The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 946 - Welcome To The Belly Of The Beast IV

Elsewhere, other people were in trouble and they were the Su Family. Jin Kai's subordinates placed them in a room that was quite comfortable but the atmosphere around them was extremely gloomy and tense. They had also seen an iron cage with a ferocious creature inside although they weren't sure what kind of creature it really was, however, they could sense a serious threat coming from it, they had also become warier of people who were all dressed up all white who looked at them with indifferent gazes and empty eyes. For the Su family who always respected wherever they went, this was the first time people treated them as if they were no better than ordinary people on the streets.

Inside the room, the three men were left alone, while Fifth Elder sat on one of Su Feng's chairs and Su Sheng stood with wary gazes, they didn't even dare to drink the tea that Jin Kai served as they were too afraid of what might be mixed in their tea.

Su Feng walked to the door he tried to push the door but there were two guards guarding in front of their door. Su Feng closed the door again carefully then he walked towards his father and grandfather who was looking at him with worried faces.

Su Feng raised two fingers then pointed towards the door as soon as Su Jian and Su Sheng understood what Su Feng meant. Su Jian who was the elder of the Misty Lake clan clenched his fists on the table tightly never in his life had he ever dreamed of being a prisoner in his own clan.

Sadness and anger stirred inside him like a whirlwind he wonder if it's karma for turning his cheeks when he clearly saw injustice happen in front of him within his own clan just because he want to protect his own family.

If back then he had stopped Zhuang Wei Wei from taking Zhuang Yao Xi's life, he should have stopped Elder Zhuang from using his daughter to fulfill his ambition, if only he had saved Ji Hao at that time, no… he should have stopped Jin Gu from becoming the clan leader. ... Unfortunately, there is no cure for regret, in the end, you reap what you sow.

"Father..." Su Sheng put his hand on his father's shoulder like him, he also had his own regrets, still, he could only hope that their plan would succeed.

The door suddenly opened and an old man entered with two male assistants behind him, Fifth elder's expression immediately darkened, "Old Zheng" he hissed without hiding his contempt.

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Elder Zheng expected this reaction therefore his expression remained calm instead of he looks at them with ridicule.

"Old Su" Elder Zheng smirked, "I'm glad you agreed to help us… well, you have no choice" he chuckled while his two assistants placed the wooden box and small jar on the table then they carefully opened the wooden box. . and there's a strange contraption in it.

The device was like a tube but with a long needle at the end of the tube, it looked like it was made of silver metal, one of the assistants opened the jar as soon as a pungent smell filled the air.

"What's that?" Su Feng shouted, she took two steps back while covering his nose with his sleeve.

The Fifth Elder jumped from his seat, never in his life had he smelled anything like this before, it's like the smell of rusty iron mixed with old rotting flesh, both him and Su Sheng's expression filled with disgust.

On the other hand, elder Zheng closed his eyes as he took a deep breath and muttered with a joyful voice "This is a miracle..." when he opened his face filled with happiness that was hard to describe the three members of the Su family stared at the elder as if he was a madman.

"Zheng Xiu Ma, what's wrong with you" The fifth elder struggled to open his mouth as he was about to smell the stench again, it took a lot of determination not to throw up right here right now, still he had to say something to the man he thought he knew.

"I know you're eccentric since you were young but at least you were still aware that there was a line you shouldn't cross but what have you done now, do you realize what Jin Kai has done, do you realize that you've hurt your own people? the people you grew up with, your friends, disciple...your own family? are you aware of that?!" Su Jian screams exasperatedly.

"I HURT NO ONE!" Elder Zheng suddenly refuted with a loud voice and everyone fell silent soon after Elder Zheng gives an exhalation of frustration "What I gave you all was an opportunity for an evolution…." he clenched both his fist in front of his chest with an excited expression, "Can't you see… I've finally found a way to transcend human limitations, isn't that why we chose the path of cultivation? Isn't this what we've been looking for all a long time?"

The fifth elder set his lips into a firm line, because when things went wrong even though they do not always see eye to eye in many things but as elders, they had one thing in common which was their love for the future of the Misty Lake clan but what happened now? since when did they hurt each other like this? 

"By turned our people into a lunatic…." The fifth elder voice shook with anger.

Elder Zheng shrugged nonchalantly "Small sacrifice to achieve greater good.." he then took the syringe from his assistant's hand then dipped the tip of the syringe into the jar containing the smelly liquid then started pumping the liquid inside the syringe.

Everyone stared at the syringe in horror while Elder Zheng flicked the syringe a few times before he turned his gaze to the fifth elder, "You will understand once you try it, you will experience yourself the feeling of being intoxicated by a pure power, for once we will no longer be restricted by doubts, conscience, compassion and all those useless emotions there will only be power... Brother, I will turn you into a God" Elder Zheng's sincere eyes make the fifth elder shudder.

"NO!" Su Feng suddenly shields his grandfather behind him, "Father, don't let him touch grandfather!" Su Feng screamed in panic as a deep sense of uneasiness held him rigid, every sense inside him screaming to run.

When Su Sheng was about to pull his father back he suddenly felt dizzy at the same time his legs turned to jelly he fell to his knees the same thing happened to Su Feng, instantly the fifth's face turned deathly pale he grabbed Su Feng and Su Sheng and pulled them behind him.

"What did you do to my son and grandson" The fifth elder's face was red with anger, at the same time he was trying to remember how they got the poison because they didn't touch anything that was given to them.

Elder Zheng chuckled at Fifth Elder's confusion "You think just because you don't drink the tea we gave you, you can avoid the poison we gave you, have you forgotten who the master we serve is?" Elder Zheng laughed at the fifth elder's naivety.

"Lao Min Na is a talented alchemist, it is easy for him to make a colorless and smelly poison. He is very clever at mixing neurotoxins in candles" Elder Zheng lit another candle which had not been lit while saying "The candle itself is harmless but when it is burned by fire it automatically activated the poison however it didn't affect you because your cultivation is much higher than them...Don't you remember I always the smart one" he tapped his temple with a playful grin.

Despair and panic squeeze the air in the Fifth elder's lungs as he realizes they took Su Feng and Su Sheng as a hostage even if Jin Hua comes how could they run away from here when they were poison alas this realization took away the last resistance he had in him.

"Don't worry they will not die" Elder Zheng sneer coldly "As long you were obedient, of course" he gives Fifth elder a strict warning.

Fifth Elder sighed resignedly, "Do whatever you want, I'm too old to be scared to death"

Elder Zheng sneered, "Brave as usual, but stupid" he walked towards the fifth elder while holding a syringe in his hand then his assistant pulled the fifth elder's sleeve showing his bare arms then Elder Zheng carefully injected the fifth elder's arm after he finished he glanced at the fifth elder, "I told you I will make you a god, why don't you believe me"

"If I am a God, then what are you?" The fifth elder's voice was calm and even, hatred had turned into sadness and bitterness as the memory of their youth flashed through his mind.

'What went wrong?'

A strange innocent smile appeared on Elder Zheng's face as he speak in a familiar gentle voice "Don't worry brother, we will all become Gods together, you, me, Bu San Giu, Ran Wei Zhao even Zhuang Zhen Yao, after this we can go back to that time.....the time when we were still friends"

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