The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 232 - Ch. 232 Thank You

After conveying all the burdens that filled her heart to Declan, Roxy felt herself lighten as if there was no longer gravity pulling her into the dark abyss.

Without realizing it, her slightly puffy eyes became heavy, and she fell asleep.

Declan smiled faintly at the innocent peaceful face adorning his wife. Before this, Roxy's forehead would frown every time she fell asleep as if the girl had a bad dream.

But tonight, the girl seemed to be sleeping soundly as if no nightmare would bother her.

There were no nightmares, but that didn't mean no one came to her in her sleep.

Roxy was standing in a flower garden located behind her mansion in South America. She felt nostalgic and walked further until she saw two teenage girls picking flowers there.

"Kaylee, next time you meet the jerk like that again, call me as loud as you can. I will definitely come to you." said the sister in a firm tone. "I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you."

Kaylee giggled lightly at her sister's words. "Sister Roxy, you are not a man. What can you do against those big boys?"

"I will get stronger. I will protect you no matter what."

Kaylee's eyes softened as she looked at her sister. "I'm okay, sis. I'll be fine. You don't have to blame yourself even if something happens to me; it's not your fault."


"You are my sister, not my bodyguard. Promise me, okay? Don't ever blame yourself if something happens to me."

Hearing her sister's words made Roxy's eyes wet. She remembered this conversation with her sister when they were teenagers.

Kaylee often hid in a corner or read a book in the library during class breaks. Roxy's friends, who were jealous because Roxy was the brightest kid in the whole school, used Kaylee to knock her down.

They taunted and bullied Kaylee by hiding her textbooks or snatching her purse when Roxy wasn't with her. Nevertheless, Kaylee never once blamed her and never complained.

Her sister… had a stronger and more pure heart than her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was precisely because of this that she felt the most guilty. Kaylee looked up to her and loved her unconditionally, but she took advantage of her instead.

'Don't blame yourself.' a familiar voice sounded nearby made Roxy turn towards the source of the voice.

It was there that she saw the figure of herself, but she knew… it was 'Kaylee,' her other alter.

"Kaylee, you finally showed up."

Her second alter smiled gently at her. "And this is the last time I will appear in front of you."


"You don't need me anymore."

"What? No!" Roxy suddenly panicked, and her heart was beating fast.

"Shh. It's okay. You'll be fine."

"Are you going to disappear?"

For the umpteenth time, 'Kaylee' smiled gently at her. "I will not disappear. I am you and will always be here. It's just that I won't show up, and we won't be chatting like we are now."

"Isn't that the same as you disappearing?" Roxy didn't want her second alter to disappear from her. "I know you are me, but to me… you are my sister. If you disappear, I…."

"Kaylee is always here. Look." 'Kaylee' turned to the two teenagers who were talking while picking flowers with a big smile. "As long as you remember her in your heart, she will always be here."


"Let me ask you this. If you see the sunset, will you not believe the sun will rise tomorrow morning?"


"If summer ends and a lot of leaves fall, will you not believe that summer will come again next year?"

"That's different."

"It is the same. Even if you don't see me or talk face-to-face like this, it doesn't mean I'm gone from your life. Even though Kaylee is no longer in this world, it doesn't mean she left your heart."

Roxy couldn't comment, and her lowered gaze stared at her feet as if that was all she could do.

"Your sister and I will always be in your heart as long as you remember us. But… I have a favor, and I wish you could do it for me."

Roxy lifted her gaze and looked straight into her second alter's eyes. "What is it?"

"Please, watch that video."

"What video?"

"The rose USB that Declan gave you."

Roxy remembered the rose USB that Declan gave when the man gave a surprise visit to the campsite. But didn't she throw it away already?

"I threw it away." Roxy clearly remembered she had thrown the USB in the wastebasket without Declan knowing.

"Declan took it." was her other alter's short remark.



When Declan woke up to call his assistant in the middle of the night, his eyes caught a rose-shaped USB in a dry paper waste basket. Declan sighed in resignation and took the USB.

"If Roxy finds out, she won't like it." a sudden voice made Declan turned his head toward the sound.

"Did I wake you?"

Kaylee shook her head. "It's our silent deal. When I sleep, she will wake up. When she's asleep, I'll be the one to wake up."

"Won't it exhaust your body?"

"We'll manage," Kaylee replied. "What are you going to do with that USB?"

"I'll keep it. Tell her to reach out to me whenever she's ready to see it."

(flashback end)

"He said that? You blocked my memory again."

"I had to do it because I knew you were still not ready to face your mother… our mother."

"And you think I'm ready now?"

"Who knows. But I don't think you'll regret watching the video. Promise me to see it soon."

"What if I don't want to see it?"

"Then I won't force you." was her short answer that made Roxy sigh.

'Kaylee' walked closer to her and hugged Roxy tightly.

"We're not on Folkland Island anymore, Roxy. You are no longer your father's successor and must undergo as much training as you can remember. You are you, and you can write your own story now."

"…" isn't that her words??

"That's right. I borrow your words." 'Kaylee,' answered her silent query. "You are a strong girl, Roxy. You were born to be a star, and I'm sure you will be the most shining star among all."

Roxy gasped in surprise hearing that. Isn't that…

"See? Even though you haven't created me, I know all your dreams as if they were mine too. I am always here and will always be."

With trembling hands, Roxy raised her hands to return her other alter's hug. As soon as her hands wrapped around her torso, her hands were no longer shaking.

"Thank you," Roxy said at last. "Thank you for everything."

"No, thank you. Thank you for having me." 'Kaylee' smiled in relief before her frame slowly disappeared without a trace.


Declan was waiting outside the unfinished mansion when he saw a taxi entered the courtyard of his estate.

'Here he comes, at last.' Thought Declan, who was already feeling exhausted from waiting for that person's arrival.

And yet, the one who got of the taxi was a young man with long hair, thick glasses and a fat body, and… overly thick jacket.

Overall, the appearance of this guy was utterly ugly!

Who is this guy?

"Mr. Black! It's really, really hard to find this place."

"..." This voice... isn't it...

!? Nicholas!!

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