The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 872 - The Resourceful Master

At the Yang Manor Governor Yang was sweating bucket as he heard Su Yi explain what happened with Yang Qiou Ru, Su Yi hold the identity as imperial elite guard therefore Governor Yang didn't doubt Su Yi identity on contrary he was very respectful toward Su Yi however Su Yi came as abearer of bad news.

In a meantime, the entire Yang Manor was overwhelmed with shock and fear, and concubine Lin had long since passed out after hearing the news. Yang Qiou Xi got involved with the group that was trying to overthrow empress Ming and that made Yang Qiou Xi a traitor which also meant the entire Yang family would suffer the consequences whether they were involved or not.

Governor Yang's legs wobbled then his knees fell to the floor, he could feel the end of the Yang family's glorious history shattered before him, Governor Yang wasn't sure he could keep his entire clan alive, will they all be executed? he doesn't even have the strength to curse Yang Qiou Xi.

Governor Yang hopes this is just a bad dream and when he wakes up everything will be fine, it's a shame his hopes were in vain.

Among the frightened-faced Yang family, only Su Yi remain indifferent as she cast her solemn gaze towards Governor Yang and speak calmly: "Your daughter's sin is too heavy to bear even if she was killed a hundred times, it still not enough to quell Her Highness and Lord Long's anger Ming, however.... given the close relationship between Her Majesty and Miss Luo, Her Majesty, and Lord Long Ming decided to grant leniency to the Yang family"

Governor Yang and his entire family's faces immediately beamed with hope, then Su Yi continued, "Her Majesty decided to grant Governor Yang an early retirement and the entire Yang family should move to a small village in the south then Yang Qiou Xi's affairs will be closed from public. But Yang Qiou Xi should enter the monastery and become a nun to repent her sin."

Governor Yang's heart tightened but this was the best outcome one could hope for, at least they were still allowed to retain their peerage even though he lost his position but if one day his son became a palace official he could bring back the Yang family honor.

The governor knows this leniency was given because of Yang Xi Ying, he feels grateful for Yang Xi Ying at the same time he feel ashamed for not being a better father for her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sadly everything was too little too late, he could only steel himself to help his children and grandchildren not to make mistakes like Yang Qiou Xi and himself.

"Thank you for Her Majesty's generosity!" Governor Yang and the rest of the Yang family pressed their heads against the floor as they humbly accepted the Empress' orders.


"You will come back for me,won't you princess?"

"Did I always come back for you? how many times do you think I'm gone? but in the end, I always come back for you"

"Still it's only given me little comfort when you are not by my side"

"Just for a moment my dear, soon I will back to your side….like I always do"

Zhao Li Xin rewinds their last conversation in his head while looking far into the distance towards the only pagoda erected from the cliff, the pagoda stood still like a pillar covered in an ominous thick gray mist, Zhao Li Xin expression was as cold as snow mountain in the dead of winter, his heaven-defying beauty countenance froze like a cold lake surface his soulless eyes reflect nothing just like a doll's eyes that were empty and cold. 

He kept asking himself if he had done the right thing to leave her there is like he put his own wife on the brink of the abyss, Zhao Li Xin couldn't stop the little voice inside his head that telling him that Lory will be hurt or how he would lose her because of this, Zhao Li Xin took a deep breath trying calm the growing anxiety inside him.

'I believe her'  Zhao Li Xin repeatedly reminds himself.

Lory is strong not only in power but also in mind and heart. She is smart and resourceful, and he had given enough protection in Lory's ring he even upgrade the ring quality so now it can store a beast as well so everything should be fine, right?

Suddenly Girsha flew towards him and perch on Zhao Li Xin's shoulder "Our princess is fine" Girsha quickly said without waiting for him to ask.

The intensity on Zhao Li Xin's face eased slightly, "What is she doing right now?"

"The enemy tried to intimidate her by placing her in a small ward with other madmen" Girsha stifled a laugh, "Don't worry, she's fine. Even though she was a little shaken up at first but she' okay now"

"That Phscho put my princess together with another madman?!" Zhao Li Xin's fury sparks intensely.

