The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 103 Alpha Threat

The sound of nails and hammers filled the Dawnmist tribe that afternoon. All the monsters seemed busy preparing for their migration.

Based on the distance between the Dawnmist Tribe and the Wolf Slope Mountain, this trip would take about two months. Coupled with the coming winter the snowy roads will be an obstacle for them to reach their destination.

For that, medicinal plants, clothes, and shelter from cold air must be prepared carefully. Not to mention the estimated mutated animal attacks that make this trip even more dangerous.

Although goblin and alraune bring carriages from their respective tribes, the carriages still need to renovate to prevent cold air remained outside and warm remain inside. With their abilities, the goblins use lead and furs to cover the inside of the carriage. They also use tree sap as a glue which will not freeze in cold air.

Food and medicine are also things that make this preparation even more complicated. They can't just rely on the animals or plants they find along the way. Especially when winter comes, the number of roaming animals and growing plants will decrease drastically.

The orcs had vast reserves of meat in their food huts. But this reserve was only enough for the orcs and even then it would only last for a few weeks. The problem lies with the diets of other monsters, such as goblins which are vegetarians, while Sylphs and alraune prefer living animals.

The alraune solved the goblin food problem by renovating some of the carriages that would be overgrown with the mushrooms that were the goblins' main diet. With the help of the goblins, they covered the inside of the wagon with wet soil before planting some plants with fibrous roots on the outside. Luna asked the plants to strengthen their roots so they can grip the soil firmly. As a result, the soil becomes dense and can be planted by mushrooms.

Meanwhile, food needs for sylphs and alraune have also been met. In addition to controlling their bodies, when sylphs possess the body of an animal they can also speak the animal language. The sylphs possessed several animals that were the leaders of their pack and control them so that they can be tame by the monsters.

Because of the additional carriages devoted to logistics, the goblins had to make new carriages that were slightly different from the others, they will be used as transportation carriages for women and children. The orcs who were able to hold axes and use their hands helped the goblins to chop trees and carry them. The true function of the goblin was very visible in the preparation for this evacuation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Moku walked with a pile of logs on his shoulders. Each step he took would create a deep imprint on the ground showing how much weight and how many logs he was carrying. The other monsters who saw Moku looked amazed with sparkling eyes. They felt that orcs had great power but an orc that had evolved like Moku would become a different story.


Moku put down the logs on his shoulders and made the ground tremble. After greeting the goblin who was in charge of processing the newly felled wood, Moku looked around like he was looking for something.

He found his target and smiled before walking towards him.

Ez is drinking and wiping the sweat on his forehead. His duties as a diplomat were currently on vacation and he was returning to his duties as a goblin.

Ez felt that someone was approaching him and turned around. Seeing the smile on Moku's face, Ez became gloomy. He still didn't forget that Moku had left him alone in the alraune's lair. Luckily, Moku and Luna's conversation ended with the union of orcs and alraune as he predicted, otherwise Ez would be a fertilizer for the alraune.

"Hi great diplomat, how are you?" innocently Moku sat next to Ez.

"Don't you dare call me diplomat when you just throw me away like bait!" Ez snorted angrily.

"Hahaha Ez, I'm sorry about that but I think you already know that I won't fail" Moku chuckled.

Ez didn't answer just narrowed his eyes promising not to trust Moku anymore when once more he ordered him to have diplomacy with another group.

Moku just smiled and continued his words "Ez, I'm here because I want to ask something"

"Oh,, The Great KuMoku doesn't know about something?" Ez sneered in disbelief.

"I'm serious. Do you think I appreciate them enough?" a smile remained etched on Moku's lips.

Ez's face suddenly turned serious "What do you mean?"

Moku's face turned serious too "Ez, you are the only person that knows what I mean"

Ez's face turned gloomy, he just looked down and didn't answer. Moku just looked at him and waited.

A few seconds later, Ez lifted his head again and looked into Moku's eyes without fear. The intonation of his voice also turned deeper than usual "Ku, why do you think someone wants to be appreciated?" Ez asked.

Moku smiled when Ez asked back "I don't know, maybe because they want to share the happiness or get a reward for their work?"

"wrong" Ez shook his head before picking up a blade of grass at his feet. "When someone is born into this world they are still as white as snow. Without knowledge, without understanding the world, and without knowing who they are. No baby knows if they are orcs, humans, goblins, sylphs, or mutated animals. They see the world. with the same eyes and mind. White as snow" Ez dug the ground with his index finger.

"But as they grow up in society, they gain new knowledge, ways of life, values, and applicable laws. That's when they start to think about what is right and wrong. However, sometimes the knowledge and values they find contradict each another" Ez stuck the blade of grass in the hole he had dug.

"Then how to find out if what they did was right or wrong? The easy way is with appreciation and punishment. When they do something right then the people around them will appreciate it but when they do something wrong then the ruler of the community will punish them" Ez slowly began to backfill the hole he had made.

"As a leader what you need to worry about is not whether your appreciation is enough but what you must consider is whether you have given the right appreciation or not. However, for someone who has different values and knowledge and he believes in it from the bottom of his heart then he will not care about appreciation and will not be afraid of punishment." Ez stared at the blade of grass he had planted on the ground.

Ez lifted his head and looked into Moku's red eyes. "Moku I don't care what values you will bring and what knowledge you will change. I just want to live in peace and I promise I will help you if you ask even without appreciation"

Moku didn't smile, he just looked deep into Ez's eyes looking for the seeds of betrayal in them. But it seems he was too overconfident in his ability to read someone's face. "Ez, you are so smart yet why are you so cowardly?"

"Hmm.. someone smart like me will pay a lot of attention and have much time to think. As a result, we know a lot of things even something we shouldn't know. Because of that, we become cowards, as a form of self-defense against this threatening knowledge" Ez tried to look smaller.

However, the face that Moku showed did not match his expectations. Moku smiled very wide almost showing all his teeth.

Wolves are animals that live in castes, an alpha will feel disturbed if there is another wolf that has the same strength or exceeds him. The alpha will threaten the wolf by showing all its sharp and sturdy fangs. If the monsters are a pack of wolves then Moku is an alpha.

As a wolf who is being threatened by an alpha then the only thing Ez can do is bow his head and show his stomach as a form of surrender.

Ez stood up and took a step forward "Moku you are the leader of all monsters and the law you give is the truth that all monsters must follow. If one day you decide to kill me...

Then I want to die as a hero who fights for the civilization of monsters not as a traitor" Ez continued his steps.

Moku looked at Ez's back which was getting further away. His smile turned into a smirk, with a nod Moku said "I Agree"

Moku will not make it difficult for someone who has just shown his weakness.


On the other hand, Widya is meeting Anna. Her feelings were filled with anxiety regarding Moku's previous announcement. However, she is not worried about her fate, since she was a child, Widya knew that she would end tragically but she did not want the same thing to happen to Clara.

The only person Moku hears and can save Clara is Anna.

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