The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1211 Cross Path

Fredhardt massaged his forehead feeling extremely depressed while Jay and Clift's expressions became as dark as charcoal. Fargo paced back and forth while subconsciously rubbing his fingers, he mumbled "There has to be a way to this!"

The woman in the white coat braced herself with a low voice she said: "Perhaps...the Saintess can help if we..."

"No!" Fargo's jaw tightens as he points his finger at her.

The woman shrinks his neck and then lowers her head not daring to speak anymore.

"Calm down" Fred sigh heavily.

"I am CALM DOWN!" Fargo spat his anger "If I'm not calm down I will bring my people to strike down The S.A.I.N.T. headquarters tight now and demand them to tell me what the hell they did to my King!" his voice increasingly louder and louder.

Other than Fredhardt, Jay, and Clift everyone else in the room did not dare to lift their head afraid to incite Fargo's anger even more.

"I can do that" Clift's words silence the room.

"What? start an open war with The S.A.I.N.T. organization and ruin hundreds of years of the

Lucient reputation that they built with their own blood and life?" Jay gives Clift a disapproved look.

"No, of course not" Clift turned to the people in white coats, they were all the best Doctors, and Creator in Harland who had been gathered by Fredhardt himself to examine and treat Lucas' condition sadly they couldn't help too much.

Jay pressed the button next to him "You all leave us!" he gave short orders not only to the people in the room but also to the healer in the next room.

Without waiting for further orders, they all left simultaneously the room, leaving only the four Archknights and Lucas lying soundly in the next room after that Clift pressed another button then the surveillance camera in the room was turned off as well.

Clift stared at the sleeping man behind the glass for a long time then he turned his set around put his hands in his pockets and said: "I mean, I can sneak into Domus Angelica, S.A.I.N.T.'s headquarters to see what they're planning and gather enough evidence so that we can justify our reasons for attacking the organization without damaging Lucient's reputation" Clift's explain his plan in a very pragmatic way, it seems he has been plan this all along.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You want to sneak into the Wellington town of Dolza?" Fred's eyes stare sharply at Jay not because he disapproves of his action but because he is worried for Clift's safety.

Clift noticed the worry in Fred's voice and the corner of his lips turned up slightly "It's fine, it's not like I haven't done this before"

"But this isn't the same" Fargo chimed in. "We don't know anything about the headquarters Landscape, we don't know their level of security or what kind of weapons they have, and what's more we don't know how many special forces called the Paladins are on guard there, and the know there are there's something wrong with that woman"

"The more reason for us to investigate them, or you have a better plan?" Clift looked at them consecutively, "You know we cannot just stay here and do nothing" his voice came out desperate but firm.

"Actually, I do!" Jay suddenly raised his hand.

Everyone simultaneously turns their head at Jay.

"Coincidently, I just got interesting information from a trusted source. A Few weeks ago a man named Alfred Hubert published a story on one of the news sites about his missing daughter after he accepted a job offer to join the S.A.I.N.T. organization he also included quite reliable evidence regarding his statement. It turns out her daughter is a Gifted woman and guess what her daughter's gift is?" There was a strange glint in Jay's eyes.

Everyone fell silent and Jay continued, "Her daughter has the gift of healing and isn't that bad either, of course, according to Hubert's words, but what makes things more interesting is that he swears that his daughter wasn't the only one recruited that day, Hubert said he could at least name twenty other healers who were recruited along with his daughter."

They were astonished, Please note that Healing Gifts are not common, in fact, they are very rare and their strengths also vary but they are highly valued by society, therefore, everyone who has the Healing Gift will naturally be given privileges such as their taxes being much lower, they It is also prioritized when they want to go to school and also apply for jobs. 

Therefore, only Big Guilds and prestigious hospitals can afford to pay for the Healer services, even Fred can only gather a few dozen healers, which is already very impressive, so where did they find these healers, and why gather so many healers?

"When did they all disappear?" Fred's eyes tensed together in obvious concern.

Jay answers pointedly "Hubert says he lost contact with his daughter a week before Nazareth awakened"

Everyone immediately held their breath, Fargo scratched his head "I know what you mean, but isn't that a farfetched conclusion, maybe it's all just a coincidence"

"You think I'm an amateur?" Jay then took out his phone and showed Fargo. On the phone screen was the image of a young woman with ginger red hair and blue eyes who appeared to be no more than twenty years old.

