The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 957 - Love And Hate

Elsewhere, Jin Hua and the others waited five minutes according to Lan Hua's order then they carried and planted the explosive bamboo in important places, Jin Hua put two explosives behind one of the iron cages he hoped this was enough to kill anything that came is in the cage. After igniting their fuses they quickly walked towards the tunnel they had entered earlier, they looked around them waiting for Lan Hua anxiously, thankfully it didn't take long for Lan Hua to come, she nodded signaling to get out of here quickly.

With relieved faces, they mustered their Qi to move as quickly as possible before the whole place explode, just before they reached the stairs that led them to the top of this tunnel they were pushed away by a hot wind from behind them.


A strong gust of wind kix with hot air threw Jin Hua and the others into the air but with the protective talisman Lan Hua bought them they were not injured but they still slammed then roll on the ground.

Jin Hua winced when she felt some part of her body slightly ache.

"You okay?" Su Feng worriedly asks, he then helps Jin Hua to stand.

"I'm fine" Jin Hua rubbed her arms then she immediately looks around her, "Anyone got hurt?" 

"No, we're fine," said Su Yang while helping the Fifth Elder to his feet even though the old man didn't look like he needed any help since he got the highest cultivation among them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lan Hua stood up patting her hips, "What a big blast," she said with a satisfied look.

Jin Hua then runs toward Lan Hua worriedly because Lan Hua was the last one out so she must have felt the impact of the explosion the most, therefore, Jin Hua is scared Lan Hua might be got injured "Sister Lan, are you alright?" The corners of her eyes creased with concern

"I'm fine, I just need a little massage after this" she joked to comfort Jin Hua.

Jin Hua smiled in relief seeing Lan Hua seems fine "Yeah, let's have a massage after this"

Lan Hua's expression suddenly becomes serious, "Unfortunately we have to postpone that plan." Lan Hua then summons her sword.

"Get ready, they're coming!" Fifth Elder warned then he also pulled out his sword then he made a fighting stance.

Simultaneously everyone realize what happen they quickly made the same stance not long after they heard many footsteps getting closer and closer.

The door was suddenly kicked open then dozens of people rushed over with their weapons looking menaced and threatening, but they gasped in the face of Jin Hua and the others then thousands of questions flashed through their heads,

'Who is this person?'

'Who set the Su Family free?'

'Where did they get the explosives?'

and many more.

"Who are you?" shouted the leader in a voice filled with an accusation tone "Are you the perpetrators who dared to wreak havoc in the misty lake clan?!"

"YES!" Jin Hua and Lan Hua answered bluntly.



"WOW, someone is having fun," Bei Li Yan saw the black smoke rising into the sky, he could guess who did this, no wonder Jin Hao used to call his flowers crazy women, well the example before his eyes make Bei Li Yan had no words to refute.

Bei Li Yan didn't care, actually, he believed in Lan Hua's judgment, even though she could go overboard at times but mostly not without reason… well, mostly.

The thing is this big commotion will attract a lot of people, especially Jin Kai, he must have known what happen, but where is that madman anyway?


Unfortunately, the explosion didn't destroy the entire underground complex as this place was bigger than expected. This place was actually created as a hideout for the entire clan in case something bad happened and this tunnel provided an escape route for the entire clan. That was why this place was so big and had many routes there was even a route connecting to the Jin family residence that only the head of the Jin family knew.

The reason why this place was only known by the Jin family was because the Jin family was the clan leader so naturally, the safety of the entire clan rested on their shoulders, and the reason why this route was not disclosed to others outside the Jin family because they feared there will be a traitor among the clans, unfortunately, the ancestor of the Jin family did not expect that after so many years passed the Jin family began to go astray and misused the function of this place.

Jin Kai who was in another room underground felt the ground he was standing on shake for a moment then he smelled the smoke immediately forming deep wrinkles in his brows as he realized something bad was going on, no need to guess his men came rushing over then he cupped his hand and reported in an anxious voice.

