The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 133 The Young Master Arrived Finally!

"Master, could you please hold back for a moment?" The little qilin spoke with discomfort, attempting to force a smile.

"Sure thing," replied Xia Tian, as his hand began to glide down her waistline and gradually move under her clothing.

Bai Xue tensed up as she felt his touch on her bare skin, gazing at the ceiling and letting out a sigh.

'Mother, just you wait...'

She inwardly made a mental note to remember it for the future - she must teach her mother a lesson. Xia Tian had one hand busy feeding Nyx, while the other was busy teaching Bai Xue.

He was being fed by Ye Suyin.

The scene of Ye Suyin feeding a foreign man made various cultivators raise their brows.

They wondered how a Ye family girl who never mentioned having a fiance could be seen feeding another man.

Envy and anger consumed them so much that they even forgot Ye Suyin was exuding the aura of a tenth stage earth profound real cultivator, a speed that was even above the legendary Long Tian.

Despite this, no one was able to see the cultivation of Xia Tian, Nyx, Bai Xue, and Wang Wenshu.

Xia Tian and Nyx did not exude any aura of cultivators, while Bai Xue was too strong for others to see past her.

Some could only guess that Wang Wenshu had superior cultivation compared to the others, but they couldn't exactly point out her realm.

In their eyes, Wang Wenshu was the strongest in the group.

Su Yanling's curiosity grew stronger by the second, as she watched Xia Tian and his companions.

She found herself contemplating whether to approach them, but before she could make a decision, the doors of the restaurant burst open.

In walked a young man with ten underlings in tow, and as soon as Su Yanling saw him, she frowned. It was her nephew, Su Wei.

Su Wei was the son of her elder brother, Su Yang, who had recently become an emperor realm cultivator.

Su Yanling couldn't help but feel envious of her brother's power, even though she was quite wealthy herself. Even Huo Jingyi, who was of the same generation as her, had already achieved the first stage of emperor realm cultivation, while Su Yanling was still stuck in the first stage of sage realm after all these years.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ignoring Su Wei's presence, Su Yanling turned to Huo Jingyi and asked, "Hey, do you know someone with Frozen Heart Lotus?"

Huo Jingyi took a sip of her drink before answering, "There is only one person in the southern empire who possesses the Frozen Heart Lotus, and we both know who she is..."

Her words caused Su Yanling to become even more solemn, her mind wandering back to the source of her predicament. It was all due to a rare disease that she had contracted from accidentally consuming a Hellfire Berry. The poison had infected her meridians, causing them to become blocked and producing scorching heat whenever she tried to cultivate. Although she had managed to climb up to sage realm by enduring the excruciating pain, every attempt at cultivation now left her writhing in agony, sometimes even leading to fainting spells.

This predicament had caused a rift between Su Yanling and her family. She had once requested her family to procure the rare Frozen Heart Lotus that had come up for auction, as it had the power to cure the poison in her body. However, they had declined, citing its high price, and it had ultimately been bought by Sword Fairy. Ironically, Su Yanling now owned the Phoenix Auction House, yet even with all her fortune, she had been unable to find a second Frozen Heart Lotus.

The only hope left for her was to buy it from Sword Fairy, but the chances of the latter selling it to her were highly unlikely, given that she used it for her own cultivation. Sword Fairy had been stuck in the peak overlord realm for thousands of years, unable to break through, and there was no way she would part with her last hope just to help Su Yanling.

Meanwhile upon entering, Su Wei's eyes lit up as he saw the place filled with beautiful women. Without caring about anyone else, he strode confidently towards Xia Tian's location, a sly grin spreading across his face.

The latter caught sight of Su Wei and nearly burst into tears of relief.


Finally, one young master had come to bother him and he could finally put his acting skills to good use.

"What's wrong?" Wang Wenshu asked Xia Tian, noticing his exaggerated reaction.

She knew he was faking, yet she couldn't help but inquire.

Suddenly, she felt someone touch her shoulder from behind. She turned around to face Su Wei, who was flashing his pearly whites at her.

"Beautiful lady, can I sit here?" he asked, his tone dripping with charm.

Wang Wenshu didn't even bother to look at him.

"No," she replied curtly before turning back to Xia Tian

Xia Tian wiped away his fake tears and tried to compose himself, trying not to laugh at Su Wei's failed attempt at charm. He looked at Su Wei, who was now standing awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.

"Can I help you with something?" Xia Tian asked, trying to be polite.

Su Wei straightened his back, trying to show off his stature, "I am Su Wei, the young master of Su family. And I couldn't help but notice the beautiful ladies in this establishment. Would you mind introducing me to them?"

Xia Tian couldn't help but roll his eyes at Su Wei's arrogance, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that. I'm here with my friends and we're just trying to enjoy our meal in peace."

Su Wei's face twisted in frustration, "You dare to refuse me? Do you know who I am?"

Xia Tian simply smiled, "I'm sorry, but your identity doesn't impress me. I'm just a simple man trying to enjoy his meal. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'd like to get back to our meal."

