The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 309: You said it yourself.

Chapter 309

Lan Tianyou: "So, Guan Ge, it really was you?"

Guan Liangzhe: "I'm shocked too. Turns out it really was me? I'm that heartless?"

Nan XiangWan: "Lan Tianyou can be considered a maiden too? This change of fate is more like a change of embarrassment!"

Zhu Sha: "Haha!"

Deng Si Nan: "It was so scary at first but suddenly it's so funny, what's going on?"

After the case is solved, the coffin continues to spin.

The date on the coffin also spins counter-clockwise at a certain angle, going back from 49 to 48.

Then it comes to a 90 degree right angle, revealing the escape passage underneath!

Zhu Sha has walked past here more than once, knowing the way by heart as he opens it and slides right in.

Nan XiangWan follows right away, with Deng Si Nan close behind, then Guan Liangzhe and Lan Tianyou.

Gu Beihuai keeps a close eye on the coffin's angle, jumps out in an instant, then enters the passage.

The very moment he jumps out, the counter-clockwise spinning of the coffin stops and it starts speeding up clockwise.

This is a gravity-sensing coffin which activates the escape passage when someone lies inside. Once no one is left inside, it automatically closes.

Luckily the last one to go was Gu Beihuai given his agility.

He escapes just as the last second ticks!

The escape passage leads straight to where the program team is, like a slide, and arrives at the bottom pretty quickly.

In the bright space, all the program staff are already waiting, including director Hua Yuanwu, though he doesn't look too happy.

All six people have successfully escaped. This episode was recorded very quickly, in less than five hours.

When Guan Liangzhe and Lan Tianyou see the staff, they immediately cry tears of joy. God knows how scared they were!

Zhu Sha and Deng Si Nan heave a sigh of relief that they only got scared at the end, and the rest of the experience was quite pleasant.

Hua Yuanwu: "Go record the vlog."

At his command, the six people chat while walking towards the recording studio nearby.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Live commentary:

- Is that it?

- No way. I was ready to battle till dawn but it ended at 5am?

- Something feels off. Did they miss something about Gu Beihuai and Nan Xiangwan's storyline? They didn't even find the key but went ahead and did it.

- The plot is as profound as always. Every episode has ghosts but they keep telling the audience to trust science! Hahaha!


When the livestream shuts off, many viewers are still reluctant to leave.

At this time Guan Liangzhe has already started recording his vlog.

Q: "How was this episode?"

Guan Liangzhe: "Next time don't make me act as a scumbag, it's bad for society!"

Q: "OK, next time we'll have you act as a scumbag female."

Guan Liangzhe: "Can I not be human?"

Q: "Then... an ostrich?"

Guan Liangzhe: "I suspect you're insulting me."

Q: "Hahaha! Have you seen the online commentary?"

Guan Liangzhe: "Ugh, don't mention it. Once again I solemnly state that I'm not scared at all!"


Lan Tianyou is in good spirits for his second recording.

Q: "You don't look as pale as when you came out. Have you gotten used to it?"

Lan Tianyou: "I got too freaked out. Lying in a coffin, whose idea was that? Aren't you afraid I'd get scared to death?"

Q: "It was the screenwriter's idea, nothing to do with us staff."

Lan Tianyou: "Call that screenwriter out. I wanna fight him!"

Q: "Our screenwriter is called I Spent Lots Of Effort, he's a shut-in otaku. Go ahead and find him yourself!"

Lan Tianyou: "Give me his contact info. I'll sue him for mental distress. Every episode feels the same, can't we get something fresh?"

Q: "You mean you want something not scary right?"

Lan Tianyou: "Please, I don't wanna deal with ghosts anymore, wuwu!"


Zhu Sha and Deng Si Nan recorded their duo vlog together.

Q: "How did it feel to be an NPC for the first time?"

Zhu Sha: "It was freaky but exciting, but getting freaked out wasn't."

Deng Si Nan: "I never knew NPCs got freaked out too. Those faces were freaky alright!"

Q: "You did great. Previous episodes had NPCs crying from being freaked out by guests, or being scolded till tears by them."

Zhu Sha: "It's that bad for NPCs on your show?"

Deng Si Nan: "Luckily I'm only here for one episode. Don't I deserve hazard pay?"

Q: "Contracts are signed, no extra pay!"

Deng Si Nan: "Then Director Hua has to treat us to a meal. This was way too scary."

Zhu Sha: "Were Ge Dongxuan and Sha Ling as scary as this in the previous episode?"

Q: "They weren't NPCs but guests. They almost cried from fear."


Gu Beihuai's recording takes much longer than previous ones.

Q: "How did you figure out the final mystery?"

Gu Beihuai: "It was written in the coffin. Celestial mechanics, calculating 5 meteorite impacts."

Q: "Viewers all say you're the brain of this show. What do you think?"

Gu Beihuai: "It wasn't that hard."

Q: "You and Nan XiangWan missed two parts of your storyline, did you know?"

Gu Beihuai: "The library book on the first floor?"

Q: "Yes! Why didn't you open and read it when you saw it?"

Gu Beihuai: "A book on divorce, how inauspicious."

Q: "What happened to trusting science..."

Gu Beihuai: "I'm not even married yet. Having that divorce book there affects my hopes and dreams about marriage."

Q: "Um, Gu Tianwang, you brought this up yourself eh, I didn't ask!"

Gu Beihuai: "It's fine. I'm already 25, it's time I consider these things."

Q: "Alright, to avoid getting beaten up by your fans, let's end this interview here."


Over here, Nan XiangWan is recording while eating mooncakes handed to her by staff.

Her eating habits have become quite familiar after 3 episodes. The child must be hungry.

And indeed, Nan XiangWan eats with great relish, one big bite at a time!

Q: "You and Gu Beihuai missed two parts of your storyline."

Nan XiangWan: "The well right? That well!"

Q: "No, one was the divorce book, one was the key."

Nan XiangWan looks visibly disappointed: "Oh, why wasn't it the well."

Q: "Aren't you curious where the key was?"

Nan XiangWan: "Where was it?"

Q: "It was sequential. After getting the book an NPC would enter, then after some storyline point you to the key hidden in a flower pot in the yard. But since you didn't read the book and climbed straight in the window, you missed both."

Nan XiangWan: "What a pity. If we found the key we could've gone back to check that well."

Q: "Why are you so obsessed with that well?"

Nan XiangWan: "I kept feeling there's someone at the bottom."

Q: "Don't freak me out!"

Nan XiangWan: "Really! You guys should check during post-production."

Q: "Alright alright. Next question - did you know you flubbed the hosting section?"

Nan XiangWan: "I made a mistake?"

Q: "It's bow to heaven and earth once, bow to the high hall twice, then the couple bows to each other. Not bow to the high hall thrice."

Nan XiangWan: "OK, bow to high hall once, bow to heaven and earth twice..."

Q: "You messed up again!"

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