"First Master, the first and second floors exploded, we don't know what happened but the fifth elder and his son and grandson have escaped!"

Instantly raw anger stirred inside him like wildfire, one could imagine how furious Jin Kai was at the moment, "How can they get away?" his voice filled with hostility.

The unlucky underlings went cold at the thought of being lashed out by Jin Kai's wrath, still, he answer obediently despite his voice thick with stress "I… we still don't know, but we heard...we heard the Hei Shen sect has attacked our territory"

"YOU HEARD?  what the hel* you've been doing all day?!" Jin Kai was furious, "WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!" His eyes blaze with fury.

The poor man thinks he was so unlucky perhaps it's better to fight with Hei Shen sect members than face Jin Kai right now. 

"We wanted to report but suddenly an explosion occurred… I...I'm sorry First Master!" the man doesn't know what else to say he hit his head on the ground knowing he can only resign to his fate.

"What's the use of apologizing now?!" Jin kai chides coldly then another of his subordinates comes seemingly bearing another bad news.

"First Master, the thing that the Demon Beast that we locked in the cage died was partly released, we wanted to catch it but the people of the Hei Shen sect continued to attack us..." he swallow his next words when he caught by Jin Kai deathly glare.

"Find Fifth Elder, he will definitely return to his family, arrest all of the Su family for treason, find out who freed the Su family, and kill all members of the Hei Shen sect!" Jin Kai shouted as anger rose within him like a wave.

"Ye..yes, First master!" his two subordinates immediately complied, they quickly stood up to carry out orders but one of them stopped hesitating he asked Jin Kai "First master, what about the runaway Demon Beast…?"

"Let it be..." Jin Kai said in an icy tone.

"But Demon Beast can't tell the difference between friend and foe what if it hurts our own people?"

Jin Kai stared at him in silent horror that sent shivers down the spine of his subordinates they knew at that moment that Jin Kai didn't care, the world could crash and burn it got nothing to do with him.

The other subordinate cupped his fists then grabbed his friend's arm and dragged him away before he incite Jin Kai's wrath again and implicated him. 

Jin Kai's expression remained silent with no emotion reflected in his eyes as his eyes were flat and empty. Jin kai then turned around and headed towards the tunnel that led him to his father's place. Unlike before Jin Gu's condition has worsened, Jin Gu stare at his son blankly without no life left in his eyes.

"You know, Jin Hao has come," Jin Kai kneel in front of Jin Gu his expression was warm and gentle "Finally he came...after so long I waited for him finally he come back, I knew he will never forget about me" Jin Kai smiled happily instead of being scared or angry his eyes shone with excitement like he truly had been waiting for this his for whole life.

If Jin Gu still maintained his sanity, he would be surprised to see Jin Kai looking so happy his face was beaming like a child who couldn't wait to reunite with his brother again.

"Father..." Jin Kai reaches for Jin Gu's face gently "At first I want to change you into a Lesser -Demon because I think you meet all the requirements, you have insatiable greed, ambition, arrogance and you also harbor a lot of hatred for the elders...for yourself especially your unresolved hatred toward your own father, you also have great power and sufficient talent that's why I thought you would be a suitable candidate after all haven't you always wanted to be the strongest. Stronger than anyone so you no longer need to be afraid of the elders and other people outside our clan so I want to fulfill your wish but have no one to love"

"Lao Min Na told me there are two ways to become a Little Demon, first by force as I did to you and Fifth Elder but in that way you have to sacrifice the thing you love the most but I forgot that you love nothing but yourself and you are too cowardly to sacrifice your own life, however, there is a second way, it's the same way as Zi Quan Mei" Jin Kai took a deep breath and then stood up, he summoned a small box from his spatial ring within the box containing the syringe. Jin Kai calmly took the syringe then injected it into his arm.

The blue veins on his arms turn black then protruded significantly, soon after the syringe fell to the floor and Jin Kai's face turned awfully pale, he groaned and bent as he try suppressing the excruciating pain he felt while Jin Gu stared at his son with the same empty expression.

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