The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 129 Meeting Ye Suyin Again!

[Note: Posted Incomplete chapter last time, reread please.]

Xia Tian woke up leisurely, remembering that he had left behind a little girl for a whole week.

Ye Suyin must have comprehended the whole Thousand Poisons Scripture by now.

Thinking of it, he did have some good plans for destroying the Ye Family, which also involved the mother of Ye Suyin, if she existed.

Thinking of it, he couldn't help but look at the naked women left to him. In these two days, Wang Wenshu had been completely tamed by him. Her ruffled hair spread evenly across the bed, while Meng Hui was squeezing his whole body inside the weight of her large breasts.

His eyes fell on the shining butt of Wang Wenshu, the woman who was breathing evenly, too tired from the strenuous activity of the last two days.

Without caring that she needed rest, he slapped her butt. "Ummm? ...Who is it? ...Disturbing my sleep?... Don't you fear death?" she spoke as she woke up, rubbing her tired eyes.

But the moment she saw Xia Tian's face in front of her, she cursed herself. "Did I just threaten him?"

She started feeling wet again, but this time not near her legs, but on her face due to sweat.

During these two days, if there was one thing she had learned, it was to never take Xia Tian as a normal person. Logic didn't work on him.

Smiling bitterly, she said, "What is my punishment?" Rather than giving him this opportunity to torture her, wasn't it better to just surrender truthfully?

Luo Xue couldn't help but speak up. "[Master, she has undergone a serious change of mentality.]" Xia Tian shrugged. It wasn't the first time he had seen this sudden transformation.

Rather than focusing on her, he wore his clothes and spoke, "Wear your clothes. You are coming with me." Wang Wenshu was unable to make sense out of the situation.

She couldn't help but ask, "Come where?"

"You don't want to meet your daughter and son?" asked Xia Tian.

Instantly she realized where he was taking her.

"I want!" she immediately wore her clothes in haste.

But while she was putting on her dress, she glanced at Xia Tian with suspicion. "Why are you taking me with you? Do you have funny ideas?" She never believed he was kind enough to do something like this.

Xia Tian nodded, "Indeed, I have plans for you. I would fuck you in front of your son," casually speaking such an absurd sentence.

He walked through the portal that appeared out of nowhere.

Once his shadow disappeared, Wang Wenshu finally snapped out of her daze and closed her wide-open mouth.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She felt like crying.

In the end, gritting her teeth, she followed after him.

Meng Hui, who was pretending to be asleep, suddenly woke up. She sighed in relief. 'At least he won't fuck me in front of my sons.'

But on thinking of it, he had already done that.

At the same time, the little Jade Emperor also opened his eyes. 'Where am I?' He looked around, confused.

The system had sealed all his earlier memories of the incident to protect him from having a mental breakdown


Inside the flying ship, Ye Suyin had just completed her cultivation, soaring from the first stage to the tenth stage of the earth profound realm.

She was on the brink of breaking through to the sage realm, but instead of being overjoyed, she was fraught with worry as she searched for Xia Tian.

As the ship hovered above the Eternal Cloud City, Ye Suyin scanned the surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of Xia Tian's figure.

However, to her dismay, there was no sign of him, and it seemed as though she had been abandoned once again.

Feeling a sense of unease and disappointment, Ye Suyin couldn't help but wonder where Xia Tian had disappeared to.

She had hoped to share her progress with him and receive his guidance, but it seemed as though she would have to navigate the sage realm alone.

Ye Suyin looked out of the window of the flying ship with a heavy heart, the sight of the bustling Eternal Cloud City did nothing to lift her spirits.

She had been alone for most of her life, abandoned by her parents and left to fend for herself. It was only after meeting Xia Tian that she had finally found a sense of belonging and purpose.

But now, with Xia Tian nowhere to be found, Ye Suyin couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness and fear of abandonment that haunted her for so long.

She had worked tirelessly to comprehend the Thousand Poisons Scripture, hoping to impress Xia Tian and gain his approval, but he had disappeared without a word.

As she thought back to her past, Ye Suyin remembered the countless nights she spent alone, her only companions the stars and the howling of wolves.

She had learned to rely on herself and to trust no one, until Xia Tian had entered her life and changed everything.

But now, she feared that history was repeating itself. That she was being abandoned once again, left to fend for herself in a world that had never shown her kindness.

The thought of it made her heart ache and tears threatened to spill from her eyes...

Wang Wenshu watched as Xia Tian approached Ye Suyin, who had been waiting patiently on the platform. She couldn't understand why he was being so cryptic and elusive about his intentions. "What is he up to now?" she thought to herself.

Xia Tian's words echoed in her mind. She didn't believe that he understood anything about love or relationships. It was as if he had no empathy for others. Wang Wenshu could feel her frustration and anger growing.

Little did she know that Xia Tian had purposely allowed Ye Suyin to fall into a crisis before showing up to rescue her. He wanted to make her dependent on him, to the point where she would never be able to break away.

It was a cruel game he was playing, like feeding a pig before slaughtering it. Xia Tian seemed to take pleasure in the misery of others.

Unaware of his true intentions, Wang Wenshu also descended to the platform. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the strange scene in front of her. For a moment, she doubted her own reality.

Ye Suyin's arms were wrapped tightly around Xia Tian's broad shoulders as he held her close to his chest. Her face was buried in his neck, and her body trembled slightly as she clung to him, unable to believe that he was really there with her.

Xia Tian's eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked down at her, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "You have really fallen far for me..." he teased, his voice low and warm.

Ye Suyin's heart skipped a beat at his words, and she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I-I have..." she stammered, unable to deny the truth of his statement. She had fallen for him hard, and there was no denying it.

Despite her embarrassment, however, she couldn't bring herself to let go of him. She felt safe and protected in his arms, and she never wanted to leave this moment.

