The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 869 - The Deception III

Xiao Bo Zhi and his underlings were confused as to how the hybrid beasts could die so quickly did Jin Kai give them a guarantee that the beast will be stronger than any normal beast but the fact in front of them shocked them nonetheless.

For those who have never fought a hybrid beast, it will certainly be difficult to deal with it because the beast will continue to attack even if its limbs are cut off because the one controlling it is a parasite in its brain, so to kill it faster it is better to stab its head with spirit stones that had absorbed the sacred power of the fragments.

However, this trick could only work once when the beast realized they were aiming for their weak point, their instincts told them to protect their head so the beast started dodging the arrows, some using their bodies to block the arrows.

And the Hybrid beasts roared in anger because the wound didn't kill them, instead, it's causing them to sink into madness. Seeing the surrounding animals heating up, Xiao Bo Zhi's confidence returned, he believed that the previous situation was just a coincidence and made the animals even crazier.

"Attack the Capital!" Xiao Bo Zhi ordered the thousands of soldiers to attack, the cavalrymen galloped their horses ferociously while the rest of the soldiers ran towards the city gates with a long roar.

However, something Xiao Bo Zhi didn't expect happened. Thousands of soldiers from left and right sides charged towards his army, and from the city gate, a huge firestone projectile is thrown into the air and hit Xiao Bo Zhi's soldiers and shattered their army formation.

even more, firestone was thrown from the city gates and Xiao Bo Zhi's army was in a frenzy and the beasts writhed as the hot flames engulfed them, but hundreds of arrows shot back and pierced through the temples of the beasts and killed the beast.

Xiao Bo Zhi's face was deathly pale, he didn't expect to be met with this fierce resistance, did they know he would attack the capital, it was impossible!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If that was the case, his first son Xiao Zu Ke who worked as the Ministry of Personnel might know something, but he didn't hear anything from his son so Xiao Bo Zhi was sure that everything was going according to plan, unfortunately, the reality was far from that. truth.


The city gates suddenly opened from there a man in silver armor with the emblem of an eagle engraved on his armor and a helmet with green tassels on it holding a silver spear while riding a black horse galloped towards dozens of beasts and hundreds of his troops followed behind him.

He swung his long spear and the three beasts sliced ​​into pieces, like a tornado he swept everything in front of him as he continued to push towards where Xiao Bo Zhi was.

Xiao Bo Zhi fought the rising panic within him, then he raised his sword while spurring his horse towards the man, they jumped from their respective horses while drawing their weapons and the sound of iron pounding against each other.

"Who are you? You are not a citizen of the Liang Zu kingdom, why are you fighting me?" Xiao Bo Zhi did not recognize the face of the young man in front of him nor the uniform he was wearing but Xiao Bo Zhi was sure that this person was not from Liang Zu, then who was he and why did he fight him? but one thing is certain, this young man is much stronger than him.

"Young man, I don't know who you are but if you stop fighting me I will give you a quarter of Liang Zu's kingdom… no, I give you half! if you stop blocking my way!" Xiao Bo Zhi took a big risk, but half of Liang Zu's kingdom was better than not at all because if he failed to carry out this rebellion then he and his entire family and his men would die.

The young man smiled, he twisted the tip of his spear and made Xiao Bo Zhi's footstep unbalance then the young man shift his body behind Xiao Bo Zhi then thrust the tip of his spear at Xiao Bo Zhi's back and through his shoulder.

Xiao Bo Zhi screamed in pain he fell to the ground, Xiao Bo Zhi turned his body to withstand the young man's attack but unfortunately, he lost quickly and the young man stabbed the tip of his spear into Xiao Bo Zhi's chest.

Xiao Bo Zhi vomited fresh blood from his mouth and dark red blood was flowing from his body.

The youth smirked at Xiao Bo Zhi "Even if you give up the entire Liang Zu kingdom you will still die by my hands.

