The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 169 - Ch. 169 You Look Best When You Smile

"Let's go home now," stated Declan without answering his naughty little wife's question.

Roxanne was still curious about Aubrey, but seeing that Declan had a mood swing for some unknown reason, she decided to seal her lips.

Once in the car, Roxanne waited a few minutes before she finally asked again but used another method.

"I wonder where Aubrey is now,"


Roxanne suppressed a satisfied smile, hearing Declan's reaction that didn't contain any jealousy. As expected, if she were to talk about another man, Declan would get angry and might punish her with a penalty she couldn't resist.

But if she's talking about a girl, Declan won't feel jealous and will respond.

"Why do you feel curious about her?"

"I just wanted to know why your driver bears such a resemblance to Aubrey."

"…" so… she looked at Kris curiously about the similarities between the two. Declan was too speechless. "He is Christopher, one of my confidants. Aubrey is his twin sister."

"Nice to meet you, miss." Kris didn't dare to speak before this because he had been receiving cold glares from his master ever since Roxanne was looking at him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He was well aware that Roxanne was watching him, but he didn't dare raise his head or greet the girl. He still cherished his life more and did not dare to face his master's jealous fury.

It wasn't until Declan introduced him as his right-hand man that he dared to speak up to greet the girl.

"Oh. I thought you were disguising as Aubrey or vice versa. But… you two are very different in height, so I was curious."

"Ah, I see." It turns out it was just a misunderstanding. His master was jealous for no reason, after all. "Next time you have the same curiosity, you can ask the master directly." he felt sorry for others if they had experienced the same thing as him.


"Because my master was ready to kill me if you don't stop looking at me." was his honest answer without looking at his master from the rearview.

Roxanne glanced at her side and couldn't help but giggle when she saw Declan refused to look at her and instead looked out the window.

Who have ever thought this guy can be shy too. Noted Roxanne.

"There's nothing to be shy about, Declan. You're so cute when you act like this."

Declan glanced at his wife with a frown.

Cute?? Did his wife say that he is cute??

Declan could even feel Kris trying to hold back his laughter and refocus on his duties as a driver. He was about to cut Kris's salary and give him an earful when he felt movement from the side.

Roxanne nudged her head and gave a slight peck on his cheek, and at that moment, Declan felt like cold water was pouring from his head, making his anger quench again.

"Don't be mad, mister. You looked the best when you show me your smile."

"..." wasn't that sentence supposed to be said by a man?

Well, Declan didn't care anymore and gave a smile while pushing the corners of his lips toward her. He asked for her kiss!

"What a greedy man you are." her hearty laughter gave warmth inside Declan's chest, and her happy eyes make Declan's life perfect.

"Only for you, my love." and he claimed her lips for the umpteenth time that day in a sweet and gentle kiss.

Kris couldn't help but smile at their affection. Strangely… why did he think of the caramel-haired girl with beautiful hazel eyes?

He suddenly felt curious about how does it like when he kissed her.

Very weird.

Back to the town, Nick decided to go home after accompanying his friend in the hospital.

"I'll be back tomorrow with others. It's your mother's request."

"Oh, please. Don't! I'm not a child!"

"Your mother thought otherwise. Just enjoy it. Your mother loves you very much, and you are all she has."

"I know. But I hope she doesn't overdo it. Just put yourself in my shoes. Whenever I get into trouble, the first person she looks for is you or another friend of mine. If she needs a man, why doesn't she remarry?"

"You want her to remarry?"

"If that makes her happy."

Nick shook his head, "It's your happiness that makes her happy."

"How do you know?"

"I'm an expert in this field."

Tye rolled his eyes at his high confident tone. "Then how could she not know that I'm happier when she doesn't interfere in my business?"

"She knows. But she couldn't leave you alone. You're her only son."

"Even that's the case…."

"Admit it, dude. You also enjoyed this."

"I used to enjoy it. But now I don't. It's not like you don't get my feelings. You know very well how it feels when you have a mother who is always bugging you every moment and every second."

"No, I don't," mumbled Nick in a very soft voice to the point Tye didn't notice he said something. "Anyway, I should go home now. See ya."


Nick walked out and went down to the lobby using the elevator. He stood leaning against the elevator wall and lost in thoughts. Even when the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, Nick's mind was still distracted.

He was brought to reality only when he heard a sound and noticed several people getting into the elevator.

"Excuse me." Nick rushed out of the elevator before the elevator doors closed again.

After that, he walked through the large hospital lobby, and for some reason, his eyes caught sight of the figure of a girl sitting on one of the single sofas in the waiting room.

Why did he feel today that his eyes often looked at her as if Lydia Brewster had a magnet that could attract his eyes?

After considering it for a moment, Nick decided to go over to the girl and say hello.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here."

Lydia lifted her head, and her eyes widened because she didn't expect to see Nick in this place.

What was the young man doing in the hospital?

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