"That's a photo of Jessi Hubert taken when she made a phone call from a public telephone. She said she was not allowed to bring her phone therefore it took so long until she found a phone booth to secretly call her father and the photo was taken from the minimarket surveillance camera, and guess where the minimarket is located?" Without waiting for an answer Jay said, "This is from a small town called Black Hill which is not far from Mount Fehrer where Nazareth was imprisoned."

Everyone's faces turned pale, but Jay didn't stop there. "And guess who else I found in the same location as Jessi Hubert?"

"Damn it, Jay, stop putting us in suspense will ya!" Fargo roared impatiently.

Jay smirked as he continued to throw another bomb at his brother, "There's A Dragxtarn, his name is Marius Walton"

"A Dragxtarn?! What are they doing with the S.A.I.N.T organization recruit?" Fargo is unable to control his voice, luckily they are in a closed room.

Jay shrugged, "I don't know but from his movements, he and the other Dragxtarn seem to be escorting the recruits."

"So they've been working together..." Fred muttered.

"This is not good" Fargo gritted his teeth.

"The funny thing is, this task was supposed to be carried out by Samuel Albrecht, but for some reason, he decided to resign from his duties and coincidentally not long after he and his family died in a car accident two weeks before Nazareth break his you still think this is all coincidence?" Jay's gaze was challenging.

"Sh*t, I read the news but I didn't think further..." Fred rubbed his forehead.

"None of us care, after all a lot of things happen..." Clift lowers his somber eyes.

"So, what's your plan, Jay?" Fargo inquired.

"My plan is to bring Alfred Hubert to Harland so we can question him while ensuring his safety as he has been hunted by the underground Guild and possibly Dragxtarn as well since he published his story, that's why I need your help to support me, as always." Jay gave a meaningful smirk at Clift.

The corner of Clift's lips slight into a dangerous smile "Just like the old time, huh"

"Yup!" Jay answers perfunctorily.

Fred raked his finger through his hair "Okay, you know where is this man?"

"My informant has secured Mr. Hubert in a safe location," Jay answered readily.

"Oh, where is it?" Fargo raised his brows.

Jay looks down at his phone and then says "The Eagle Rock city"


Elsewhere, Hugo once attended Arabella's auction house in the city of Eagle Rock. Arabella Auction has several branches in the world, but the newest one is in the city of Eagle Rock, to celebrate one year of the founding of the Arabella Auction house in the city of Eagle Rock, they held a large fundraising event inviting many important people, and Hugo was one of them.

Dozens of luxury cars were queuing at a luxury Renaissance-style building. Hug as an important person is given a special VIP place on the second floor.

After he took a seat he backed up Allen then asked "How is Mr. Zhao painting?"

"I have handed it over to the Auction house manager to include Mr. Zhao's painting," Allen answered politely.

"How did they respond?" Hugo's brows raised in amusement..

Allen smiled softly "They really like it"

Hugo laughed while nodding in satisfaction "Of course - Of course..."

"If I may ask, how did you manage to attract everyone's interest with Mr. Zhao's paintings?

"It's not that I'm denigrating Mr. Zhao's work, it's just that the people present here are used to seeing extraordinary works. I'm afraid Mr. Zhao's paintings won't attract their attention enough."

Hugo chuckled as he raised his expresso cup. "Don't you understand the minds of rich people, don't you realize how arrogant, haughty, and petty they are" Hugo took a sip of his coffee and then continued "If there is anything that bothers them the most it is that one that they can't have" He had a thrilled self conscious smile like a sly fox.

Not long after, a bell sounded signaling the start of the auction. A moment later the auctioneer presents the first item and then gives a brief presentation about the item before everyone begins their bidding.

Hugo watched as the rich threw away their money for 'good causes' like water when not long ago they burned their money to make bonfires so they wouldn't get cold.

Only seven years have passed but people have forgotten the hardships they have gone through, especially these rich people who most of them live safely in their safe bunkers.

At that time, if an accident had not occurred in his bunker, Hugo would probably be the same as these people who had forgotten their previous struggle to survive they no longer appreciated the small things they now enjoyed.

Hugo sometimes wondered when they would start to forget the sacrifices of the soldiers, hunters, and brave civilians who sacrificed their lives for this peace, when would they forget the sacrifices of the entire Lucient family and their Archknights for their survival? perhaps they already did.

Hugo's expression grew somber every time he heard about the amount of money they wasted, cause Hugo knew they were just flaunting their wealth among their peers and reporters who recorded this event so they could gain a reputation and at the same time create an image as a philanthropist.

Ironically he is also one of them maybe a little different but overall he is no better than them. At the end of the day, he was just the same selfish hypocrite.

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