The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 892 - Inhuman Strength

It was the day before the wedding Zhao LI Xin was talking to Lory, his handsome face tightened his brows which were knitted so tightly that they could squeeze a fly, one by one he stored many items in Lory's spatial ring, food, medicine, clothes, and a whole lot of weapon that could accommodate small infantry.

"I made a new arrow for you, the yellow feather is imbued with thunder power, the red one is fire, the green one is poison, each one is very strong I am sure you will find it useful" Zhao Li Xin showed the arrow in front of Lory Before he stores it in Lory spatial ring then Zhao Li Xin continued his explanation and show another weapon "This sword is light but sturdy, even though this weapon didn't have an affinity as you had with the twin dagger still all these weapons are forged by me so the quality obviously exceptional and with your skills, I believe you will have no problem using it," he said with a serious tone, then he store all the weapons on Lory's ring then he shows dozens of jade bottle on the table and continue "…. And these pills are for…"

Lory props her cheeks with her palms as she watched her handsome husband explain everything with a stern face, Lory's eyes lit up despite how gloomy Zhao Li Xin was. Lory thinks her husband is the most handsome man in the world even when he is angry he is still very handsome.

Lory praised all the gods who created Zhao Li Xin and made him her fated one, with a husband like Zhao Li Xin her eyes and soul would be blessed for the rest of her life, her husband is perfect if Zhao Li Xin had flaws it just he nagged too much but it showed how much he loved her so Lory had no complaint.

'Even when he nags, he looks so SEXY!' Lory's cheeks turned red as she ogled her husband, the corner of her lips curved into a foolish smile.

"Lory, did you hear me!" Zhao Li Xin sees Lory in a daze and he glared at her.

Lory was startled and nodded firmly "Oh…yes – yes, I heard everything!" Lory averted her eyes from Zhao Li Xin, they had been married for many years but she still can't take her eyes off him, Lory shyly lowered her head and took a sip of her tea.

'Aish, Beauty is a sin...' Lory wailed to herself.

Zhao Li Xin saw how relaxed Lory was feeling so conflicted, should she be happy or worried? He didn't like this idea, he didn't like it before and he's sure he didn't like it later. Putting Lory in danger was against his bottom line, but he couldn't argue with Lory knowing that if something happened to Shin Jiu, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

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Lory already harbors too much guilt in her heart so  Zhao Li Xin didn't want to add another one for him and every time he saw her hurt or in pain it felt like a knife slit his chest and pull out his heart, the pain he felt is a hundred times worst than when the cold poison flared up when he was a child.

Zhao Li Xin sighed then sat down next to Lory, he  gently slip the ring on her middle finger then Zhao Li Xin's eyes gaze deeply at Lory beautiful purple eyes and softly said: "Don't let yourself get hurt, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you?"

Lory looked back at him and smiled.

Zhao Li Xin thought she still didn't understand so he said again while holding her hands tightly, "You are the most important person in my life even my own life can't be compared to one of your fingers, so I want you to remember this... I'm not a good person, I'm not selfless like you or magnanimous person, all the good things that you saw in me are coming from you, it's all because of you, so if I ever lose you..."

Lory cupped Zhao Li Xin's face "Never…You will never lose me, you should know to that I couldn't bear to lose you too, you are my fated one, I have to cross two worlds and die one time just to find you, do you think I could leave you? silly husband" Lory chuckles before she pressed her lips gently against him.

Soon the dark cloud on Zhao Li Xin's face was gradually dissipating, he held the back of her head as he deepened their kiss while his other hand wrapped around her waist and lifted her into his lap, then Lory wrapped her arm around his neck.

Lory always joked that she fell in love because of Zhao Li Xin's good looks but was that true of course not, she had seen many handsome people all her life that have different types, races, and ages but her heart never moved so was it because Zhao Li Xin was her fated one? Well, it does makes the love process easier but that won't be the reason she reminds by his side because if that's true then why is the other Lucient's relationship not coming to fruition even though they have met their fated one?

People say it takes a second to fall in love but it takes a tremendous effort to stay together.

And what about Zhao Li Xin, does he love Lory because she saved his life? Unlikely...with Zhao Li Xin's temper he wouldn't give his affection to any woman who saved him when he didn't even know what love was.

