132 Meeting New Hunters

A healer is someone who was born with a gift to heal someone however Healer's 'gift' is actually not that great, most of them can only heal small wounds like graze from sharp objects, or stop someone bleeding though it depends on whether the bleeding is big or not they also reduce fatigue or pain and mild poison some healer who got better ability can do slightly better like healing stab wounds or cure mid- level poison but still compared to Lory's healing gift that can cure anything and hundreds of people at once prove the disparity between them was significantly huge almost like jokes but still they are quite useful especially when potions and common medicines were scarce.

However, a lot of healers gather at the S.A.I.N.T organization because the organization gives a lot of benefits to healers like free tuition, free-living place, health insurance and even free tax for the entire family therefore many people who got healing abilities drawn by the organization.

Once they become part of The organization they will work for a lot of charities that are supported by the organization and sometimes the healer would be lent to provide some assistance to big organizations or certain groups as assistants.

But even so, it's not easy asking for the healer's assistance from the S.A.I.N.T organization because healers are very valuable to the organization so Lory wonders if this woman is really from the S.A.I.N.T If that is true then this group must not be ordinary people or at least the people who hire them must be a very influential people.

[You want to help them?] Zhao Li Xin waits for Lory's answer cause he doesn't mind either way.

Usually, Lory would say 'yes' but she cannot be reckless cause if the woman is truly from the S.A.I.N.T organization then she must be careful because the relationship between that organization and the Lucient family was not exactly amicable.

The reason apart from being jealous of Lucien's power is also because they don't have the same views on almost everything, whether it's about the world or about politics, they always have opposing views.

[No, let's wait a bit longer] Lory predicted that since they had only a few Wild Hounds left, Lory was sure the hunters would be able to survive.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zhao Li Xin didn't care, heck,  if it was up to him there was no way he would help those strangers, instead of worrying about the safety of these unknown groups he rather examined their fighting movement, after all, Zhao Li Xin had never fought a hunter other than Lory and after a while, his conclusion was these hunters were much weaker than Lory.

Finally, the Wild hound finally cut down to only one and Lory thought this was the perfect time to show herself.

Lory swiftly threw several knives at the stray dog's head which instantly killed the animal, then pretended to come up to them with a worried face "Are you guys all right?"

The hunters were surprised by Lory's sudden arrival, immediately they all looked at Lory warily, but thanks to Lory's convincing acting and also seeing Lory was just a young girl who looked like a novice hunter, they lowered their guard a little.

But the problem came when Zhao Li Xin came while he was walking behind Lory, instantly the air around them felt heavy as if a mountain had fallen on them without realizing they were all holding their breath.

And a man among them who was holding a machine gun, felt his whole body tense up and cold sweat beaded down his back subconsciously his hand gripped the gun until his knuckles turned white, fortunately, his index finger was far from the trigger otherwise he might have accidentally fired his rifle.

Lory could feel the air around them tighten, but Lory thought it was because they were wary of their sudden arrival, yet not once did Lory suspect this tension was caused by Zhao Li Xin's presence. Lory seemed to have forgotten how people usually reacted when they met Zhao Li Xin for the first time.

Bei Li Yan used to joke with Lory saying 'Young madam, you want to know how to ruin a party? that's easy, just take my Lord I dare to bet all my fortune that everything will be deathly quiet even small children will stop crying when they see my lord and everything will feel like someone had die...well, normally that's will  be the case~'

It wasn't a joke and it had happened many times, Zhao Li Xin liked to show up uninvited to one of his enemies' birthday parties which usually become their death anniversary as well.

Zhao Li Xin was silent behind Lory with his face covered with his hoodie which made it difficult for others to see his face unfortunately it only make everyone feel more uneasy.

In his defense  Zhao Li Xin will say, he didn't do anything and he had no intention of intimidating anyone or scaring them, too bad it's not easy for Zhao Li Xin to suppress the tyrannical aura that had been ingrained within him for years.

To dispel their worry, Lory took out a few Health potions from the backpack from Zhao Li Xin and then said: "He looks badly injured do you need any health potions I have some here but it's only low-level potions so might not be of much help" Lory showed three crystal tubes as a form of sincerity.

