The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 161 Chaos In Auction House (3)

With a sly expression like that of a fox, Xia Tian's demeanor suddenly changed and he asked, "Oh, then do tell me, what differences do you see between the born rich and the poor folks?" His tone was dripping with sarcasm.

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom Su Yanling blinked in confusion, unable to understand why Xia Tian was questioning the obvious.

"What difference? Are you kidding me? The born rich are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while the poor folks struggle to make ends meet!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Xia Tian couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. This wasn't just her who thought like that. The children of the rich are at an unfair it?

"What do you think when you see a second-generation rich person? Do you feel hatred or jealousy?" he asked nonchalantly.

The words were casual, but their meaning wasn't lost on Su Yanling. She got lost in thought, thinking about what she thought when she saw a random rich person in the past.

Did she even bother to think whether they were first generation or second generation?

No, all she would do is assume they were some public eaters and group them all together. But what fueled that feeling of hate?



None of it.

It was simply felt because they had something that you wanted yet didn't want to pay the price for.

Jealousy might be the correct word, or it might not be.

One could sit like a Buddha and think for a whole week why they feel hate or jealousy seeing a random rich person, despite knowing nothing about them.

The reason that would come to mind would be the same.

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The thing was, are they at an unfair advantage?

"Listen up, Dramatic Woman," Xia Tian said, his voice intense with emotion. "Imagine there are two people in this world. One is born into a life of luxury, never having to lift a finger for anything. The other, however, is born into poverty and has to work for everything they want in life. Now, the poor person doesn't let their circumstances define them. They grind day in and day out, working hard to make a better life for themselves. And eventually, they succeed. They become rich just like the born-rich person, but not without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears."

"But here's the kicker," Xia Tian continued, his eyes flashing with intensity. "By the time the poor person catches up to the born-rich person, the latter is on their deathbed, having enjoyed all the luxuries life had to offer without ever having to work for them. Meanwhile, the poor person has spent their entire life chasing after wealth, never truly getting the chance to enjoy it. It's not fair, is it?"

Su Yanling nodded in agreement, her expression one of anger and frustration. "It's completely unfair! Born-rich people get to enjoy all the good things in life without any effort, while poor people have to work themselves to the bone just to get a taste of what the other person has. It's not right."

Xia Tian nodded in agreement before launching into his final argument. "But what about the children of that poor person who became rich? Won't they get to enjoy their father's amassed wealth? Live a life of luxury just like the born-rich person?"

Su Yanling's expression shifted from anger to confusion as she tried to process this new information. "Wait, what does that mean?" she asked, her voice uncertain.

Xia Tian leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips as he listened to Su Yanling's words.

He always enjoyed the game of conversation, letting his opponents reveal their thoughts and weaknesses before he made his move.

As Su Yanling finished speaking, he spoke in a measured tone, "This simply means balance... The first rich guy, who was actually born rich, simply enjoyed the generational wealth... But the thing is, the person who actually collected it might have never got to enjoy it just like that poor guy and died before. So he paid all the price, and the benefits were enjoyed by his children over time... This is balance... That's how it works..."

Xia Tian's voice trailed off for a moment as he pondered the intricacies of wealth and success, before continuing, "So if you are born poor, it simply means your parents haven't paid the price and become rich in their time. The more price you pay, the more benefits you would reap, however, balance ignores time... So it might not be received by you, but your children... Any rich family you see, weren't born rich, somebody in their lineage paid the price. If your family is poor, it simply means no one in your family paid the price... This is balance... The universe is fair in an unfair way..."

Su Yanling's eyes widened as she absorbed Xia Tian's words, feeling a sense of revelation wash over her.

She had never thought of wealth and success in such a way before.

Xia Tian continued, "The universe never accounts for individuals, but only for collective balance. If we remove time from the equation of balance, then the rich and poor would be on the same spectrum..."

Su Yanling's eyes shone with a newfound understanding, even though it all seemed like nonsense to her at first.

But she felt as if she was gaining some hidden enlightenment, like the wisdom of the old sages who were too petty to share their accumulated knowledge.

Su Yanling's mind was still grappling with the idea of balance as she voiced her concern, "But there was one thing that still bothers me, what if the first person who became rich was only lucky and didn't pay any hard work? Isn't it unfair to them?"

Xia Tian stared at her briefly, his eyes seeming to bore into her very soul, before letting out a low chuckle. "Unfair, you say?" he replied.

Su Yanling felt a twinge of apprehension at his response, unsure of what he meant.

But before she could say anything, he continued, "Wasn't this the point of balance? If someone was extremely lucky and found a treasure, then there might be someone who got extremely unlucky and met their death. The balance only accounts for a collective approach, not individuals. So your luck might be offset by someone else's misery."

Su Yanling couldn't help but frown and spat out, "The balance sucks!" Her frustration was palpable.

Xia Tian laughed, "It indeed does. A child may die at birth itself due to offsetting someone else's extreme luck. It's just that people only account for miracles but not for unfortunate mishaps," his face showing a wry smile as he talked about balance.

He had been observing this phenomenon for so long that it had become second nature to him.

To Xia Tian, everything he saw appeared balanced. It was just that normal people's minds were too boxed in to think like this.

Who would have thought that to arrive at balance between the rich and poor, one would have to remove time itself?

Despite being trapped in a seemingly unbreakable cycle, there was still a glimmer of hope for escape. A chance to reach the void and attain true immortality beckoned, but there was a catch.

The price of entry was steep - one had to be willing to sacrifice everything.

What use is of gaining everything, if you had to lose everything for it? Wasn't it playing in the hands of balance again?

The conversation turned to the concept of balance, and the beauty it beheld. While some argued its existence, the true sages saw it clearly.

It was an unending cycle of creation and destruction, a force of nature that could not be escaped. It was everything, and it was beautiful.

The very idea of free will was called into question. Were we truly free to make our own choices, or were our lives predetermined by the balance?

Even our very birth, the beginning of our journey, was subject to its whims.

Yet amidst all this, there was a sense of awe and wonder.

The balance was eternal, unchanging, and yet constantly shifting.

It was a dance of the cosmos, a symphony of matter that could never be destroyed or created, only transformed.

Su Yanling pondered the words carefully, her mind lost in deep contemplation.

Previously, she had dismissed them as mere nonsense, but now she realized the gravity of the situation.

The weight of worldly matters pressed down on her shoulders, threatening to crush her.

Meanwhile, Xia Tian remained indifferent to her plight.

He cared only for himself and his own ambitions. With a cruel slap on her melons, he jolted her back to reality.


With a sudden jump and a startled expression, Su Yanling leaped away from Xia Tian, her eyes bulging in disbelief.

Her breasts shook from the sudden movement, and she rubbed them pitifully as she glared at him.

It was a well-known fact that Xia Tian rarely held back, so his slaps were not to be taken lightly.

Despite this, he looked at her with a smirk and laughed, "It's time for you to do some work!"

Su Yanling's annoyance only grew as she asked, "Do what?"

Xia Tian pointed to his little brother and suggested, "Show off your dance skills here."

The shame that filled Su Yanling's face was impossible to miss. "Why here?" she muttered, though she didn't really deny the request.

She just don't like the idea of doing anything here.

Xia Tian casually replied, "For every second you make me wait, one slap will be added."

Su Yanling was speechless at his ridiculous condition, assuming he was just joking. Little did she know, it would come back to bite her later.

She stood there, frozen in indecision, until her patience finally gave out. Gritting her teeth, she approached Xia Tian.

Xia Tian muttered to himself, "Eleven slaps."




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