Surely Zhao Li Xin would pay the debt handsomely, he would help his savior to fulfill their wish, whatever that is, he will help as much as he could and make sure that person will have a smooth life but that's it, Zhao Li Xin wouldn't be so sentimental about giving his love and care just because his life was saved, just like Tian Meng Ji when he crossed his bottom line Zhao Li Xin wouldn't think twice to draw a line between them.

So why were Zhao Li Xin and Lory together? There is no definite answer probably it doesn't need further explanation other than accept it as it is.

Lory pul her lips from his, she wipes Zhao Li Xin lips with her thumb "Trust me, no one can't hurt me cause I wouldn't let them, in this world only you that can't hurt me"

Zhao Li Xin smile then he pecks Lory's chin "I can say the same to you so when you find that boy used this" Zhao Li Xin shows a flare stick made from bamboo.

"A flare? how can you distinguish this beacon from the others?" Lory was worried that Wei Zu Tian's subordinates had the same flare, if they used it too wouldn't it be confusing.

Zhao Li Xin smile "Don't worry, it's made especially for you"


Wei Zhu Tian also noticed the unique flare in the sky, a premonition came to him especially when he noticed Zhao Li Xin's face had become much calmer he become suspicious.

"That sign, what is that about?" 

Zhao Li Xin sneered she gathered Qi in both her hands and turned into the blazing fire "It means stop messing around" Zhao Li Xin waved his hand and the fire ran at Wei Zu Tian, ​​he dodged immediately but Zhao Li Xin continued his attack without stopping forcing Wei Zu Tian to jump from place to place but he did not shy away instead he moves towards Zhao Li Xin while dodging Zhao Li Xin attack, Wei Zu Tian clenched his teeth until he got close to Zhao Li Xin he leaps to the air.

Zhao Li Xin smirked excitedly, he had been waiting for so long to kill Wei Zu Tian finally his wait is over.

Instead of avoiding Wei Zu tian attack Zhao Li Xin open his arms widely, Wei Zu Tian didn't understand Zhao Li Xin's actions although he was sure Zhao Li Xin didn't mean to surrender still Wei Zu Tian didn't stop his attack when suddenly his movement was halted by a red string that appeared suddenly in front of his face.

Wei Zu Tian heard raised his hand in reflex, as a result, he accidentally touch the string and he heard the hissing sound coming from his hand, the burning sensation make him retract his hand but his palms were already scarred with reddish scars. Wei Zu Tian was surprised he wanted to retreat but he realize he was surrounded by a web made of flaming red strings.

Trapped like a rat Wei Zu Tian gritted his teeth in utter anger, his eyes filled with hatred as he glared at Zhao Li Xin, "What is this?"

Zhao Li Xin smirked, "You don't like it?" he said in a mocking one "This is the first stage of the firestorm art it called the entrapment for obvious reasons, of course," Zhao Li Xin raised his eyebrows, he looked devilishly handsome but the face that Wei Zu Tian used to obsess with now looks really annoying.

"Zhao Li Xin, you dare!" Wei Zhu Tian growled with bated breath "I've been very generous to you all this time but you don't know what's good for you, it seems impossible between us, unfortunately, I have to KILL YOU!" Wei Zu Tian roared and the strings that holding him broke then Wei Zu Tian lunged towards Zhao Li Xin with his hand stretched forward,  immediately their palms clashed violently.

The clash of their mighty forces shattered the buildings around them and also knocked down the people who were near them as a result the fight between two groups had to be stopped and each of the people who were still strong stood carrying their comrades who were unconscious and injured. They say when two giants fight everyone will be hurt in this case that phrase is hit the point.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin and Wei Zu Tian continued their fight regardless of their surroundings. Every time their powers collided, the impact shook the whole place, Wei Zu Tian was shocked he didn't expect that Zhao Li Xin had become stronger than he thought, Wei Zu Tian refused to admit that he was overwhelmed by Zhao Li Xin's strength.

The unfamiliar fear that he had never felt before slowly gnawed inside him, actually he was seriously injured when he forced himself to break the strings that trapped him and then followed by numerous violent attacks from Zhao Li Xin unavoidably inflicted internal wounds on Wei Zu Tian.

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