The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 944 - Welcome To The Belly Of The Beast II

Different from the outside inside the gate was quite empty you could say almost no sign of life but this silence made the hairs on the back of their necks stand there something eerie with the atmosphere inside.

Lan Hua didn't want to stay there any longer no one knew if someone was really guarding this place, Lan Hua then nudged Jin Hua to follow her into the main building.

They ran through the main courtyard then they saw the elder Zhuang and his people were talking to a middle-aged man right at the main door, Jin Hua and Lan Hua quickly hid behind a giant rock in the garden carefully they peeked from behind the rock, from a distance they saw elders Zhuang and the middle-aged man had serious expressions, they seemed to be having a deep conversation and elder Zhuang looked dissatisfied.

However, Jin Hua and Lan Hua recognized the middle-aged man as Ji Hong who was Jin Kai's, right-hand man. Meanwhile, Lan Hua and Jin Hua continued to watch Ji Hong and elder Zhuang, after a while their discussion seemed a little tough until finally, Elder Zhuang snorted then waved his hand in the air, the people following Elder Zhuang looked displeased but they stopped complaining when they saw Elder Zhuang's stern expression.

Elder Zhuang then entered alone with Ji Hong while the others were forced to wait outside the main door, they were obviously annoyed but they couldn't do anything about it. The problem is how Jin Hua and Lan Hua follow them when there are people at the main door if they look for another entrance they are afraid they will get lost because Jin Hua doesn't know the place if they get lost they are afraid they will miss information about Ji Hong and Elder Zhuang.

Suddenly a small furry head appeared from the ground, Jin Hua widened his eyes in surprise and so was Lan Hua, they were shocked to see Po Po, the little beast appeared out of nowhere. Po Po staring at Jin Hua with his round eyes then he twitched his nose before running in another direction, but then the little beast realize Jin Hua wasn't following him so the little beast turned and wiggle his little butt left and right.

"It's funny, but what does it mean?" Lan Hua asked with a serious face.

"I think Po Po wants us to follow him," Jin Hua replied in the same serious tone.

The two girls followed the little beast to the back of the main building then they suddenly passed someone dressed in white coming out of the basement stairs, Lan Hua quickly subdued the woman before she could make a sound once she was knocked out they drag the woman to a quiet place behind the wooden storage.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Looks like it's some kind of uniform?" Lan Hua saw that this woman was wearing a thick veil and gloves, her white dress was also very simple with no embroidery so obviously this wasn't the kind of outfit one would normally wear for outings.

"Should we change our clothes to this?" Jin Hua suggested.

"I think it's a good idea, this woman also has the same height as you so you should change first, I'll find someone else," Lan Hua said casually before she left.

'Sounds like they were shopping right now' Jin Hua shrugged then prepare to change her clothes.

Meanwhile, Lan Hua was waiting behind the tall bushes not long after another woman appeared, she looks around with a frowning face perhaps she was looking for the previous woman, Lan Hua snickered then in a quick move she hit the back of the woman's head then she dragged the fainting woman to the same place, at that time Jin Hua already finished changing.

"Oh, you found someone already?" Jin Hua was stunned by how quick Lan's Hua's work was, no wonder she could become Bei Li Yan's, right-hand man, wait no...right-hand woman!

without ashamed Lan Hua took off the woman's clothes casually and she reply with a playful tone "You know what people said, you asked and God will provide!" Lan Hua then quickly changed her clothes.

After finishing Lan Hua shoves a pill into the mouths of the two women "It will make them faint for two days and erase some of their memories so this should be enough"

"Oh, by the way, I find a key from the woman's body" Jin Hua wiggle the silver key in front of Lan Hua's face with a big grin.

"Awesome, Let's go now!" Lan Hua put the two unconscious women inside the wooden storage, later she put the thick veil to cover their face then continue to where the two women came from soon they found Po Po has waiting for them in front of the stairs that lead to the cellar. 

However, they were blocked by a locked wooden door, Jin Hua took out the key he got then he put it in the keyhole then she slowly turned the key and they heard a click.

Jin Hua smiled happily then slowly opened the door, Po Po, Jin Hua, and Lan Hua entered the darkroom. Lan Hua found a candle then she lit a candle immediately the room was lit with a faint yellow light, they looked around them filled with wooden shelves filled with various kinds of jars, rags, bottles, and other miscellaneous objects. 

"Sister Lan, there are stairs leading to the top, over here!" Jin Hua called.

They carefully climbed the stairs trying not to make a sound but then they stopped right in front of another wooden door when they heard people grumbling "Where are those two women, I told them to bring more jars from the cellar, why haven't they come back yet!"

Another trembling voice answered quickly, "I'm so...sorry, I'll check on them right now!"

Jin Hua and Lan Hua immediately exchanged shocked glances then they ran down the stairs quickly, at the same time the door opened and a young man in the same white clothes came down the stairs he then saw two women holding jars of various sizes with both their hands.

The young man snorted in annoyance "Just bring the big jars, have you forgotten what you were told?!"

Jin Hua and Lan Hua immediately returned the jars in their hands to the wooden shelf and then took out a large jar. The young man stare at them with mocking eyes but he didn't say anything just left with an annoyed snort "What a bunch of stupid women!"

Jin Hua and Lan Hua exchange relief sighed, they followed the man upstairs, above them were scolded again by the middle-aged woman who ordered them to immediately take the jar to the laboratory.

'LABORATORY!' Jin Hua and Lan Hua screamed inwardly, they didn't expect that they would coincidentally find Jin kai's laboratory, what day is it why are they so lucky! They tried to control the excitement in their hearts as they followed the young man. 

Jin Hua's eyes swept the room around him, he never thought he would enter this forbidden place, their footsteps echoed through the passageway as they were surrounded by stone walls and red pillar carved with phoenix and dragon however the place felt cold and empty Jin Hua wondered if Jin Hao became the clan leader he might spend his time cultivating in this place immediately her heart ached, she was grateful that Jin Hao was kicked out of the Misty Lake clan that's why he found Long Ming and became a member Hei Shen sect, in the end, all the suffering that his brother endured was actually a blessing in disguise.

They arrived at the main hall, Jin Hua and Lan Hua saw the seat of honor for the clan leader placed high they guessed this was a place where clan leaders usually received the elders or other important guests but what were they here for?

the young man walked towards the incense burner made of stone supported by four legs, he turned the incense burner clockwise and suddenly the floor split open.

Jin Hua and Lan Hua exchanged meaningful glances, no wonder no one could find the laboratory it turned out that the place was carefully hidden, the young man descended the stairs without waiting for them, Jin Hua took the opportunity to whisper at Po Po "Find someone named Bei Li Yan or Jin Hao then show them this place"

Po Po turned his head with a lazy face.

Jin Hua clicked her tongue in exasperation, she added, "If you do what I say you will find the most beautiful woman in the world, she will wear red fancy robes when you find him tell him where I am!"

Po Po nodded then ran like a bolt of lightning, Jin Hua stare at her little beast with worried looks meanwhile Lan Hua asked: "You mean Master Bei, huh?"

Jin Hua nodded awkwardly "Po Po really have a penchant for beautiful women so I think he will obey Bei Li Yan more than Big brother Jin"

Lan Hua's mouth twitched slightly "Don't let Master Bei hear this...." there's nothing Bei Li Yan hates more than someone mistaken him with a woman ironically Bei Li Yan possessed androgynous beauty that could make women feel ashamed.

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