The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 421: Mastery is Not the End.

Chapter 421

When Nan XiangWan rushed back to the Ji Mansion in Shang Hai, she practically sprinted into Elevator 1.

Gong Jin pointed at her, his face full of disdain: “I’ll say, you fox, is this it? And she ran into your family’s elevator.”

Gu Beihuai ignored him and strode into the elevator.

During the upward ride, Nan XiangWan was already impatiently jiggling her legs.

Gong Jin looked down on her actions: “What are you jittering for?”

Nan XiangWan: “You wouldn’t understand!”

Gu Beihuai guessed one or two reasons. It was probably those three...


The elevator doors opened and Nan XiangWan rushed forward.

Only to realize she didn’t know the passcode to get in. She anxiously looked back at Gu Beihuai.

Gu Beihuai smiled and reported the numbers: “030822.”

Nan XiangWan quickly punched them in, opened the door, and rushed in, immediately yelling “Three Black! I’m back!”

Gong Jin scratched his cheek in confusion: “That’s the passcode to your phone too. What’s the meaning?”

Gu Beihuai: “You wouldn’t understand.”

The two men followed behind into the room. Nan XiangWan was already curled up on the sofa, doing who knows what.

Gong Jin sneezed: “Achoo! Aqiu! Something just flew up my nostrils!”

Gu Beihuai: “Cat hair.”

Now he was also curious what the three cats looked like. They were able to make the little one so utterly infatuated, they must be very cute!

Lang Hu had brought them back to take care of for the past few days, but Gu Beihuai himself hadn’t seen them yet!

At this time, Nan XiangWan had already entered a state of crazy excitement, hugging Big Black on the sofa while foolishly grinning.

Big Black was clearly a little bigger than before. It was probably from eating well. Lang Hu didn’t ration its meals and just gave the three cats three big bowls to gorge themselves on every day.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And so, Big Black, who already had a huge appetite to begin with, entered a state of exponential size growth!

Short Black and Roll Black were normal, steadily developing.

Out of the Three Black, Nan XiangWan's favorite was rubbing Big Black, since the longhaired cat was the softest.

The other two blacks would be jealous, persistently nudging and poking around Nan XiangWan’s neck and head, also wanting hugs and pats.

Gong Jin finally saw that there were another three cats on the sofa!

He looked at Gu Beihuai in shock. You actually keep cats?

Gu Beihuai walked over, waving a cat toy.

The three cats were immediately attracted, batting and leaping at the toy. Their overjoyed frolicking was extremely cute.

Nan XiangWan and Gu Beihuai sat on either side, laughing merrily at the playing cats.

Gong Jin stood at the side, as if excluded from the scene.

It looked like a very blissful family of five.

Achoo! Damnit, more cat hair flew up my nose!


After petting the cats, Nan XiangWan declined staying at Gu Beihuai’s for dinner and cleanly left, crossing through the sky garden back to her own home.

Gong Jin was flabbergasted. “Did she have an awakening? Or did she get her head caught in a door today? She actually declined food?!”

At this time, Gu Beihuai had put down the preparations for making dinner. After tidying up, he asked “Do you eat crayfish?”

Gong Jin: “Sure, where are we eating?”

Gu Beihuai: “Upstairs. Going next door to eat.”

Gong Jin: “???”

Ten minutes later, in Room 2202’s dining room, the three of them sat in an equilateral triangle around the circular table.

The table was filled with boxes of takeout crayfish!

Today, Nan XiangWan had been very bold and ordered all available flavors of crayfish from that restaurant, in very generous portions too.

She hadn’t eaten crayfish in many days. But she also really didn’t expect two other people to end up in her home.

There was a feeling she had been caught sneaking about!

How on earth did they manage to guess she would order take out crayfish?

Nan XiangWan puzzled endlessly but had no choice but to share the mountain of crayfish with the two.

Looking at the spread, Gong Jin suddenly understood!

Gu Beihuai simply smiled and put on gloves, starting to peel crayfish.


