The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 897 - The Lucient’s Daughter

"Is the creature dead, what is it really?" Jin Hao warily said.

Lory shook his head "I'm not sure either, it's not like a hybrid beast that comes from beasts or a Lesser-Demon that comes from human transformation"

"What worries me, I didn't see Lao Min Na or Lazarus' noses" Zhao Li Xin frowned while pointing food around her apart from the chaos caused by their fight there wasn't a single enemy of theirs left even Wei Zu Tian and his cronies disappeared.

"Wei Zu Tian fled with the heavenly knights, they were smart enough to retreat after knowing they were in a pinch" Jiang Jin Wei snorted in annoyance.

"Or they think we will lose at the hands of that strange creature and it's not a crazy guess, without the help of young madam and our Lord we will definitely lose" Bei Li Yan cross his arms on his chest.

"Master, are you all right?" It was Shin Jiu who timidly pull Lory's sleeve anxiously.

Lory rubbed the boy's head and grin "I have never been better, I almost gathered all my strength, you see for yourself how I healed us all, right!"

Shin Jiu's face was beaming with joy and he nod profusely, he did see Lory showcase her power but normally she would be tired and faint afterward that's why Shin Jiu worried something like that will happen again, but now he see how energetic Lory was the boy expression become more relax.

"By the way, we need more information about that Demon Flower and send more people to the underground dungeons, make sure there are no hybrid beasts left and if anyone finds Lesser - Demon, remember do not attack, give us a sign first!" Lory gave clear orders and everyone listened attentively.

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"Yes madam!" Bei Li Yan and the others cupped their fists and replied simultaneously.

"After this I want everyone to gather at my place, there is something I need to teach you all and I want you to teach others" Zhao Li Xin suddenly added.

"May I ask what is the matter, my Lord?" Jin Hao thought it must be something very serious for Zhao Li Xin to gather them all.

Zhao Li Xin pondered for a moment then said: "I want to teach you how to kill all these dark creatures without relying on your madam's strength..."

They all looked at Zhao Li Xin in bewilderment and excitement then Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh, "There's something I need to tell you all about the Demon Parasites, Emperor Lei Yu and...Lazarus"

Lory didn't know it will include Lazarus too so she look at him inquisitively, Zhao Li Xin know Lory was curious but this is not the right time so he gently pinched her chin "I'll tell you everything later,  okay"

A sweet smile bloomed on her pretty face, Lory trusted Zhao Li Xin with all her heart so she agree without further explanation "Okay..."

Zhao Li Xin then turned his head and the Mong brothers, "Bring the shadow guards and several White Dragon palaces to search the dungeon as Madam order and Jiang Jin Wei. I want you to make sure your people kill all the surviving hybrid beasts that still remain, don't let any of them get out of the forest"

"Yes my Lord!" they answered firmly.

Zhao Li Xin then turned to Lory "Shall we check the creature's carcass, now?"

"Yup, let's go!" Lori nodded.

When they examined the demon flower corpse which was only half its body while the rest of the body had been charred almost formless, yet the creature was still able to move slightly, and when the creature feel Lory slowly approaching, the creature turned its head towards Lory, the creature looked surprised then weakly raised its arm.

Zhao Li Xin pulled Lory closer protectively, but then they heard the monster whispered.

" me" the monster pleaded breathlessly "I...I...don't...want to hurt...anyone...he makes me, he filled my head with. ..fear...horror...pain"

Lory patted Zhao Li Xin's chest to calm him down when she approached the dying creature, he didn't see any more anger and hatred in the creature's voice only clear desperation, Lory didn't think the creature means harm.

"Who makes you do this?" Lory ask.

"He… the one with snake eyes… he made me absorb the blood of tainted blood, abomination… he was filled with so much… hate, he… he cursed me" The beings' voices were etched with sorrow, bitterness, and anger.

Lory's heart aches for him because he knows how it feels to be cursed and forced to do something you don't want him to be lucky enough to be able to fight that urge to the end but this creature doesn't have that luck.

"You said I could help you, how did you know?"

"You…you have the same power as her, I can feel it…..I felt it from the moment I saw you but I was under the viper's curse, but I know…you're the only one who can return me to who I was before. ….so please" the monster pleaded with all his heart.

Lory reached the monster's hand without fear or disgust, she hold the monster's hand gently "I will help you, but can you tell me who had the power like me?"

The warmth from Lory's hands slightly eased the sadness on the monster's face, then a faint smile slowly appeared.

Unknowingly Lory's grip on his hand tightened, his heart pounding as if it was about to jump from his chest, Lory pub was deep in thought, while Zhao Li Xin, Girsha, and the others stared at Lory in shock, but still couldn't compare with the shock on Lory's face, it was clear Lory didn't expect this answer from the monster.

[Lory...] Girsha called her softly and it woke Lory from her shock.

Zhao Li Xin pressed his hand on Lory's shoulder, "It will be fine, we are all here for you" Zhao Li Xin's firm voice give the reassurance she needed.

Lory's inner turmoil subsided, she shift her gaze back to the pitiful monster that lay in front of her then she closed her eyes soon after a purplish light radiated from her body and the light grew wider and wider until it enveloped the monster and swept away the remaining black mana in the creature's body.

everyone raised their arms to hide their sight from the dazzling light that gradually turned from purplish to bright white, the light not only feels warm it also gives a sense of tranquility to anyone feel like they were purified by it, not long after the light gradually dimmer when they put down their arms they see the monster's body has shrunk and turn into a small white seed.

The seed surface glistened like a pearl, later the seed flew into Lory's palm, Zhao Li Xin saw the seed in Lory's hand suddenly she remembered about the flower Hu Long had told her earlier, could it be the same flower, then what happened after the flower was given to Lazarus, and why is it only being used now?  more questions popped into his head but Zhao Li Xin held back his curiosity after all only Huo Long could confirm this, therefore Zhao Li Xin decided to ask Huo Long after this.

"Is it over?" Tian Meng Ji looks around him then he turns his gaze at Lory.

Lory clenched the seed and look into the distance "No, it's only the beginning…"

Girsha knew what Lory was thinking because he felt the same way too, he could feel that the end was near is like walking step by step out of the tunnel although no one knew what was waiting for them outside the tunnel, however, he was certain no matter what happened this will determine the outcome of their long journey "What once ended will begin again…" Girsha mutter softly.

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