Su Wei was fuming with anger but couldn't do anything about it.

As Su Wei's underling observed the interaction between his young master and Wang Wenshu, a fiery glint flashed across his eyes. He couldn't fathom how someone like Wang Wenshu had the audacity to decline his master's request.

Without a second thought, he stepped forward and pointed an accusing finger at Wang Wenshu. "You! How dare you refuse Brother Wei's request! Don't you know who he is? He is the young master of the esteemed Su family!" he bellowed.

His voice reverberated through the room, capturing the attention of several nearby patrons. The underling's face twisted into a sneer as he continued his tirade, "Are you so blind that you can't recognize Mount Tai? Do you not see the greatness of the Su family?"

His words dripped with contempt and disdain, as if he believed that Wang Wenshu was beneath him and his master. The underling's voice grew even louder, his anger boiling over as he passionately defended the honor of his young master.

Without missing a beat, Su Wei's underling aggressively grabbed Wang Wenshu's arm, attempting to pull her out of the seat. She felt his hot breath on her face as he leaned in closer, trying to intimidate her.

Wang Wenshu's eyes narrowed, and she felt a wave of anger and disgust rising inside her. She forcefully pulled her arm away, causing the underling to stumble back.

"Get your hands off me," she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "I don't care who you or your young master is. I said no, and I meant it."

Su Wei's underling looked like he was about to lash out, but before he could do anything, Su Wei put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Easy, easy," Su Wei said smoothly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't get too excited, my friend. The lady has made her choice, and we should respect that."

Su Wei's underling glared at Wang Wenshu before reluctantly backing away. The patrons who had been watching the scene unfold quickly returned to their conversations, and the tension in the air dissipated.

Wang Wenshu felt a surge of relief, grateful that Su Wei had intervened before things got out of hand. She gave him a small nod of thanks, and he flashed her a charming smile in response.

"I apologize for my underling's behavior," Su Wei said, addressing Wang Wenshu. "He can be a bit hot-headed at times, but I assure you, he means well. Please, let me make it up to you. Allow me to buy you a drink and make amends for his rudeness."

Wang Wenshu declined Su Wei's offer without hesitation, her voice cold and assertive. "I don't appreciate being touched without my consent," she stated firmly. "And I don't want to have a drink with you or anyone else. I'm here to enjoy my day, not to be bothered by strangers."

She observed as Su Wei's underling reluctantly stepped back, muttering under his breath. Wang Wenshu then turned to face Su Wei, who still stood in front of her with a smile on his face.

"My apologies," Su Wei said in a low, smooth voice.

Wang Wenshu gave him a curt nod, but didn't say anything further. The heat of anger still simmered within her, and she didn't want to risk snapping at him. She turned away and focused on her drink, determined to ignore Su Wei and his underlings.

Despite the rejection, Su Wei was not deterred. From the moment he entered, his eyes were drawn to Wang Wenshu's figure, and he found himself mesmerized by her. He had a particular preference for older women who were stronger than him.

At the table, Su Wei couldn't help but feel inferior to Wang Wenshu and Ye Suyin, sensing their strength surpassing his own.

As for the others, he regarded them as average humans with no cultivation talent.

However this did not discourage him, but make him more excited, as he has a thing for stronger women.

Of course, Ye Suyin was out of the question. General Ye's reputation preceded him, and Su Wei knew better than to mess with someone of that caliber. Not to mention, she was younger than him, and he preferred older women.

Wang Wenshu, on the other hand, was both older and more powerful than him - precisely his type.

He estimated her to be at most at the initial stages of Earth Profound Realm. But with his father's support, who had already stepped into the Emperor rank, Su Wei didn't fear her at all.

As Su Wei unceremoniously took a chair and sat beside Wang Wenshu, Ye Suyin narrowed her eyes and glanced at Xia Tian. Xia Tian placed a hand on her thighs, signaling her to hold back and observe the situation.

Wang Wenshu felt a wave of anger at Su Wei's audacity. She didn't want to cause trouble and offend a powerful family, but this person was forcing her hand.

She glanced at the underling who had spoken to him earlier and said, "Doesn't your master have ears? Can't he hear what I said? Tell him to leave if he doesn't want to die."

The underling was taken aback and stammered, "Y-You!"

"How dare you underestimate the Su Family young master!" Jiang Qui was about to explode again, but Su Wei stopped him once more.

"Just a rebellious woman, don't worry, I like them like this," spoke Su Wei with a calm look.


Wang Wenshu broke the spoon in her hand and asked, "What did you say again?" Her forehead was covered with black lines, and she was about to act when Xia Tian spoke up.

"Hey, idiot! I am here too!"

Xia Tian's voice boomed across the room, silencing everyone.




Note: In last chapter, I used southern empire in place of northern empire and vice verse, by mistake.

I have already fixed that error.

If anyone has confusion, let me clear Xia Tian is currently in northern empire of Scared sky jade realm.

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