The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 951 - Time To Fight Back!

The fifth elder's screams boomed, he kept shouting 'Demon' without realizing that what he was fighting was his son and grandson, the fifth elder was attacking them relentlessly, Su Feng kept the fifth elder busy while Lan Hua threw stun needles at the fifth elder and a few others. of them hitting him, Lan Hua also used paralyzing smoke which made the fifth elder's movements halt for a second as Su sheng took the opportunity to push the fifth elder against the wall then used the handcuffs to tie his hands.

The fifth elder roared he opened his mouth widely like an angry beast at that moment in a quick move Lan Hua shove the gourd filled with miracle water down his throat, it was so hard it will not be impossible Jin Hua accidentally knocked some of the old man's teeth.

Fifth Elder had no choice but to swallow the water, gradually his eyes became clearer still Jin Hua forced him to drink until the gourd was empty.

Not long after the fifth elder calmed down, he stopped resisting but his gaze was still blank.

"Is the water work?" Jin Hua evaluated Fifth Elder carefully.

"I'm not sure...." Lan Hua was not sure either.

Jin Hua pursed her lips worriedly "Let's make him drink more" she shove another gourd into the Fifth elder's mouth carelessly.

"Ugh!" The fifth elder make choking sounds but Jin Hua didn't stop, no one-stop her either.

After the fifth elder empty another gourd Jin Hua stop then the old man coughed loudly while everyone watched him with a tense expression.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Fa..father, do you recognize me?" Su Sheng's voice slightly cracked from stress, worry, and fear for losing his parent.

The Fifth elder didn't answer he still continued coughing, Su Feng then slowly lean his head closer to his grandfather the ask in a quiet voice "'s me, Su Feng, do you know me now?" his jaw tighten and his heart pounding like a war drum knowing if this attempt failed he will not know how to save his grandfather and the worst case is they might have to kill his grandfather if that what they should do Su Feng do not think he will able to do it, imagine he must hurt his own grandfather his eyes brimmed with tears.

The fifth elder finally stop coughing, he slowly raised his head there was a long silence between them, everyone stared at the fifth elder cautiously then the old man's lips start to quiver but no words came out, Su Feng then got impatient he shake his Grandfather shoulder "Grandfather, please tell me something! PLEASE!" he screams desperately.

"I....I....I..."The fifth elder makes inaudible sounds.

"Make him drink again!" Su Sheng quickly said to Jin Hua.

"I don't have more!" Jin Hua opens her arms and replies dejectedly.

Suddenly Lan Hua Hua summons two gourds from her spatial ring "Don't worry I have two more!" her eyes glint.

All of a sudden the fifth elder manages to make a sound, saying: "No....No..more...I'm...bloat..." he pleads pitifully.





"Uhm....I think he's awake now!" Lan Hua tilts her head.

When Su Sheng looked carefully, there was no hatred in Fifth Elder's eyes, only extreme exhaustion immediately he leaps in joy, "Father, you are awake!" Su Sheng hugged the fifth elder in tears like a child missing his father but he doesn't care, Su Feng also join the group hugged finally the burden in his heart lifted there are no words that could express his feeling now, therefore, the three generations of the Su family could only vent their relief and joy by hugging each other tightly.

Jin Hua and Lan Hua exchanged glances, but then Jin Hua asked, "Why, you also have two gourds?"

Lan Hua smirked as she said, "There's a new saying in our Hei Shen sect that says 'Hope for the best but prepare for the worst' she giggles.

Jin Hua narrowed her eyes, "Let me guess, it's a young madam again?" Jin Hua pursed her lips, she slightly regretted not trying to interact more with the young madam when she had the chance.

Lan Hua laughed as she hooked her arm around Jin Hua's neck "Don't worry when it's all over you'll have a chance to get to know the young madam, you guys might become friends~"

"Does she willing to be friends with someone like me?" Jin Hua is not sure Lory willing to be her friend even in her own clan no one wants to be friends with her even if there is because they want to take advantage of her beastmaster abilities, alas no one has been sincere to her since Jin Hao left.

Lan Hua laughed at Lan Hua's bashful expression after a few weeks of interacting with her. Lan Hua notices that Jin Hua has confidence issues maybe because she grew up under pressure in the Misty Lake clan but thankfully it doesn't make her personality bad instead it makes Jin Hua humble, diligent, and most of all she doesn't give up easily.

"Are you kidding me, madam will still be friends with you even if you are just a simple pastry owner from the small stall...correction, she will definitely be your friend if you are selling her pastry" Lan Hua's mouth twitch remember the number of sweets Lory's eat.

