The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 101 Monster Caravan

[Bog Forest, 25 October, 1 Year Before Demon War]

The morning sun shone on the Bog Forest, waking the animals that had shuddered at night and dispelling the white mist that shrouded them.

Like the previous morning, the Cendet birds fell asleep when the sun came. They were so exhausted after staying up all night, their very important task allow the monsters to sleep peacefully.

No one was able to judge the merits of the Cendet Birds for the Dawnmist Tribe, they weren't even paid enough for just their favorite grain. That's what they probably had in mind when they closed their eyes this morning.

The monsters came out of their tents towards Green Caping Hill, Moku would give instructions for their journey to Wolf Slope Mountain. Moku also wanted to say something to the monsters.

The orcs who were already able to walk climbed up Green Caping Hill along with the other monsters that helped them.

The goblins who weren't used to getting up early seemed to be yawning a lot but even with sleepy eyes they still walked with enthusiasm.

The sylphs flew through the sky, their large number looked like a swarm of buzzing bees, yet they still looked elegant and classy.

The alraunes also walked along with other monsters, they didn't enter their half-flower bodies and walked by dragging their roots. The alraune wanted to be able to mingle with other monsters with their human bodies.

Their numbers weren't too many, only around 2000 monsters, which was very little when compared to the number of humans or warbeasts alive at the moment. Even so, they still filled Green Caping Hill which was not that big, there was a risk that Moku's voice would not be heard by those standing at the back.

But that would only happen if Moku was just an ordinary orc. With his telepathic abilities, Moku can send messages to all monsters at the same time. Therefore, for their first meeting, Moku didn't want to just talk to the higher-ups of the monster tribe, but he wanted to talk to all the monsters.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even though he was standing on the podium, Moku's sight still couldn't reach all the monsters, but with his inner eye, Moku could feel that all the monsters were already there. Only Nevare and a few girls were not present but Widya and Lina still came to listen.

Moku took a deep breath and forgot his fight with Nevare. By preparing his heart, Moku connected all the monsters with his telepathy.

"My brother and sister of species!

You know who I am, but I will still tell you my name!

My Name Is KuMoku! I'm the chief of the orc tribe and the strongest orc alive!

I call you to this hill, the hill where I trained and found my current strength. The hill where I gave the name to the tribe. The hill where I say Oath of Dawn. The hill where the orcs trained until their bones were broken and their flesh tore. The hill where we sharpen fangs and thicken maces. Green Caping Hill.

I call you to come because I want to tell you something! Something so important! Something that will be the beginning of our civilization! Monster species civilization!

I'm telling you that the mages, the creatures that became our nightmares and fears, have been defeated! Not just one mage but five mages with one of them is a Mana Child with Mana God power!"

"YEAAAHHHHHH!!!!" the crowd cheers so loud that it seemed to shake the hill.

Moku waited for the cheer to subside before continuing his speech.

"This victory we will never get if we don't have heroes! Heroes who fight to the last drop of blood to carry out their duties! Heroes we may know and maybe we don't know but their services we will never forget!

They are willing to sacrifice their own lives and bodies to bring us, this weak species to an almost impossible victory! That's why I want us to remember these heroes and put them in the history book of the civilization we're about to build! As the hero who provided the foundation of the monster civilization!..."

Moku emphasized his voice so that all the monsters felt how important the sacrifices of these heroes were. Moku wants them all to remember these heroes and write their names in the history book of the monster civilization.

Previously, Moku did not understand why humans wanted their names to be known and remembered in history. They are willing to not sleep and fight to the death for the Nobel prize.

Isn't that just a title? Isn't that a pseudo thing? Wasn't the trophy just a meaningless piece of junk? that's how Moku used to think. But when Moku is old and paralyzed, he understands what it means to be remembered by history itself.

Humans are mortal beings, their short lifespan makes them have a fear of being forgotten. Become completely dead and disappear from everyone's minds. Because of that, they want to carve history and memories in their short lives so that there are people who remember them and become a sign that they once existed in this world.

Become immortal in the long history of mankind.

As someone who is remembered in history, Moku does not understand what the advantages are, but as a leader, this is very useful. A leader to encourage his people to do their job to the best of their ability must give a proper reward for their sacrifice. Sometimes treasures, women, and thrones are not enough, but if you add the image to become immortal in human history, this will be very tempting.

Being someone whose name is recorded in history and remembered for generations to come can make a person feel proud of the temporary life they lead. It's a sad thing because for the next generation their work is seen as normal and their names are seen as something not so important.

In the end, even a hero who changed the world was just a name that was seen as a myth or a fairy tale. Even worse, they are sometimes seen as liars who exaggerate their achievements.

Hero with temporary life is an irony.

"This hero is Nianhe, she is the first sylph to notify the danger of the five approaching mages. With the courage in her small body, she follows the mages even at the risk of her being captured and made a slave by them.

This hero is Hoddurt! Even though he had to sacrifice his age to use mass healing skills, Hoddurt was not afraid to continue to fight together with the goblins and hold back the two mages until the orcs arrived. Without his sacrifice, our existence will be known to humans and we will be hunted down by them.

This hero is Ornell! Along with the other alraunes, Ornell brought hard-to-find medicinal herbs to heal injured orcs and goblins. Ornell led the alraune to heal them until no more victims fell from their wounds. Without her services, the number of casualties due in the battle would be greater than today.

They are the heroes who make us feel this victory. I want all of you to remember their names and pray for them to be recorded in The One's heaven as a true warrior!"

"MAY THEIR NAME WILL BE RECORDED ON THE ONE'S HEAVEN!" all the monsters said their prayers.

Moku's facial expression and tone of voice turned grim.

"However, this battle not only gave us the happiness of victory but also gave us sorrow of the warriors who left us and fought in the heaven of The One.

They are the goblins who fight fearlessly and my blood brother Laya. After this, I want you all to attend their funeral.


"MAY WE FIGHT TOGETHER AGAIN IN THE ONE'S HEAVEN!" the monsters once again said their prayers.

Moku's intonation became cheerful again "Then this victory is also impossible for us to feel without the struggle of the orcs who have succeeded in defeating two mages at once!

As a reward for them, I announce that two weeks after this I will return the four human girls to the tribe!

May the strongest orcs get their reward!"

When Moku finished saying that, cheers and claps broke. Almost all the monsters screamed with all their might to show how happy they were right now.

The orcs who were able to come shouted with all their might with burning eyes. They want to get well soon and be able to practice. They only had two weeks to determine which of the strongest orcs would earn the right to possess the four girls.

Although the current strongest orcs are Goku and Boku which doesn't break the orcs' fighting spirit, they are confident that they can catch up to both of them in two weeks.

Meanwhile, Widya and Lina's faces turned pale. They knew that this would come but they were never ready to accept this definite fate.

Their only hope for shelter from Moku's decision is Anna.

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