Xiao Bo Zhi's breath hitched as he feel the life inside him dissipate together with his greed and unfulfilled ambition but what make Xiao Bo Zhi die without closing his eyes is because he knows that his family will soon accompany him in the underworld. Seeing their leader Xiao Bo Zhi dead, his subordinates became disorganized, they left the battlefield and fled but unfortunately, the Liang Zu royal army was waiting for them and mercilessly killed all the defectors.

In less than half a day the entire army of defectors led by Xiao Bo Zi was completely wiped out. after everything was finished the commander of the Liang Zu troops approached the young man in armor bearing the eagle symbol, he cupped his fists and bowed respectfully "I greet the king of the eagle tribe"

The young man took off his helmet and revealed his masculine appearance, the man was Yuan Shao. after he succeeded in uniting all the tribes in the Zhuang Dong continent under the eagle tribe he became the King of the tribe.

after he succeeded he returned to Liang Zu to fulfill his promise to a certain woman, coincidentally he received word from Zhao Li Xin informing him of what was going to happen so Yuan Shao went to Jiang An city first.

then suddenly they saw a yellow flare shoot up into the sky, Yuan Shao and the commander smiled.

"It seems General Fu managed to capture Xiao Zuke and the other rebels," said the commander.

"With this, Empress Ming has finally cleared her government of all the traitors hidden in her palace" Yuan Shao smiled happily.

The commander nodded in agreement "We finally got rid of all the rats from our country"

"But don't forget to hold this news outside the country at least for a few days, we cannot spook the enemy" Yuan Shao remind him.

"Yes, your majesty, I think we can't hold the news for five days before it spread to the other country" answer the commander.


[You sneaky little thing…] Girsha reproached Lory but his voice filled with amusement rather than anger.

Lory know this tone very well, she leans her head on the cold wall and grin [Hey, I'm not that devious and this not my whole idea, you know]

Girsha who heard it chuckles slightly [Maybe not the whole of it but you certainly propose the basic idea]

[Well…yes, luckily the people around me are smart so they can concrete the whole plan based on the information we got] Lory laughed as she leaned her head against her palm, suddenly she smiled dryly [But for a moment I thought our plan would be ruined because Li Xin was angry, luckily he can control his anger… I have to reward him when this is all over]

[Yeah, that was very closet…] Girsha glided between the clouds as he looked down at the carriage that carry Lory from above, [What makes you think you'd be in the same place where they held that boy?]

[Because Wei Zu Tian is a paranoid and a control freak, he won't let important people slip out of his sight like someone who likes to put their collections in one place, he locks it up and never lets anyone play with him without his permission which gives him a sense of control]

[Ha, I forgot you have enough experience with people like that…] Girsha snorted as she recalled the past.

[And so did Li Xin, that's why he agreed to my plan and if it doesn't work....we'll have to turn the hard way, but I hope we don't have to go in that direction because it would be risking his life even more…] Lory sighed.

[I thought Wei Zu Tian wouldn't hurt him because he needed him but now that he has fulfilled his purpose, we can't be sure anymore] Girsha reminded Lory of the urgent situation they had.

[Yeah, I know…] Lory blows her cheek, although she looks calm on the outside but on the inside, she's quite anxious now knowing the clock is ticking from now on everything must do in haste.

[Wei Zu Tian gave Li Xin three days, so that's the time we need…] Lory patted her cheek while contemplating her next move.

[Three days is pretty tight, can you do it?] Girsha expressed his doubts.

[Alone?…no!" Lory took out the ring she had hidden inside her shoe, it was funny when Zi Quan Mei checked her body for hidden amulets or protective talismans, she didn't check her shoes, doesn't she know that the first thing when you check someone for any suspicious object you have to check their shoes and underwear as well, in Lory's world they even scan one body to see if there is anything hidden inside.

Luckily people in this world had little imagination of what people would do to hide something.

Lory put the ring on his middle finger then she started to summon and a white light emerged from the ring and turned into the shape of a tiger, Lory looked at the tiger and smiled [Can you find your master, Bai Zi?]

White tiger Bai Zi nodded his head vigorously [Of course!]

'Victory comes from finding opportunities in problem'

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