The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 108 Alien Creature

In a dark room with only a dim candle to light it, an old woman sat reading a thick old book. The chair she sat on was like a throne made of bones that it was not clear what creature they came from. The table in front of her is made of mahogany wood with carvings like a skull on the front edge.

There were a lot of papers and books on the table, messy but the owner still remembered where she had put them.

"You have come young moksha" she said in a hoarse, shrill voice like an insect gnawing at his vocal cords.

,m Moku looked at Mak Lampir with a wary look. His instincts kept sounding the alarm and kept his body on alert stance "I have meet you Mak Lampir"

Mak Lampir's head which was previously downcast looked up and stared at the orc in front of her. Her hair was white as ash, her skin was green like leaves, her face was filled with lumps that kept oozing black pus. She smiled and exposed her teeth as black as charcoal. Her red eyes looked at Moku from head to toe as if she was assessing this new meat that had come before her.

"Khekhekhekhekhe.... are you scared?? am I ugly? khekhekhekhe" she chuckled with bloodthirsty eyes.

Moku prepared to attack at any moment, his heart pounding rapidly showing he was ready for battle. No sane woman likes to be called ugly, they will get angry and tear your lips apart fiercely. So that no one knows what this heartbroken mad woman will do if Moku tells the truth.

Moku swallowed loudly "It's perspective i guess, maybe in some place you are a very beautiful person, Mak Lampir"

"Oh yeah? Khekhekhekhe this is the first time I've heard someone praise me honestly khekhekhekhe!!" Mak Lampir's laughter grew bigger.

Moku felt like he had just survived a fight that was a waste of time. However, his body remained in a state of alert. "Mak Lampir, I came here to ask for your help" Moku regained his breath "I found a painting containing symbols that I don't understand. Some of these symbols I found in my hometown before, but I don't understand their use" said Moku quickly.

"Hmm? Your hometown? Oh yeah? You're not human? What's your race?" Mak Lampir tilted her head.

"Isn't that unimportant?" Moku turned to ask.

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Mak Lampir was stunned for a while before chuckling cheerfully again "khekhekhekhe you're right, wherever you come from it won't be matter in this place. A place where everything that is real becomes fantasy and every fantasy become reality. I like your thoughts, I will try to help you. Let me see the painting" said Mak Lampir, while raising her hand.

Moku walked closer and his nose smelled sulfur from Mak Lampir's body. Moku's brow furrowed, he was confused because in this realm he shouldn't be able to smell. Moku saw Mak Lampir's body and realized that the curse she received was still effective even though she was already in this realm. The payment for resurrecting the dead couldn't be that simple.

Moku put the same piece of paper that was shown to Garuda earlier into Mak Lampir's palm. Mak Lampir saw the painting and was silent for a moment. Her wide smile turned into a frown and her eyes focused on the painting on her hand.

"Where did you find this?" said Mak Lampir in a hasty tone.

"This is a sylph queen's blood purification ritual in the world I live in right now" replied Moku quickly.

"Purification? purification? khekhekhekhekehKhakhakhaKHAKHAKHAKHA!!!" Mak Lampir's laughter suddenly turned louder and bigger. She laughed like she heard the funniest thing in her life.

Moku took a step back, he activated Bhimasuta Form and prepared to fight at any moment. His hands clenched and blue sparks formed.

"Whatever this person does is not a purification ritual but a sacrificial ritual! A sacrificial ritual to release a seal! The seal of a curse is bestowed not by a being but by the world itself. Whoever is cursed by the world are those who violate the laws of that world. I am cursed by the world because I have violated the law of life and death" Mak Lampir's eyes lit up like she found a very valuable jewelry. She held the paper in her hand high like a devotee worshiping a holy scripture.

She continued to laugh so excitedly till her focus returned and looked at the Moku in front of her with a lustful gaze.

"Tell me! Tell me what really happened! Tell me why this person is cursed by the world!!" Mak Lampir jumped from her chair and stood in front of Moku till their noses touching.

Moku almost punch her with the Brajamusti in his hand but he managed to restrain his attack reflex and took two steps back. "Mak Lampir I will tell you, but you must promise to tell me anything you find about the painting" Moku ordered.

"I promise!" Mak Lampir nodded repeatedly like a pecking chicken.

"Okay.. okay.." Moku took one step back once again, the smell of sulfur emitting from Mak Lampir's body made his sensitive nose wrinkle. After clearing his trouth once more, Moku begins to tell about the world he currently lives in. About mana species, mutated animals, monsters, proximity of mana, the power of mana, mutated mana organs, mana flow, monsters that have no mana at all in their bodies, and all the oddities during his life on the Meer Continent.

Mak Lampir responded by nodding like she understood something, frowning like she was confused about something, and widening her eyes like she was surprised by something. Moku finished his story, he tried not to leave a single detail in the story. Moku saw Mak Lampir who was silent, she seemed to be thinking about something complicated, Moku was also silent and waited for Mak Lampir to start talking.

After a few tens of minutes, Mak Lampir's frown disappeared, she walked to one of the shelves and took a book. It was neither thick nor very thin, more like a kid bedtime story book than a science book.

Mak Lampir quickly opened a page and read it silently. Then she fell silent again and her brow furrowed again. Moku once again waited for Mak Lampir to react.

After a few tens of minutes, Mak Lampir's frown disappeared again. She looked at Moku with a confused look. Mak Lampir opened her mouth and "Monsters are not natives of that world" was the first sentence that came out of his mouth.

Moku felt like lightning had exploded behind him. He wasn't someone dramatic but those words were like a start of the reality biggest conspiracy that universe has ever seen.

Before Moku could ask Mak Lampir continued her explanations "Each world has its own laws that are the same or different from other worlds. Like the seas and lands, these laws are useful for regulating the reality of the world. In the ocean, whales can grow to be the largest creatures because their relative surface is not limited by the gravity pressing their massive bodies against the ground.

Mana is the law of the Meer continent world, the existence of mana organs such as mana flow in living things is a must to be able to live in that world. Every animal, plant, rock, water, and air will have mana flowing inside them. So it can be said if everything comes from mana and will return to mana.

However, if the monsters didn't have any mana in their bodies then this would be a huge offense against that world. The mana in that world would kill the monsters as soon as possible and bring the laws of the world back into order.

However, the reality is contrary to this fact. Monsters can still live and reproduce in a world with mana as the law. This would only happen if the monsters could quickly adapt to their new enviroment and grow their own mana organs. But for the second time the opposite reality of the fact occurred.

The contradiction of that fact is you. You awaken a power that uses absolutely no mana but power that comes from the energy within the body which you call dragon prana. This is tantamount to mixing oil and water. The mana in that world should do anything to kill you and the other monsters.

This really confused me. But after understanding the painting you brought I realized something, Mana has done their best to kill the monster species, they cursed you and sealed your true power for good.

So I conclude two things;

First, Monsters are not native to that world.

Second, wherever the monsters come from, it's a world stronger than the Meer continent so mana can only seal your strength, not kill them."

Mak Lampir's voice echoed in the small room. Its red eyes shone like lanterns in the deep ocean, calling for small fish to approach before preying on them.

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