The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 365: Pretty Boy’s Subwoofer

Chapter 365

Yang Rongjun's first appearance brought an extreme rap, and the whole stage entered the most exciting time. It can be said that the atmosphere was very successful.

The people who went on stage afterwards drew lots and went on stage one by one, and they all performed well.

However, it was far less shocking than Yang Rongjun's scene, mainly because it lacked the strong contrast before and after that Yang Rongjun had.

Finally, it was Nan XiangWan's turn to go last.

She almost fell asleep backstage waiting!

The eighth to take the stage, the time was already very late, and it was also when the audience was least patient.

Normally, the last performer would be under great pressure to not only deliver an excellent performance to hold the stage, but also to pull back the audience members who were about to leave.

However, Nan XiangWan didn't have such concerns. When it was her turn, the number of live viewers instantly doubled.

Many people would not watch the whole thing, they just wanted to see Nan XiangWan's live performance!

This time there was not much atmosphere rendering. Nan XiangWan quickly walked onto the stage.

The big screen next to her lit up with the song title:

"Godlike" - Swang Duo Lei

In the flickering of the lights going dark and bright again, the lights shone down and illuminated her youthful costume and wild, handsome wolf-tail braid.

The Chanel suit itself already had a unique style, tailored impeccably to her measurements, making her look androgynous at this moment!

Jie Chou was already going crazy below, shouting while holding up a cheering light stick.

The camera panned over to give him a close-up shot.

Nan XiangWan stood still in the center of the stage, twirling the microphone in her hand into a beautiful arc, then gripped it steadily.

Jie Chou screamed again!

Others spin pens, Nan XiangWan spins microphones.

Too handsome!

The accompanying band next to her started vigorously showcasing their skills with various instruments coming on stage.

The accompaniment sounded for just 10 short seconds before Nan XiangWan started singing:


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[When I hold my collar tight and walk lonely]

[Stepping on the edge of the cliff with no way to stay]


Really low, the voice was like the boom of a subwoofer, extremely low.

It was hard to imagine that Nan XiangWan as a girl could sing such a low voice.

In this rap, she pushed her vocal range to the extreme limit!

The people below were already stunned. Jie Chou didn't care, he just kept on screaming crazily.

He even threw something up in the air to celebrate, seemingly his wallet?

As Nan XiangWan sang, she slowly walked two steps forward.

She was in her element on this stage good at rapping!

She didn't do the typical moves most rappers would, instead standing calmly there, slightly tilting her head to the side, her eyes glancing arrogantly towards the camera next to her.

The 360-degree cameras frantically tried to capture her facial expression and stage presence from all angles.

Shooting from 20 cm lower, making her posture tall and slender, shooting her from bottom up to the slight glance captured of her side profile.

Her distinctive 3D features, eyes like a lone wolf.

Too explosive!

Too handsome!

That one glance was truly the gaze of the king of rappers, with a hint of disdain and contempt looking at her subjects.

Nan XiangWan's stage control ability was just too strong!

The photographers said they must continue shooting from this kind of angle, too handsome, too unbearable, want to marry her.

Nan XiangWan's voice continued:

[When I fail I tore off the buttons of my suit]

[Turned from human to beast disappointing too many waiting]

When singing this line, Nan XiangWan naturally reached out and undid the buttons of her suit.

Echoing the lyrics!

She casually flipped her jacket collar, then rested it rakishly on her body.

With the swaying of her coat tails, Nan XiangWan's bass voice emanated from the microphone.

[You ask me if I match or not]

[Heaven asks me if I match or not]

[I ask myself if I match or not]

[Rules in front of me I just fold the rules]

This was an ultimate rap feast!

Compared to the previous few performances, Nan XiangWan's one was clearly unmatched.

Clear enunciation, extremely strong sense of rhythm, casual tiny moves exponentially increased the on-site atmosphere.

She defied everything!

The whole song was only 3 minutes 4 seconds, but there were almost no breaks in between, sung from start to finish nonstop.

Plus Nan XiangWan's extremely fast speech rate, the lyrics she sang out were fast and plentiful.

When the whole song stopped, many people tried to keep up with Nan XiangWan’s breathing and enunciation, but nearly suffocated themselves.

Yet looking at Nan XiangWan, not only was her breathing perfectly smooth, she was especially casual and handsome.

It was as if she hadn't exerted her full strength at all, yet was already able to deliver a thrilling onstage performance.

That kind of casual handsomeness again!

As the last note rang out, fireworks lit up on stage.

Nan XiangWan stood stock still, legs together, body ramrod straight but head bowed down looking at her feet.

The microphone in her right hand was quiet and obedient.

She just stood there silently like that, head lowered in the center.

This ending scene set off a wild applause from the audience!

The king of rappers lowered her noble head!

No matter what the significance of this scene was, everyone was stunned by how handsome Nan XiangWan was.

Jie Chou: "Ahhhh! Ahhh——"

He had already screamed himself hoarse, madly waving everything around him that could be swung.

He didn't care where his wallet had flown off to!

The rest of the people at the scene were also exclaiming at this performance, Nan XiangWan's total slay.

Bullet screen comments——

:Quick! Rush ah sisters!

:What's there to regret about escape rooms? If you don't love Nan Wang like this?


:Tell me loudly! Love or no love?


:Nan XiangWan was born for the stage!

:So handsome I almost fainted ahhh!


The bullet screen comments also went crazy, along with Jie Chou at the scene.

Watching Nan XiangWan on stage, especially rapping, was truly the ultimate enjoyment!

The staff of Hua Wan Entertainment quickly packed up to send video footage back to hurry up and edit.

Who knew, backstage Zhang Rui directly posted the official stage video!

Even faster than Hua Wan Entertainment!

There wasn't even time to add subtitles, they hurriedly uploaded the video, just like competing to be the first!

So on the official Weibo of "The Songster", fans exploded for the first time.

The official photographers had the most advantageous shooting angles hands-down. The whole video even caught that regal glance of Nan XiangWan's essence!

What woman could you not love?


:[Bare hands splitting bricks].gif

:[Spinning microphone].gif

:[Regal glance].gif

:Nan Wang kill me!!!

:Nan XiangWan listen up! If you don't date I'll stan you for life! But if you insist on dating, I will, I will, I will......wuwuwu! Cry while stanning you for life!


The first three comments were all emoticons, and this scene was graced by two emoticons in one go. Brick fans felt that both [Spinning microphone].gif and [Regal glance].gif counted as classic moments.

As for the latter comments, well, they were all confessions of love.

And in this frenzied barrage of comments and hype, Nan XiangWan once again topped the hot search rankings at #1.

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