The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 884 - A Warm Reunion

"Lesser – Demon, what is that?"  Zhao Li Xin puckered his eyebrows.

Girsha explained what had happened the last time he had contact with Lory, the situation had gotten worse than they thought. Lesser demons are not a common presence even in Verriond as genuine Demons like Lazarus are unheard of other from stories and myths, although there are some relics that contain remnants of Demonic power however those relics are extremely rare and if they suddenly appear to the world then the authorities.

usually, this matter will befall on S.A.I.N.T organization jurisdiction, in this situation they usually send their high-ranking members to assess the situation and leave it to their judgment hoe to handle the matter but sometimes they needed extra help when they face something more that they could chew and when that happens they would send a letter to Harland because only the heir of Lucient inherits the true power of light that very few people in S.A.I.N.T organization have it and their power as not as strong as Lucient either, ironic indeed.

S.A.I.N.T stands for Sacred Alliance of Faith, this organization is a union of various religions and beliefs around the world, this organization was built to bridge the differences or disputes between religions and beliefs and also to avoid discrimination against one religion or belief.

One day the organization S.A.I.N.T sent an urgent letter to King Marcus asking for help after many people that send to the certain island because of the report about black magic practice held in there and harm a lot of people, however, all the representatives from the S.A.I.N.T that had been sent to that island none of them has return, therefore, they reach to the stronger power they know, Lucient. 

Unfortunately that time King Marcus was busy with other important matters so King Marcus sent his heirs Lucas and Lorient together with the Archknight. 

Since they thought it's only witchcraft that happening on the island, King Marcus thought his heir and Archknight were more than capable of handling such things besides Girsha will tag along too so King Marcus didn't feel worried at all.

Only then did he know that it was the Little Demon occupying the island of King Marcus rushing away from the important meeting and running to where his children were fortunately General Zargan and Stephan also joined the young group so the situation could be resolved without any significant casualties, of course, the only casualty that matter for the Harlanders was their precious Lucient young heir whereas for the others.... they didn't really care. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Lesser-Demons didn't even exist during the Dark Age of Verriond only Demon Parasites but a lot is happening in this world, a world where magic doesn't exist yet something magical happened all the time" Girsha let out a harsh breath, he can't help but felt agitated.

Zhao Li Xin was silent, she looked into the distance covered in thick fog which coincidentally represented his cloudy mood, Zhao Li Xin turned his gaze to Girsha as he spoke in a flat tone, "I got new information from old Lizard about the Demon parasite..."

"Oh, do tell then," Girsha always felt Huo Long knew more than he showed, but Girsha didn't probe too much because knowing it will be useless to ask so Girsha just wait.

"Huo Long said that the Demon parasite origin actually from this world," Zhao Li Xin held his breath.

"WHAT?" Girsha's eyes bulged so wide they looked like they were about to fall out of their sockets "Is he... sure?"

Zhao Li Xin nodded slowly, "He is absolutely sure" Zhao Li Xin then told her everything she knew about Huo Long, about the evil flower, and about Emperor Lei Yu.

Throughout the story, Girsha's expression changed from shocked, confused and worried, and at the end of the story his whole being was filled with uncertainty after a while, he dart his eyes towards Zhao Li Xin "It seems the rules of the game have changed. . "

"If there even any rules from the start?" Zhao Li Xin said sarcastically.

Girsha understand Zhao Li Xin frustration because he also feel the same, girsha then shook his head "There are always rules, even though they look messy and chaotic from the outside but the truth is…the rules are the same it constant and never change, we just need to find out what they are"

Zhao Li Xin understood still he hated the fact that Lory's fate was bobbing in this unclear situation, if he wanted to help Lory first he had to know what is Lazarus' connection to this world and Lory's world.

"However there is silver lightning in this situation," Zhao Li Xin smirked then he continue "Huo Long show me how to kill the Demon Parasites without using Lory power or spirit stones" Zhao Li Xin's eyes glint in delight.

Girsha was dumbfounded then he remembered what Lory said "Lory told me, that Bai Zi killed the Demon parasite with his own power"

Zhao Li Xin tilted her head as his attention grew, "It seems that it's easier for beasts to master this technique….because beasts think instinctively unlike humans" Zhao Li Xin caressed his thin lips while muttering to himself. 

"What technique?" Girsha's expression grew more intense as many feelings mixed into one, he didn't know anymore what he actually felt right now, but one thing for sure if the people of this world could kill the Demonic parasite without relying on Lory's power, it would lift a lot of burden from Lory's shoulder. but at the same time, Girsha wasn't sure if it would be replaced by another kind of burden instead.

Zhao Li Xin opened her arms then she absorbed the surrounding energy immediately came a gust of wind coiled around her and golden flames emerged from her palms, flames blazing wildly ready to devour anything that dared approach.

Zhao Li Xin then twisted his hands in a circular motion and gathered all the flames between his palms, like being sucked in by some fire energy, it gathered and swirled between his palms to form a bolt of fire then gradually the glow of the fire slowly diminished, the golden light emitting from the fire became lighter and lighter until it resembled the color of the rising sun and it shines almost the same as well, now Zhao Li Xin seemed to be holding the sun in his hand.