The two days she spent at home, Nan XiangWan diligently practiced singing and dancing. Gu Beihuai had selected a rather difficult song for her.

With Nan XiangWan’s vocal range, singing it would naturally not be an issue. But after hearing Gu Beihuai sing through it once, for the first time she felt a sense of crisis!

She was discontent. Why could he sing it better?

Just the low notes. Very very low. Nan XiangWan could still press her voice down to sing out smoothly.

But Gu Beihuai’s singing was not only low, but weighty!

Like the striking of heavy metal, shaking even the speakers.

In fully expressing the mood of the song, Gu Beihuai was evidently more mature. And also gave off the feeling he hadn’t sung with full effort.

This dealt quite the blow to Nan XiangWan!

After finishing practicing for the day, Nan XiangWan asked the system. The dog’s answer gave her a clear target to aim for.

[Note: Above professional mastery is conferment of divinity status. The hostess’ current level can overwhelm newbies and defeat waves of ordinary professionals, but is unable to reach the realm of deification.]

Nan XiangWan: “How does one attain deification?”

[Diligent practice]

The dog’s final succinct answer essentially meant that although Nan XiangWan was very good, she was still far from enough. Wanting to be invincible was too premature.

The pinnacle of any skillset is accumulated through practicing day after day.

Upon hearing this, Nan XiangWan jumped up and went into the music room to continue practicing singing.

She refused to accept it!

The next day, Gu Beihuai came again to instruct. Such personal guidance from the king was a rare learning opportunity.

Not only so, he also proposed that for the stage performance of this song, they dance a paired routine.

He would be on stage as her accompanying dancer, wearing a mask.

After some thought, Nan XiangWan ultimately agreed. Because after seeing Gu Beihuai’s initial choreography, she was stunned!

This guy was even a god at choreography?!


Time quickly arrived at the 21st.

Early morning, Nan XiangWan set off for the filming location of The Singer to start getting styled and made up.

Today’s stylist was the flamboyant Jing Da Shuai who came in looking like a fluttering butterfly, with a scarf tied around his neck too.

Nan XiangWan: “Why are you wearing a muffler in the dead of summer?”

Jing Da Shuai rolled his eyes. “It’s called a scarf, a scarf! For coordinating outfits, you just don’t understand! Close your mouth! Annoying!”

Nan XiangWan: “Oh, aren’t you hot?”

Jing Da Shuai mysteriously leaned in and lifted a corner of his scarf, revealing some hickeys on his neck.

Jing Da Shuai: “Get it now?”

Nan XiangWan’s eyeballs bulged wide and she covered her mouth, nod-nod-nodding intensely.

The crazy shipper mentality!

Jing Da Shuai busily continued working, looking completely smug, as if he gained some huge advantage.

Nan XiangWan’s look today was a bit more complex. And because she needed to coordinate dancing pairs, the accompanying dancer’s costume was also very important, undoubtedly increasing Jing Da Shuai’s team’s workload.

But professional stylists are never daunted by any difficulty. By 4pm, they had finished Nan XiangWan’s portion.

Gu Beihuai arrived precisely on time at 3:50. The moment he stepped into the waiting room, both Xiao Dong and Jing Da Shuai were flabbergasted!

Jing Da Shuai started stuttering: “Y-y-you? Nan XiangWan your dance partner is him?!”

Nan XiangWan: “Mm-hmm.”

Xiao Dong: “Don’t you mm-hmm me! Good heavens! The king is going on stage to dance with you, the internet will paralyze again!”

Gu Beihuai smiled gently as he took out a black mask: “I’ll wear a mask, no problem.”

Xiao Dong breathed in relief and immediately turned polite. “The king is so considerate. Would you like some water, Your Majesty? Let me pour you a glass!”

Jing Da Shuai swiftly got into work mode: “Have a seat, we’ll begin right away.”

Since he had a mask, facial makeup was not needed. This greatly shortened the complex procedures to just styling Gu Beihuai’s hair and outfit.

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