The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1177 The Alliance

The next morning Lory left Hamilton Manor early to get some of their stuff at the Beast Slayer guild and she insisted on leaving Zhao Li Xin at the Manor as he needed to meditate to stabilize his increased strength so it was ineffective letting Zhao Li Xin continue to follow her when he could make better use of his time.

Zhao Li Xin inevitably had to agree to Lory's suggestion because Lory was right that this would be more beneficial to him than following his wife everywhere.

Zhao Li Xin herself had been meditating since before dawn because of her upbringing. Zhao Li Xin wasn't used to sleeping long but she thought her sleep time had lengthened since meeting Lory.

When Lory woke up, she found Zhao Li Xin meditating on the carpet in front of their bed, because she was used to it, Lory just yawned while stretching her arms and then went to the bathroom to get ready, Lory did her things as quietly as possible so as not to disturb Zhao Li Xin and when it was time to go Lory didn't forget to put up a barrier around Zhao Li Xin before she left just in case.

The room fell silent as he sink deeper into his meditating state time and space seemed to merge into one, it felt like he was floating in a complete void, his senses were heightened he could hear everything from the sound of the wind outside his room to his own heartbeat and he could feel everything as well, from the air around him to the movement of his blood through his veins and the energy that circulated around him that swirled like the current in a river it was strong and violent therefore he had to control it before it swallowed him and hurt him instead.

Unknowingly the clock was already pointing at twelve, the glare of the sun made his eyelids twitch slowly his eyes opened. Zhao Li Xin then looked at the glass door and noticed that the sun was already high, indicating that it was already noon.

Zhao Li Xin took a deep breath after that he turned his gaze to the clock hanging on the wall to confirm the time, Zhao Li Xin then looked around but couldn't find his wife. Zhao Li Xin frowned wondering why Lory wasn't home yet, he took his cell phone from the side table and then proceed to call his wife.

The phone answered immediately [Hello handsome, finished your meditation, already?] Lory's cheer could be heard from the phone.

A smile automatically bloomed on Zhao Li Xin's face, he walked toward the porch and then slid the sliding glass door that lead to the porch next to the swimming pool. 

Zhao Li Xin then sat on the rattan chair crossing her legs gracefully [En, where is your wife?] he asked directly which might sound intrusive to some people.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But for people who knew Zhao Li Xin closely, it was a sign that he cared because normally even if someone died next to him, Zhao Li Xin would remain unaffected apart from moving elsewhere so he wouldn't be disturbed.

[I'm at the hardware store, to buy some things we'll need, after this I'm going to go to the clothing store to buy some underwear, apparently we don't have enough…huh?! Oh, after everything is done, I'll pick you up to buy a car, well you can't buy an expensive one but I guess it's not a problem right]

Lory's excited voice brightens Zhao Li Xin's mood he is also curious about what kind of car Lory wants to buy because he has seen all kinds of cars these past few days and is amazed at how creative people in this world if only someone in his world could come up with a creative idea on making horse carriages other than the boring square shapes.

[It's up to you, then I'll wait for you] Even though Zhao Li Xin's voice sounded flat and lackluster, Lory knew that Zhao Li Xin might be more excited than her.

[Okay, I'll be back soon, I love you!] Lory ends her call. Zhao Li Xin looks at the phone screen with a gentle face, if there is a tool that she likes the most in Lory's world it must be a cell phone, if only a cell phone exists in his world, it is unimaginable how many problems he can solve in one day, But when Zhao Li Xin thinks again, that's probably a bad idea.

Zhao Li Xin could already imagine the endless calls and messages from the four Kings Palace and the Mong brothers reporting every little thing to him especially Bei Li Yan, who knows what kinda gossip would be sent to him day after day, just imagining it gave Zhao Li Xin a headache.

Zhao Li Xin crossed his legs while staring at the surface of the swimming pool, his black onyx eyes were cold and hollow that devoid of any emotion just like an exquisite marble statue, he look breathtakingly beautiful but at the same time gave off a sense of solitude that no one could cross.