Girsha could feel the energy radiating from it was different from what Zhao Li Xin used to have, this energy felt tranquil and purer nevertheless it's also very strong but this power was different from Lory's because Girsha didn't feel the divine power within it, Girsha only felt one pure energy.

Zhao Li Xin summoned the crystal bottle that contained the Demon parasite from his spatial ring and threw it into the air as the bottle spun in the air, Zhao Li Xin released his pure energy into the air and his power swallowed the crystal bottle immediately the bottle shattered and the Demon parasite inside screech in harrowing sounds before it turned into black ash, before long the wind blows away the black ash in a second it disappeared without a trace.

Grisha was taken aback, he started to marvel, "What power is that?

The Qi around Zhao Li Xin calmed down again then he clasped her hands behind his back while feeling the wind blowing from his long hair and gently graze his skin, unlike when after using immortal flames during a battle, Zhao Li Xin's felt at peace just like the ocean become calmed again after the storms, all seemed...natural. 

The only thing he could compare this feeling to was the same when he was sitting next to Lory, It feels like this is how it should be

Her playful smiles suddenly flashed in his mind, Zhao Li Xin looked off into the distance with a sense of longing than he softly said:  "This is what Qi meant to before we all forgotten and used it to slaughter each other, cultivation not meant to killed but it for nurtured not only ourself but everything around us, somehow along the way we start to forgotten….and I will make them remember"

Girsha chuckled and looked at Zhao Li Xin ironically, "Didn't they call you monster?"

Zhao Li Xin smiled faintly, "And they weren't wrong, but I can also be a savior….if it's for her"


In the dark cell, Shin Jiu was curled up against the wall, his small head resting between his knees as he felt extremely tired and ached all over his body. Due to the chains holding her down restricting his Qi, he was unable to recover from his injuries, and without proper medication and treatment, his condition was getting worse not to mention Shin Jiu haven't eaten for days after he felt there was something disgusting about the food he spits all the food and since then he did not dare to touch the food again, as a result, Shin Jiu's body condition worsened.

Shin Jiu didn't know how much longer he could survive without eating and drinking. Even though his cultivation was quite high, his strength was still far from that of the four palace kings moreover, to Zhao Li Xin, not to mention his body was injured inside and out so If he didn't eat today, he probably will die sooner than later, Shin Jiu gritted his teeth, he didn't want to die! there are still many things he wants to do he hasn't repaid his debt to Lory and also his grandfather Li Jiang Yi, yet.

Tears fell down her cheeks, she was taught that men shouldn't cry but now she can't hold it in anymore, she really wants to go home.

"Master...Grandfather, help me" she began to sob softly.

suddenly he heard a crackling sound coming from the cell, suddenly the air became very cold and the cell bar suddenly froze. Shin Jiu lifted her head from her knees, she gaped then she rubbed her eyes wondering if she saw right? he had not finished contemplating, the cell bars suddenly exploded and shattered into pieces.

Shin Jiu flinched he narrowed his eyes as he stared into the darkness, feeling scared and alert then he quickly stood up while subconsciously taking a step back until he pressed his entire back against the wall.

"Shin Jiu, are you there?"

Shin Jiu was stupefied 'Am I dreaming?' he wondered why he heard Lory's voice.

As soon as Lory emerged from the darkness, Lory's face lit up like sunlight when he saw Shin Jiu "Oh my God, it's really you!" Lory dash towards the shocked Shin Jiu then she wrapped the boy in her arms.

Shin Jiu only knew it wasn't a dream when she felt his warm embrace, Shin Jiu slowly wrapped her arms around Lory's waist "Master...ter?"

"Sorry it took so long to find you, we need to come up with a good plan to ensure your safety, please don't be angry, okay" Lory hold him tighter, Shin Jiu know Lory must be very worried about him thus only made Shin Jiu cry even more so he tightened her grip on Lory's waist, releasing all his pent up stress and anxiety while being confined in this awful place alone, not knowing if he will make out alive.

Lory's heart aches for the boy, she swept her gaze to the cell that was damp, dark, and dirty, how dare those people put her cute pupils in such a place, anger flowing through her like molten lava, Lory is determined to punish everyone involved in Shin Jiu's kidnapping.

"Come on, don't cry anymore or Bai Zi will laugh at you" Lory rubbed the boy's head.

"Bai Zi?" Shin Jiu was stunned then he abruptly pulled himself from Lory's embrace, he looked at Lory with a hopeful look, "Bai Zi is still alive?"

Lory smiled then she shifted his body "Look..."

Bai Zi's gigantic body started to emerge from the darkness, the majestic white tiger walked slowly towards its master then it bent its front paws and lowered its huge head "Sorry, I failed to protect you master"

"BAI ZI!" Shin Jiu exclaimed in pure joy unfortunately he was still being held by the chain so he could jump at Bai Zi.

Lory looked at the chain with anger flared across her face, "Those bastards dared to chain my boy like an animal!" Lory gripped the chain until her knuckle turn white soon the whole chain froze and with one small jerk, the chain shattered on the floor.

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