The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 887 - The Lamentation

Wei Zu Tian Tossed the cup at Lao Min Na's face but Lao Min Na calmly tilted her head as she dodged the cup, the cup fell to the floor scaring the poor maids who had finished cleaning the room.

"If you knew he was a cultivator why didn't you tell me, BECAUSE OF YOU I…."

"She is not a cultivator…" Lao Min Na interrupted then took a slow sip of her wine before she took a deep breath and gently put the wine cup back on the table in front of her.

"In my defense, I also didn't know she would use herself as bait, she's more sneaky than I thought" Lao Min Na sheeted her teeth trying to tamp down her frustration "I hate her!" she hissed with suppressed voice.

"She's special since the day she was born, noble by blood destined for a great thing, her path was clear she doesn't need to search further everything was laid neatly in front of her all she has to do its moves forward...even if she failed the world will still remember her as a great Hero, and the people that loved her will mourned for her endlessly even the heartless man like Zhao Li Xin adored, it's more than that.... just because she save his life if it's me then everything will be different...I should be the one who saves Zhao Li should be me!" Lao Min Na's chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she grumble to herself.

"What are you talking about, who save Zhao Li Xin? do you mean it was that woman who healed Zhao Li Xin? HOW?" Wei Zu Tian was disbelieving because it took a long time for him to develop the cure and there also a certain stage if someone wants to heald from the cold poison that's why he confident that Zhao Li Xin will never be cured without his help but now Lao Min Na implied that village woman was the one who heals Zhao Li Xin? if it's Jin Hao he still can believe it but if that uncultured village woman who cured Zhao Li Xin he will not believe it!

Lao Min Na ignored Wei Zu Tian's doubt, she tighten her fist until her nail dug her skin "You cannot kill her but I can...She will die in my hand, I will prove to him and everyone else in this world that even a goddess will fall on my feet"


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the midst of the commotion, Lazarus stood silently watching the Bone flower grow so large that it almost penetrated the high dome-shaped roof which had been decorated with a magnificent painting but unfortunately had been so damaged that it was difficult to know what painting it was before.

But Lazarus who was now possessed another human skin was staring at the painting with an indescribable expression, it was hard to think that this person was the same entity of the ancient Devil that everyone feared when so many emotions reflected in his yellow snake-like eyes that make him almost looks like a human....almost.

"Love is our curse, not brotherhood. If only we never knew love whether our lives would be different, maybe our destiny would be different" said Lazarus with a bitter smile adorning his cold face. born from different parents? same and same time we are very different not only appearance but the paths we walk are very different and for quite a long time I envy your life even though your ending is as sad as mine but you have the opportunity to live in the light with all the people you love, not like me..." Lazarus laughed dryly.

"Still we are betrayed by the people we love the most, isn't it ironic that even when we lived separated life we both die for the same reason... I hate this world brother, I hate what the world has done to us, what we've become...I hate God who determines our destiny without our consent but unlike you, I will never give up, I will take the most important thing that God took from me, it doesn't matter if I have to destroy the whole world...I will not be toyed by the hand of God again"

"So Brother….I hope you forgive me because I know she wouldn't…"


"Why do you like hiding in this place Arthea?" Huo Long found Arthea in the golden pagoda, he sat by the window watching the volcano spewing lava into the air.

"It's peaceful here, I can stop thinking as long as I'm here" Arthea's gaze remained distant, her expression indeed showing that she was tired.

Huo Long sighed as he clasped his hands behind his back, he directed his gaze in the same direction as Arthea suddenly said.

"Is it beautiful here?"

"It's just a volcano" Huo Long replied nonchalantly.

"This place reminds me how simple the world was..." Arthea smiled weakly.

Huo Long tilted his head and say: "I don't know, maybe the world is always complicated but we don't realize it only when we grow older we realize that so many things didn't have an answer even if it does…it's not enough"

Arthea let out a weakly smile she turned her gaze to Huo Long "I think you're right….that's not enough" then she turned her gaze back to the erupting volcano with sadness lingering in her pair of gray eyes.

"Do you think we will ever be forgiven?" Arthea's voice etched with bitterness.

Huo Long gave mirthless smile as he leaned his shoulder against the window frame and let out a long exhale, "I don't know... I hope so"

Arthea Looks down with a deprecating smile.

Arthea and Huo Long had lived for hundreds of years maybe others thought they had all the answers for everything but the truth was what they got were just more questions with vague answers then after a while, they realized that there were no good answers so all that left fo then is to make peace with it. In the end, what they truly learned from all those long years is how to endure.

"The end is near…" Arthea looked at Huo Long meaningfully.

Huo Long fell silent as he stare deeply at Arthea, they had waited for this moment for a very long time it felt almost like an eternity and now the long-awaited day drew near, his heart stirred with anxiety, excitement maybe a little scared too but most of all he felt relief... relief that it's finally over.

"So much bloodshed, so many lives lost, countless tragedies, tears, and heartaches all leading up to this moment.... one more trial for both of them and it's finally over..." there was a feeling of inexplicable flashes across Huo Long bright ruby ​​eyes.

"However, they always save the worst for the last, it makes my heart restless wondering will they pat this trial?" Huo Long's jaw tightened as his body tensed up.

Arthea tucked a stretch of her hair behind her ear as she gazed off into the distance in silence before Long she replied in a low voice, "Even I couldn't foresee the end of this ordeal...."


Meanwhile, Lory and bai Zi were confronted by another Hybrid Beast that looked like a combination of Lizard and turtle that walked on two legs and had long skinny arms with long black claws, what annoyed Lory was a creature that had a shell like a turtle that could be used to hide its body whenever Lory attacked the creature, impatient and angry Lory used the bomb he got from Zhao Li Xin inside the creature's shell, as a result, the bomb blasted the creature in and out and turned the creature into a paste. When the Parasites flush out after losing their host Lory used arrows of light to kill the Demon parasites.

Because the condition of the two boys had not fully recovered, Lory told them to rest first Shin Jiu who stubbornly wanted to fight with her but Lory told him to recover his strength first before she allowed him to join her fight, Lory also order Bai Zi to stay out of the fight and protect the boys from harm.

Actually, Shin Jiu's condition was very good but Lory couldn't bear to let Shin Jiu who had just been released from that horrible prison to fight with her so Lory made many excuses to force Shin Jiu to rest.

Shin Jiu who couldn't go against his master's words reluctantly obeyed Lory's words and meditated to recover his cultivation, he told himself to recover quickly just in cased Lory will need his help.

Meanwhile, Guan Yi Jue who introduced himself as Bao-bao because he still can't remember his name watched Lory with a slightly opened mouth and sparkling eyes, who would have thought that this 'fairy' woman was not only good at healing people, she was also a great fighter, no wonder Shin Jiu was so sure his Master will able to save him.

"Master, why don't you use another method to kill the beast now, this place smells worse than before" Shin Jiu wrinkled his nose as the smell of a mixture of burning flesh and blood coalescing and pierced his nose, hence not only the smell was unbearable even the scenery in his surroundings got more worst with blood and lumps of flesh strewn everywhere, no matter how one looked at it, this place became even more disgusting than before.

Lory snorted and rubbed her nose with her sleeve, she agreed it smelled really bad in here, but what could she do? the creatures irritated her so much that she vented her frustration by turning them into a paste, Lory then opened her arms and shrugged nonchalantly "Well, It's worth it!"

Shin Jiu sighed helplessly.

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