The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 82 - Ch. 82 I'm Kissing You

"Why are we here?" Kaylee panicked as soon as Declan parked the car into the basement of the hotel parking lot.

Declan turned to her, and somehow, the man's eyes were not as usual. The man's gaze emitted a dangerous glint that made the hairs of her neck stand on end.

"Declan?" Kaylee was even more wordless and panicked as the man's hand removed the scarf from her neck.

What does this man want to do? Why does he loosening my scarf? Kaylee was confused and baffled at his sudden action.

His face was dangerously getting closer to her, making her heart pounding hard like a drummer hit his drum. She's worried that Declan might hear the sound of her heart pounding, or maybe that man has heard it?

"Can I kiss you now?"

What!? So this guy stopped here and took off her scarf just to kiss her?

Right now, only the two of them were in the car, and there seemed to be no one in this basement parking lot. Using the excuse that she was thirsty or hungry would also be useless. It looks like she's running out of ideas to avoid this man's blunt advances.

And again, why did this man ask her permission now? Her instinct told her Declan had something in his sleeves, but she believed this man would never do something she disliked.

"O... okay." Kaylee could not stand the face of this devilishly handsome man who was increasingly filling her eyes so that she closed her eyes.

She could feel the scent of the man's breath against the skin of her face making her fidgeting her fingers in her seat.

The gentle touch on her shoulders did not relax her, and when the man brushed her hair behind her neck, Kaylee stiffened.

"Relax, my love. You look like prey in the hands of a predator."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Aren't I?" Kaylee does feel like a little bunny that has been caught by an eagle's claw.

"Yes, you are."

Every reaction and desire to retort the man disappeared at once as he devoured her lips with great passion. For a moment, Kaylee felt like she was jelly by this man's passionate kiss.

When she felt that she was used to it and began to enjoy their making-out session, Declan shifted his lips lower to the side of her jaw. This is new to Kaylee and too much for her pure, innocent mind.

"Declan... what... are you doing?"

"I'm kissing you." was the straightforward answer making Kaylee wanted to cry.

'I knew it! He had a hidden motive when asking my permission.'

She tried to move backward until her back hit the car door with no room to escape. She felt helpless to the man's assault and only could receive his overwhelming passion.

The hot shiver ran down her spine when she felt Declan's lips arrive on her nape and gave her a light suck and nip, causing her sense to leave her mind.

A sweet moan escaped her lips without being able to control it, and it seemed to encourage the hunger predator to continue his sensual movement.

Her hands raised to touch the man's chest, and no one knows whether these smaller hands would push Declan or to feel the muscles behind his shirt.

It seemed that her hands had a mind of their own for not doing either. Her hands rose to feel the hard shoulder of the man in front of her until they could feel the softness of the man's brown hair.

Her hand squeezed his hair while pressing the man's head as if to bring the man's lips to put more pressure on her sensitive, delicate skin.

"Ahh..." was the pleasure sigh from the arousal girl.

For a few seconds, Declan fell silent and stopped his movements.

There's something strange. Thought Declan.

Somehow he felt dejavu and recalled the moment when he kissed this girl in his house. Declan remembered how this girl suddenly changed and…

Declan felt the girl's hands fall limply while the girl's head slumped to the side, making him swiftly catch the girl's head.

"Kaylee?" Declan cupped the girl's face with his two hands gently as he investigated her expression.

The man breathed a sigh of relief when he realized the girl was just asleep. Declan adjusted the girl's position so Kaylee could lie down comfortably. After that, he looked at the girl with a thousand questions in his head.

This was not the first time he had felt the change in the girl's vibe. He also remembered the gleam in the girl's fearful eyes when they arrived at the Grace Orphanage.

It was not the first time either because he had seen her when the girl woke up after kissing him.

Honestly... who is Kaylee Roesalie Zouch?

He certainly doesn't care about the girl's past because he loves Kaylee the way she is. Neither does he mind facing Kaylee's change of character, who suddenly goes wild and seduces him with her sensual lips and mischief looks. It made him challenged to want to conquer this woman.

But… those eyes filled with fear were what made him unhappy.

What made this girl so terrified that her whole body trembled?

Considering that Kaylee was very much protected by Mister Zouch, of course… this girl won't feel scared without reason.

He recalled the announcement of his engagement to the only daughter Mister Zouch spread immediately a few minutes after his father announced it. Even if his father doesn't let journalists in, they won't be able to stop their guests from spreading this announcement through their social media accounts.

Declan was even sure that one or two of them secretly took their photos, but not a single image of them appeared.

He's pretty sure Mister Black doesn't mind his photo showing up that it is impossible for his father to erase some of the guests secretly taking pictures.

And of course, it wasn't Declan who prevented the photo from spreading widely, which means… the last suspect was Mister Zouch.

The confused man picked up a lock of Kaylee's hair before tilting it behind her ear. The girl's face looked innocent, as if she knew no fear of anything. That girl looks defenseless when sleeping carefree like this.

His gentle rub on her crown stirred the sleeping beauty up.


Kaylee blinked a few times and saw Declan, who seemed to be looking at her anxiously. The man was worried that the girl would wake up and once again looked at him like an enemy, so he instantly withdrew his hand as soon as he realized that the girl had regained consciousness.

"Declan? Did I fall asleep?"

The clueless girl didn't notice a sigh of relief from the man when Declan answered her question, "Yeah. Do you often fall asleep without you knowing it?"

"No. This is the first. "

"The second. You fell asleep in my parent's house when I kissed you."

Kaylee felt her head burning, remembering her first kiss with that man. "I… I don't know. Then… I think… you should stop kissing me." was the smart answer from the poor 'prey.'

The predator didn't know whether to laugh or cry hearing her respond. He knew better than anyone, he couldn't stop himself from kissing the girl, but he didn't want to see the girl fell asleep in the middle of their making out either.

Really, this girl is getting better at avoiding his 'slow' advances.

"Kaylee, has this happened before? Fall asleep after kissing?" without agreeing to her hidden request, Declan inquired her while stroking the girl's soft cheek.

"No. You're the first man I kiss." was the honest answer.

"And the last. I don't want you to kiss another man."

Kaylee was speechless for the nth time hearing the order tone from the man.

Both of them knew that Kaylee was introverted and liked standing in the corner without making a fuzz. She was not an attention-seeking person and always stays low wherever she is.

Kaylee had always avoided every guy's advance and refused all forms of their touch except for shaking hands. Declan was the first to force his way into her comfort zone, took her hand, hugged her, and kissed her. The man even brought her out and entered his zone, which made her helpless.

She didn't even know that the kiss could create such intoxicating euphoria. This man was the first to introduce her to a sensual taste that she had never felt before.

Kaylee didn't know if she could get the same feeling if she kissed another man who wasn't Declan. But she felt sure she would not be willing to touch other men, let alone kiss some random guy.

"You're the only man that I kissed." blurted Kaylee without knowing her declaration make a certain predator almost lose control. "Are you ha…" she couldn't finish her words as the man claimed her full lips once again.

"Let's see if you fall asleep this time, shall we?" whispered the cunning man above her lips.


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