"Hm, I think he wants to scare Lory" Girsha replied calmly, he wasn't worried about that. No one knew better than Girsha how strong Lory's mind was, "Ha, they need to do more than this to scare my little girl!" Girsha couldn't believe how little the enemy think about Lory but then again even in Verrion, many people underestimate Lory at first.

"Beside Lory still has the spatial ring you give to her and adding her power to the mix, I'm sure she will be fine" Girsha's voice was filled with confidence which made Zhao Li Xin very relieved. 

"I wish I could talk to Lory like you" Zhao Li Xin muttered expressing his envy. There is an invisible bond between Lory and Girsha, even though it is a different kind of relationship from his, but the bond is undeniably strong and unbreakable it's a a bond that forges through the years of tears, loss, and hope, Girsha always there for Lory just like Lory always there for Girsha.

From the moment they met Girsha's role as mentor, guardian, friend, and family, for Lory. His presence saves Lory from the long -  lonesome journey she takes on her own. Girsha is the reason Lory was able to keep her sanity through all her hardships, the story would have been very different if Girsha wasn't around.

Therefore Zhao Li Xin appreciates and respects Girsha for everything he did for Lory but aside from that Zhao Li Xin couldn't deny he was also jealous and envious of Girsha's position in Lory's heart. However, Zhao Li Xin still has to be grateful that Girsha was a bird, otherwise, he was pretty sure he wouldn't get a chance with Lory. 

"We have completed one stage of our plan now it is time for the next stage," Girsha said while looking at the pagoda.

"We have to hurry, although I'm not worried about Wei Zu Tian, however, Lazarus is also there who knows what he will do to Lory" Zhao Li Xin's expression darkened.

"Lory and I discussed this before we put forward this plan, Lazarus doesn't seem in a hurry to devour Lory's soul, it seems he has other plans and is waiting for something...." Girsha said.

Zhao Li Xin feel sudden trepidation then he frowned worriedly, "Wait what?"

Girsha looked up at the sky and narrowed her round green eyes "That....we don't know yet"


As Girsha said, the brave princess manages herself in the so-called 'prison'  just like now she is having a hearty meal with the Bento box on her lap and skin bottle placed beside her for, after the meal, the only problem Lory had right now is she doesn't have enough pickles in her meal.

after she finished eating and drinking fresh water from the skin bottle, Lory put everything back in her ring and lit some incense to get rid of any lingering smell left from her meal in the room.

After she burps from too much eating, Lory summon Bai Zi back, "Yo, tiger!" Lory waved her hand casually, one would question if she was really in prison or not.

"Madam" Bai Zi bowed his head politely.

"We are here, can you feel where Shin Jiu is?" asked Lory.

Bai Zi closed his eyes to sharpen his soul senses, after a minute he opened his eyes again "I feel Master presence but something is blocking my senses"

Lory pursed her lips try to understand what caused it, "Well at least Shin Jiu is here otherwise we need to change our plans" Lory heaved a sigh of relief.

"You are right madam" Bai Zi agreed at least now they can start to find him, the problem is, how?

In contrast to the confused Bai Zi, Lory already got everything planned in her head. Just as Girsha said, she would never enter the enemy territory without a plan up her sleeve.

Fred used to say to her with a mocking tone: "Curiosity doesn't kill, stupidity is"

Lory scratched her head while contemplating her next moves then Lory turned her gaze to the white big tiger in front of her. "You can turn into a kitten right?" Lory remembered Shin Jiu had shown him how celestial able to transform themselves.

"Yes madam" Bai Zi nodded her big head.

"Good, then all we have to do is to get you out of here to find Shin Jiu, here wear this!" Lory took out an amulet from her spatial ring "Li Xin said it would hide the celestial Beast aura from you" Lory help Bai Zi to wear the amulet around the tiger's neck.

"But, how do I get out of here mistress, the door is blocked with an array if I use force to break the array, the enemy will know!" Bai Zi looked worried Lory thought he could pass through the array without attracting everyone's attention including Wei Zu Tian, that was impossible!

"Only the door but not the walls here" Lory knocked on the door behind her and smirked "They really underestimated me which is good" Lory's eyes glint in amusement at how arrogant her enemy was.

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