After releasing The Fifth Elder from the handcuffed, they gave him pills to restore his health then gave the Fifth Elder a moment to recover his Qi with the help of Su Feng who transfer some of his Qi to the Fifth Elder's back. Ten minutes later Fifth Elder's condition improved but his face was still pale which meant that he had not fully recovered yet.

"Fifth Elder, I'm sorry but I think we must leave now before Jin Kai's subordinates find out what happened" Jin Hua actually felt bad forcing the fifth elder to move, alas their situation right now was very dangerous and somehow she felt it just going to get worst.

"I understand, but before that, we have to destroy this entire place first" the fifth elder opened his eyes wide as if they held some dark warning.

"Why, what's wrong? Do you know anything older fifth?" Jin Hua's expression became tense when he saw the sadness on Fifth Elder's face.

"Back then, when they injected me with that mysterious liquid… even though my consciousness was wavering but I was still able to catch some things, at that time I heard them talking about trying to increase the Demonic Beast Quota and also speed up the process of turning humans into…"

"Lesser-Demon?" Jin Hua interrupted.

The fifth elder massaged his forehead trying to recall his memory "No, they said something else...they thought about easier and faster method compare to create Lesser Demon, they said my transformation was a hassle, therefore, they rather proceed to the new method..they called that creature Demon minion..."

Everyone simultaneously held their breath, shock flooding over them like a blizzard in winter, what else was Jin Kai making in his laboratory and what for.

"What..what is that?" Su Feng felt like he was taking a breath of cold air.

Su Sheng helped his father to his feet like everyone else, his entire expression tense like a string tied to a kite that could break at any moment.

"I… not sure but they say about the impending darkness that will sweep away all life forms in this world, leaving only a select few to survive…" there was a tremor in the Fifth Elder's voice it was a shocking sight to Su Sheng and Su Feng as they had never seen the Fifth Elder shake in fear.

"We have to change plans now!" Jin Hua suddenly spoke and caught everyone's attention, Jin Hua then continued "Not search and rescue anymore, as Fifth Elder said we must destroy this place"

"But, if something happens to you..." Lan Hua firmly refused.

"Who is higher, my brother, Bei Li Yan or Master Long Ming?!" Jin Hua clenched her fists, "Young Madam and Long Ming have been fighting Lao Min Na for a long time if we destroy this place and everything that Jin Kai has done then we will cripple the greatest power that Lao Min Na has naturally it will help Madam and Lord Long Ming's involved my stepbrother and my clan so I can't just run away like this, I must put this to the end, miss Lan please understand..." Jin Hua grabbed Lan Hua's hand trying to reassure her.

Lan Hua pressed her lips together she see the determination in Jin Hua's eyes and she knew she cannot stop her.

"I agree with Miss Jin, The Misty Lake clan cannot be part of the world destruction, whatever it takes I will stop Jin Kai even if I have to die!" The fifth said firmly with unwavering expression, he had experienced the horror firsthand so he know what kinda terror Jin kai brings to this world.

"Then I will fight with you Father!" Su Sheng determinedly said.

"Me too!" Su Feng also chimed in.

The fifth elder gave them a firm nod, "Good, the Su family will not run away from this fight, we have to stop Jin Kai at all cost before everything is lost in his hands"

Lan Hua sighed "Whatever, I just need to make sure you unhurt," Lan Hua said in resignation.

Jin Hua beamed, she hugged Lan Hua coyly"Thank you, sister Lan, don't worry nothing will happen to us!" 

"Fine-fine...." she patted Jin Hua's arms to let go then said to the Su family: "You all will need talisman, weapon and recovery pills since we will fight a lot of people from here on," she waves her hands right away on the ground a few types of weapon such as long sword, heavy blade, spear, lay on the ground neatly including talisman, amulet, jade bottle contain high-level recovery pill lay the scene was similar with a street vendor.

"Take whatever you need!" Jin Hua casually said.

Even though the Su family is a very rich family they are still stunned by the number of high-quality weapons, amulets, and pills before their eyes if they covet all this stuff it will take half of their family treasury yet Lan Hua presented it to them as a mere cabbage.

"Thank you miss Lan, don't worry we will use this weapon carefully" Su Sheng took the spears, Su Sheng swing the lance a few times on the air and smiled in content, he wonder if Lan Hua will be willing to sell this weapon to him later.

Lan Hua raises her brows in confusion "Ha, why? the weapon is yours, do whatever you like" she shrugs nonchalantly.

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