They looked hesitated then Lory continued "Sorry I don't have any mana potions...we don't have much money so this is all we have..." Lory looked embarrassed but she wasn't lying she didn't have any mana potions because the potions were more expensive than health potions and sadly the princess didn't have any money!

On the other hand, after the hunters heard what Lory said they became relieved because it meant that Lory really had to be a rookie hunter because only rookie hunters had to buy their own potion supplies without any support from the guild so even though they were still wary of Zhao Li Xin, but seeing the state of their friends they pushed those feelings behind their back and besides they outnumbered Lory and Zhao Li Xin so why should they afraid.

Lory knew she had successfully dispelled their doubt.

"That's more than enough, thank you miss..." the hunter who held a heavy machine gun lowered his gun then put it behind his back then accept the potion bottle from Lory gratefully.

The man has dark blonde hair with a burr haircut, and deep blue eyes with diamond shaped face and prominent cheeks bone he looks quite handsome but the scars that cross between the top of his left brows down below his eye make him look a bit scary though Lory didn't feel he scary at all cause she feels no malice in pair of his blue eyes.

However, since he was the one who spoke amongst them Lory guessed the man must be the leader, "My name is Raven Jane and this is my husband, Zhao Li Xin, sorry he only speaks Astern language and he is awkward around new people," Lory try to lighten the mood.

"Oh which eastern country is he from?" he was shocked then he took it as a reason why Zhao Li Xin look…different.

"Xiya Country but he spent most of his time in Rodant city" Lory answer calmly with a big smile as she lie through her teeth.

"Oh, Rodant city" No wonder the aura around him feel heavy, The man nodded while passing the potion to all his injured friends then turning back to Lory "Oh yes my name is Garrof and they are my friends, the quiet-looking man with a double sword over there is Dan, the man beside him with long guns is his younger brother, Owen and the one who unfortunately got seriously injured is Lyod, my old friends, thank goodness Miss Boyd is with us otherwise we all will die now" he looked at Lydia in gratitude.

The young woman has long blonde curly hair that adorns her love shape face, she got fair skin with little freckles on her nose. The woman's appearance looks docile and cute like a bunny and judging from the way she looks she is probably not older than twenty-three years old.

The young woman smiled shyly at Garrof's praise but still focused on healing the poor man, Lyod.

Lyod was a burly-looking man with a large build, he had black hair in a buzz cut he also had a strong square jaw covered with a short beard which made him look rough and intimidating even though his face was deathly pale while the woman named Lydia was trying hard to help him luckily Lory gave him a health potion so the wounds on his body recovered quite bit at least he was no longer bleeding, only after that the man's face has visibly become much better and his breathing became more regular.

Lory glanced between Garrof and Lyod, judging from their demeanor and hairstyle she was sure they must be former soldiers maybe they retired but they didn't look too old just mid forty so there might be an insightful story about it.

For Lory, it wasn't difficult for Lory to recognize whether someone was a former soldier or not because she and Lucas grew up in the King's Men environment moreover Zargan and Fargo came from renowned military families and Lory was trained by them along with Lucas so she got used to interacting with military man, therefore, she can recognize them easily.

After a while, Lydia breathed a sigh of relief after almost the heavy injury on Lyod's body has healed but at the same time he felt embarrassed she failed to help him if it wasn't for the health potions Lyod might have died from losing too much blood.

"Miss Jane, my name is Lydia, I want to say thank you for your help if it wasn't for your help I'm afraid…" she swallow the next words not daring to say it out loud.

Lory waved her hand "Don't mention it, I'm glad I could help"

"It's getting late..." Garrof stared at the setting sun leaving a reddish-orange color that paints the sky.

Owen, the young man with light brown hair scrunched up his face as the pungent smell of dead beasts permeated the air, then he quickly turned to Garrof, "Boss, we better get far away from here, this strong smell will attract more Wild Hounds!"

As profess  hunters they knew if they avoid it they did not want to fight beasts when the day has become dark so they quickly packed their things to leave but then Garrof turned to Lory "Would you like to join us, it will be safer for you if you come with us?" he felt bad leaving amateur hunters alone in this place after so kindly helping them out.

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