The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 469: Extreme Training

Chapter 469

The conditions of the female dormitory in College of Liberal Arts Building No.1 are not bad. Room 101 has only one bed, along with a small wardrobe and bed, nothing else, quite simple.

After Nan XiangWan checked in late, she went to take a shower, only to find out there was no hot water, you needed a card for hot water!

She didn't have a card!

Where was the card?

So, she took a cold shower, then returned to the dormitory to eat the supplementary food Gu Beihuai gave her, and then lay down quietly to sleep.

She slept until 3 o'clock in the morning, when a faint sound came from outside the window.

It sounded like the chirping of crickets, but with a frequency.

Nan XiangWan suddenly sat up, put on her shoes, opened the window, and jumped out!

She didn't go through the main door, wasting time.

Teng ShiHai was hidden in the dark outside the window, about to make a second alert sound, but then 'whoosh'.

A big black rat flew past!

Teng ShiHai: "..."

Isn't this too sensitive?

At the same time, the same scene was happening outside the windows of the various dormitories in National Defense University.

The previous special warfare seniors were not the only ones who returned early like Teng ShiHai, all 27 of them were in position, ready to give this year's freshmen a big surprise.

Nan XiangWan thought she was fast, but she wasn't the first one to arrive.

On the large playground, two people were already standing there.

The ones with the code names Wushuang, Qu Xiu, and Lan Yingzong, who immediately started a contest.

These two people were the ones Gu Beihuai had singled out, very strong!

Nan XiangWan's gaze swept over the two of them, with a rising desire for victory in her eyes.

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Lan Yingzong was also looking at her, a smile playing on his lips, as if saying 'you're slower than me'.

Qu Xiu had no expression, glanced at her faintly, then looked away.

Nan XiangWan stood in line with the two, exuding a continuous aura.

The three of them silently began to compete!

Soon, more people arrived, and within three minutes, all 27 members were assembled!

Keep in mind, this is not a military area with dense personnel. Everyone came from different branch dormitories, and in the summer, the cicadas and insects' noises can be quite confusing.

To be able to quickly find the alert and then assemble, it shows how strong their abilities and keenness are.

Next, the 27 special warfare seniors arrived, standing face to face with the newcomers from the former military area, creating quite an impactful scene.

Teng ShiHai stood among the crowd, not looking around, a stark contrast to the way he was being chased and beaten during the day.

There were no officers present, Guan Fei did not appear, only a few large helicopters were landing and roaring.

The seniors began to approach, each responsible for one, driving the newcomers into the helicopters, then blindfolding them, tying their limbs tightly, and taking away all personal belongings.

No phones, no military supplies, not even any food, except for the clothes they were wearing, nothing else was allowed.

They had to figure everything out on their own, with no restrictions on methods!

No one spoke, all quietly obeyed, not even asking which helicopter they were boarding.

Teng ShiHai was in charge of Nan XiangWan from his own military area, and he tied her even tighter than the others!

As all this unfolded, the plane ascended slowly, several helicopters flew off in different directions, heading into the unknown.

Soon, within each helicopter, various noises began to play—electronic broadcasts mixed with music, creating a cacophony.

The senior students stood at the farthest point from the new recruits they were responsible for, talking animatedly.

Each person's voice was different, their words varied, creating a chaotic atmosphere.

Nan XiangWan and the other new recruits needed to quickly identify their senior's voice amid the noise, accurately grasping the mission details.

After three hours of flight, members began to disappear one by one.

When it was Nan XiangWan's turn, there were only her and Teng ShiHai left in the cabin.

Teng ShiHai removed her blindfold and led her to the cabin door.

The rushing wind hit her face, darkness spread below!

Above, the helicopter blades roared, seemingly close enough to touch, but how high were they flying?

Teng ShiHai: "Are you afraid?"

Nan XiangWan: "Bring it on!"

In the next moment, with a simple gesture, her bound feet hooked, and they jumped together.

Teng ShiHai: "!!!"

Why did she not play by the rules?

First Night Mission: Freefall Without Parachutes.

In pairs, each senior was responsible for their former military region's new recruit. The recruits were bound and blindfolded until the moment they left the cabin, opening their eyes to a vast abyss, magnifying their fear infinitely.

And, the recruits had no parachutes!

The only parachute was strapped to the senior's back.

Each person had to act swiftly. During the freefall, they had to find ways to untie themselves, attach their harness to the senior's parachute, and descend together.

The descent lasted only a brief minute!

Failure meant certain death!

Or if they were a second too slow, if the timing of their jump was off, recruits without parachutes risked falling to their deaths.

This sudden task was terrifying, with no prior notice or psychological preparation.

Opening their eyes, they were in midair, as if kicked off a plane.

And it was in this pitch-black, where ordinary vision needed time to adjust to the darkness.

This extreme task even tested their night vision capabilities!

That's why when everyone learned Nan XiangWan joined the special forces, the most common phrase was "stay alive."

Special forces training was inhumane!

Of course, Nan XiangWan was different here; she wasn't pushed off—she was the one pushing.

Teng ShiHai, already a paratrooper, remained silent in midair, his senses keen. He kept a close distance from Nan XiangWan, observing her actions.

Nan XiangWan's movements were swift. Though her hands were tightly bound, she effortlessly broke free.

Then, she hooked her feet up to her chest and began untying the ropes on her feet.

In less than two seconds, she freed her hands and feet, even finding time to gesture to Teng ShiHai midair.

Teng ShiHai: "..."

Nan XiangWan opened her mouth and shouted, "Come over here!"

Teng ShiHai symbolically waved his hands, but the distance between them remained the same.

Nan XiangWan glanced at the ground, cursed, reached out her hand, pulled Teng ShiHai over, and then fastened the buckle.

When they were three hundred meters above the ground, Teng ShiHai opened the parachute.

The two landed smoothly!

After Nan XiangWan's feet touched the ground, she quickly unfastened the buckle and squatted down to observe the terrain.

She hadn't received formal training, but she had experience.

In less than a minute, she confirmed her direction and rushed into the darkness ahead!

Teng ShiHai stood behind, unmoving. He first leisurely packed up the parachute, then took out his phone to check for nearby late-night snack shops.

Unfortunately, there were no eateries in the vicinity.

Teng ShiHai put away his phone, reached into his pocket to grab the chocolate he had prepared to eat.

But to his surprise, it was empty!

Teng ShiHai: "!!!"

Where's the chocolate?

After a long while, he cursed.

Darn it! When Nan XiangWan was fastening the parachute buckle in mid-air, she took the chocolate from his pocket!

Yes... it was said that once the means were unleashed, there were no limits. It seemed like there was nothing wrong with stealing the senior's chocolate.

But this honey badger was extremely vicious!

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