After the small reunion ended, Xia Tian turned his gaze towards Wang Wenshu. She seemed to be at a loss for words, her mouth opening and closing uncertainly.

Ye Suyin's voice interrupted the silence, "Husband, who is she?" Her tone was laced with suspicion, causing Wang Wenshu to feel even more uneasy.

"Eh?" Wang Wenshu felt like her mind was unraveling once again. 'What is happening? Why is she calling him husband?'

Xia Tian, however, was not surprised by the sudden change in Ye Suyin's address. He knew that she was unconsciously trying to increase their intimacy by using such terms. However, he also recognized that this type of move could be seen as a form of manipulation.

Assigning a nickname or pet name to someone can make them lower their guard around you. In the end, everything is a form of manipulation, and it is up to each individual to decide where to draw the line.

Xia Tian noticed Wang Wenshu's confusion and decided to break the awkward silence. "This is my mother-in-law," he said, pointing towards Wang Wenshu, who raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Your mother-in-law and not mine?" Ye Suyin repeated, clearly surprised by the revelation.

Xia Tian nodded, "Yes, she is my mother-in-law."

Ye Suyin felt a wave of uneasiness wash over her, and she unconsciously maintained a distance from him. Though she was aware of his other women, facing this situation was a whole different ball game.

This sudden revelation was definitely not in her syllabus, and she wasn't quite sure how to react to it. She struggled to find the right words to say, her mind racing with a million questions.

Meanwhile, Wang Wenshu also felt awkward. Normally, she would feel angry at Xia Tian for this, but considering the deeds she had done with him, it didn't seem that bad at all. She avoided Ye Suyin's gaze and shifted her attention to Xia Tian, wondering what he was planning to do next.

However Xia Tian has no plans to mediate this situation at all.

Wang Wenshu studied Ye Suyin's body and left stunned by the surprise. 'Tenth stage of earth profound real at the age of eighteen!? What is she, a monster?'

She can't help but peek at Xia Tian, knowing he was a even bigger monster, it should be normal for him to have few monstrous talents around him.

All of a sudden she started feeling inferior, in her heart she sighed for Xia Ying, her daughter has going to have it tough.

Xia Tian shook his head, the more you try to mediate this type of situation, the worse it gets.

He climbed to the top of the fence at the edge, and jumped down. "When you guys make up, feel free to come down."



The sound of the wind whistled past Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu's ears as they frantically made their way to the edge of the platform. Their eyes widened in horror as they saw Xia Tian leap off the edge, plummeting towards the ground below.

"What is he doing? Is he insane?" Ye Suyin cried out, her voice tinged with fear. Her heart raced as she watched Xia Tian's figure become smaller and smaller in the distance.

Wang Wenshu's mind was a blur as she tried to make sense of what was happening. Why would he do such a reckless thing? As they approached the edge, they saw something that made their jaws drop in surprise. Two large wings had sprouted from Xia Tian's back, allowing him to glide safely to the ground below.

Relief flooded over the two women as they realized that Xia Tian was not in danger after all. They breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged a quick glance, both realizing that they had overreacted.

Suddenly Ye Suyin turned toward Wang Wenshu.

Her voice was tense with anxiety as she said. "How will we go down?" she asked urgently. "Do you know how to land this ship?"

Wang Wenshu's mind raced, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never operated a flying ship before, but she knew they couldn't just stay up here indefinitely. Then an idea occurred to her - she could use her cultivation to carry Ye Suyin down to the ground. It would be difficult to carry another person, but not impossible.

As she was about to suggest this to Ye Suyin, their attention was suddenly drawn to something flying towards them from below. At first, it was just a small speck in the distance, but as it grew closer, they could make out the outline of a creature, wings beating steadily as it soared towards them.

Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu both held their breath, wondering what this mysterious creature could be. "What is that...?" Ye Suyin whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Both Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu squinted their eyes, trying to get a better look at the creature flying towards them. As it got closer, Ye Suyin spoke with a hint of surprise in her voice, "Is that a qilin?"

Wang Wenshu was frozen, unable to believe her eyes. "T-That is a lightning qilin!" she stuttered.

"Lightning qilin?" Ye Suyin repeated in disbelief. "I thought that race disappeared already. You must be joking..."

Despite her words, Ye Suyin's eyes were fixed on the magnificent creature as it approached them, its body a vibrant shade of purple and its wings glimmering in the sunlight. Both women were mesmerized by its beauty and power, and they couldn't help but wonder why it had come to them.

Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu watched in awe as the creature gracefully flew towards them, its long and slender body shimmering with an otherworldly purple light. Its eyes glinted with a fierce intelligence as it locked its gaze onto them. The qilin had an aura of majesty and power that was almost overwhelming.

As it drew closer, the women could see its lightning-shaped horn crackling with electricity, and they could feel the static charge in the air. They were both frightened and fascinated at the same time.

The qilin swooped low over the ship, then circled back around and landed on the deck, its wings folding neatly against its back. Its hooves touched down gently, barely making a sound, and the women could feel the vibration of its powerful muscles as it settled down.

They stood there, stunned, as the qilin regarded them with a calm and regal expression. Its fur was soft and warm to the touch, and its breath smelled of ozone.

"What... what do we do now?" Ye Suyin whispered, barely daring to move.

Wang Wenshu was still in shock, but she managed to stammer out a question. "M-may we... may we ride on your back?"

The qilin regarded them for a moment longer, then dipped its head slightly in a nod. Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu exchanged a look of amazement before cautiously climbing onto its back.

As the qilin took off, its wings beat powerfully, sending gusts of wind across the deck. The ship rocked back and forth, but the women held on tight, exhilarated by the sensation of flying through the air on the back of this mythical creature.

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