The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 151 You Want To Compete For Him...?

Evelynn stood frozen, her eyes fixated on the scene in front of her.

She had been standing still for half an hour, her feet rooted to the ground, unable to move.

Her face was speechless, and her mind was racing with a million thoughts.

At first, when she had entered, both individuals had glanced at her momentarily, but then they had forgotten about her existence.

This was nothing new to her, so Evelynn had decided to observe for a while before joining in.

But as time went by, Evelynn's patience began to wear thin. She had been waiting for an opportunity to join in, but the Nyx and Xia Tian seemed to be completely oblivious to her presence.

They were lost in their own world, and she was an outsider, looking in.

However, she couldn't take it anymore. She had had enough. She couldn't stand watching them any longer. "You clingy bitch, get away from him!" Evelynn spoke, her voice shaking with anger, as she strode towards them.

The Nyx, however, ignored her ramblings and instead pulled Xia Tian closer to him protectively while Xia Tian feasted on her breasts, not minding the chaos around him.

Evelynn's eyes opened wide, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She felt a pang of jealousy and anger rise up inside of her.

How could they be so close to each other?

No, it was nornal for them to be close, but Nyx reactions appeared excessively odd to her.

"T-This, what did you do to her?" Evelynn stammered, unable to hide the frustration in her voice.

She couldn't help but feel that Xia Tian had done something to Nyx's brain.

How could she be so clingy to him today?

Had her sister lost her mind?

Or had Xia Tian cast a spell on her?

In either case, Evelynn couldn't care less. But if Nyx kept sticking to Xia Tian like glue, how was she supposed to get her turn?

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Nyx finally turned to look at her sister with a pair of eyes that seemed to say, "What's your problem? She's with her daddy right now, can't she see?"

Evelynn completely failed to read the situation and assumed Nyx was challenging her.

"Do you want to compete for him...?"

Her face was full of shock as this was the first time either of them among her sisters was vying for Xia Tian's attention in a confrontational manner.

'What happened to her?' Evelynn couldn't help but wonder.

Nyx's eyelids fluttered as she whispered, "Compete?" Although she didn't mean it, if this strange woman wanted to fight with her, she was always up for a challenge.

With Xia Tian around, she disregarded her own sister's existence like a complete stranger.

She stood up slowly, and according to Nyx, Evelynn was asking for a beating.

Xia Tian had been lost in his own thoughts, ignoring everything around him until now.

He let out a deep sigh, realizing that he wouldn't be able to enjoy his peace any longer. These two girls were determined to disturb him.

He quickly intervened as he caught the naked daughter who was ready to engage in a fierce battle. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked, his tone firm.

Nyx hesitated, glancing around uncertainly. "Fight her?" she said, her voice filled with doubt.

Xia Tian shook his head, his eyes holding a commanding presence. "No, just sit here," he ordered.

To his surprise, Nyx obeyed without any resistance.

Her body seemed to instinctively follow his commands, and she returned to her spot without any further hesitation.

This instictive reaction in Nyx's body is caused due to limiting belief in her mind - a belief that had been holding her back for a long time.

The concept of limiting beliefs is truly fascinating and can be found in almost every individual in some form or another.

It's like a shadow that follows us everywhere we go, holding us back from reaching our full potential.

Think about the circus - a place that most of us have visited at some point in our lives or have seen on television.

As we watch the performances, we see elephants, lions, and other animals that remain unchanged throughout the show.

The elephant, despite being capable of running the whole place, obediently follows the orders of the ringmaster.

But why?

What stops the elephant from destroying everything in sight and disregarding the ringmaster's commands?

What stops the lion from doing the same?

The answer lies in the process of how these animals are recruited and trained within the circus.

It's a process that can be shocking and cruel, but it's important to understand it to truly grasp the power of limiting beliefs.

The trainers scour the wilderness for an abandoned elephant calf, whose mother has tragically passed away for reasons unknown.

Once found, the helpless baby is carefully selected and transported to the training grounds.

The tiny elephant may put up a fight, but its size renders any resistance futile.

Once at the training grounds, the trainers chain the baby elephant to a small, rusty pole.

They ignore it, as if it were nothing more than a mere object.

The baby elephant struggles and tries to break free, but its muscles are too weak to overpower the chains.

It watches as the trainers go about their day, paying it no attention.

Days turn to weeks, and the baby elephant's spirit slowly breaks.

It tries to resist, but the chains hold it back. Eventually, it resigns itself to fate and gives up.

The trainers wait patiently for this moment, as only then will they begin the real training using operant and classical conditioning.

This cruel training is all done to instill a limiting belief in the baby elephant's mind. Even when the elephant grows up and becomes powerful, the trainers will still bind it to that same small pole.

The elephant could easily tear it away, but the limiting belief ingrained in its mind will prevent it from trying.

Limiting beliefs can be terrifying as we subject ourselves to them every day with phrases like "I can't do it".

These beliefs can be soul-crushing, preventing us from achieving our dreams and becoming the best version of ourselves.

To avoid being plagued by limiting beliefs, we should rephrase our statements to something like "right now, I still need to work more to achieve that".

This allows us to acknowledge our current limitations while also giving us room to grow and improve.

Incestuous relationships are frowned upon because they create a power imbalance, especially in the case of parent and child.

For example, take Xia Tian, who could easily order his daughters around since he was a superior figure in their minds from a young age.

This dynamic can be incredibly damaging, leading to emotional trauma and long-lasting effects.

Limiting beliefs can also manifest in other areas of our lives.

For instance, imagine running into your old nursery teacher on the street after many years.

Even though you are now an adult, you may still feel inferior and flinch at their presence, a sign that limiting beliefs are still holding you back.

Limiting beliefs can be like heavy chains that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

They are the reason why sexual relationships between parents and children, and teachers and students are greatly frowned upon.

In these relationships, one person holds a dominant position over the other, leading to fear and submission.

Even as children grow up and become adults, they may still fear their elderly parents on an instinctive basis, as if they are still under their control.

Removing a limiting belief is like trying to break free from a prison cell; it is close to impossible and may haunt us for our entire lives.

Some weak limiting beliefs can be inflicted on our minds by small daily actions, such as parents or teachers yelling, "You can never do something good."

These words can stick to our minds like glue, making us doubt ourselves and our abilities.

For example, when we think to ourselves that a certain subject is hard, despite not even trying it, we limit ourselves from reaching our full potential.

Social media can also play a role in imposing limiting beliefs on our minds by inflating things and making them appear harder than they actually are.

This is a scary concept that demonstrates the ancient teachings of Taoism, which state that - one can be their own worst enemy.

Even Xia Tian's daughter, who is more powerful than him, cannot resist his orders due to the same limiting beliefs in their minds.

It is like they are trapped in a web of limiting beliefs, unable to break free and reach their full potential.

Limiting beliefs can also have a profound impact on our mental health, causing anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

They can make us feel like we are not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to achieve our dreams and goals.

This negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading us to give up before we even try.

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