[You finally wake up] The old man Hugo Hamilton came with his arms clasped behind his back, his eyes crinkling as he smile at Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin glanced at the old man who was wearing a long tunic with gold embroidery and white pants, and behind him, Allen Alderton was quietly accompanying the old man but then he glared at Zhao Li Xin as a sign to remind Zhao Li Xin to stand up from his seat as a courtesy to the old man.

Too bad he asks the wrong person. Zhao Li Xin who was only wearing light brown pants and a long-sleeved shirt sat leisurely on the rattan chair without showing any sign of getting up.

Allen's face turned sour due to Zhao Li Xin's impudence, Allen felt that this young man only had a handsome face but lack of manners. Zhao Li Xin himself didn't care about what Allen thinking cause in Zhao Li Xin's eyes, Allen's existence was similar to the eunuch who used to accompany the emperor, Zhao Li Xin didn't bother to spare any glance at Allen instead he was more curious what the old man wants from him.

Hugo was attracted by Zhao Li Xin's boldness. If it was anyone else, he might have thought they were trying to bluff to get his attention, but that was not the case with this young man. Hugo saw no ambition, greed, or excitement in the young man's eyes, only a hint of curiosity flashed in his black eyes that reminded him of sparkling black pearls.

"Mr. Zhao, you should..." Allen grew impatient with Zhao Li Xin's impertinence, he was about to rebuke him but Hugo raised his hand to stop Allen.

[Do you drink tea Mr. Zhao?] Hugo suddenly asks.

Zhao Li Xin tilted his head [More or less…] he answer vaguely.

[I take that as a 'yes then] Hugo didn't offend instead he waved his hand [Tell them to bring my tea set]

Allen cleared his throat to suppress his dissatisfaction then lowered his head politely [Right away sir,]

After Allen carried out his order, only Zhao Li Xin and Hugo were left on the porch. Zhao Li Xin didn't look awkward, he remained calm and slightly indifferent to Hugo sitting across from him.

Hugo had never been treated like this since the Dark Ages war ended [I noticed we were talking more comfortably compared to the first time we met] Hugo didn't find it strange since Xiya was a very large country and consisted of various ethnicity and dialects so it's not strange that there are some Xiya people who have difficulty using their national language properly.

[I've learned...] Zhao Li Xin neither confirms nor refutes, he only gives vague answers.

[Anyway, I have shown the plum blossom painting to one of my colleagues and he didn't believe me when I told him the painting was made by a young painter that not even close to forty, my college was certain the painting must be painted by an old master painter] Hugo grinned from ear to ear as he spoke to Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin wasn't sure if Hugo was joking or serious with her, she didn't understand that a sloppy painting could be praised so highly, could it be that the standard of ink painting in this world was so low? Zhao Li Xin turn quiet but Hugo thought that Zhao Li Xin's silence was because he was trying to be humble.

[Why don't you paint for me, that way you can earn more money and not have to do the dangerous job as a hunter and your wife can also retire from such risky work] Hugo thinks someone like Zhao Li Xin's talent was waste for being a hunter.

Hearing the word money Zhao Li Xin became interested [How much money are we talking about?]

Hugo's face lit up like a bulb as he is able to make Zhao Li Xin interested [The painting you made before had been appraised by an auction house and they say they wouldn't mind paying ten thousand Roms for the painting but they said it may be worth fifteen thousand Rom if you meet the right person] Hugo explained.

Zhao Li Xin pondered, it's not that he wants to stop being a hunter but if there is an opportunity for him to make a lot of money with his own ability then he won't pass up the opportunity after all as a man that grew up in very traditional society Zhao Li Xin cannot shake his sense of duty to make money for his wife regardless of Lory able to make her own money or not, he still needs to provide her!

People said 'You don't know how much you need money until you have none' Guess that was true for Zhao Li Xin's situation.

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