The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 110 Complaints Of The Old Generation

Boku and Goku gulped hard, they saw the rushing river in front of them.

A boulder rolled over and was carried away by the river flow before breaking apart after colliding with another rock. They believe from the bottom of their hearts that even elephants will be carried away by this current.

​ Water buoyancy is a magical thing and is the reason why can a ship weighing hundreds of tons float on water. Unfortunately, the laws of physics also apply in this world. No matter how heavy and strong Boku and Goku will still be carried away by the current of this river. This is because the water pressure at the bottom will be stronger and lift their bodies, as a result, their legs that do not touch the riverbed will float and their bodies will be carried away by the swift current of the river with a depth of two meters.

Boku couldn't imagine how the two of them would survive and not drift away for an entire day. If only they were able to find a way not to drift away then the second and more complicated problem arose.

The body has a temperature regulation mechanism to be able to adapt to its environment. When the body is hot, it's will sweat excessively to lower body temperature and prevent the production of natural heat inside it, as well as if the temperature is cold, the body will make the skeletal muscles contract to produce heat and suppress heat from evaporating out of the body.

However, the body will not be able to restore the temperature if the ambient temperature continues to decrease. This is what happens to those who freeze to death. When the body is not able to produce as much heat as it loses, the body will slowly go numb and the internal organs will stop working.

Boku can't figure out how they can survive the cold night of the Bog forest. The white mist that descended from the mountain would quickly freeze their bones. And If! And only if they still survive after that, there is the third problem they must be solved.

Water, although it is a liquid that will not hurt the body when touched, still can change an object. Water dropped on hard rock for years will still penetrate the rock until it is perforated.

A person who thought he could survive after jumping from a plane because there was an ocean beneath him was very stupid. Their bodies would fall apart when they hit the water. When falling at a certain height, the water will become so dense that the chances of surviving after falling into a bush are greater than falling into a swimming pool or lake.

Then the water flow in the river will contain rocks due to erosion. Boku firmly believed that his skin would be torn apart by the pebbles it carried. Boku and Goku see Moku who is already standing in the air above the river.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Moku tilted his head while a smirk still attached to his lips.

"Moku, we don't know how we can survive this river current, then how we can avoid freezing to death, then lastly how do we keep our skin from being torn apart by the pebbles that are brought by this river current?" Boku describes a series of problems he found.

Even though they were Orcs with much stronger bodies and regeneration abilities than ordinary humans, neither of them would reduce the risk of their deaths from the swift currents of this river.

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"What do you mean you can't survive? The fish can survive!" Moku pointed at a fish swimming calmly on the riverbed. "The rock can hold up!" Moku pointed at a large rock that didn't budge in the current. "I can endure too! Do you think I got the ability of tiger form, eagle form, and snake form from waking up?" Moku pointed at himself.

Once more Boku dan Goku gulped their saliva loudly. They remembered when Swa and Laya ran around the tribal camp asking for help from the other orcs because Moku was swept away by the river current and lost somewhere.

After looking for him all day they found Moku who was unconscious with a broken rib and both legs facing the wrong direction. His body was already blue and some parts of his skin had been torn off showing the blackened flesh inside.

They never thought that at that time Moku was practicing the third level of breathing technique.

Seeing the worry on Boku and Goku's faces, Moku sighed loudly, 'why are the orcs of this generation such a bunch of pussy?' he complains as if he was born from an older generation, even though Goku and Boku are much older than Moku.

"You don't have to worry about being drift away" Moku took out two long ropes from his back pocket, the ends of the ropes were knotted so that they formed a loop "I will catch you with this rope. Trust me my lasso skills are quite trained" Moku smiled proudly himself.

Boku and Goku don't understand what a lasso is but they know that is something that will not save them at all.

"Hey we better not waste time, I still have a lot of work in the tribe" Moku stuck out one lasso string and spun it in the air.

whirr! whirr! whirr!

Goku's bad hunch is getting worse, "Moku we better use another way, I'm sure meditating won't—"

The lasso string that was swirling in the air rapidly dived down and wrapped around Goku's waist whose owner still wanted to negotiate.

"Gotcha!" shouted Moku excitedly.

Moku pulled Goku's body and threw him into the river.


For two seconds Goku's body disappeared in the water then reappeared with Goku trying to swim for his life. However, the current of the river was so strong that it carried his body away until it was restrained by the lasso that tied his waist.

The strong current pulled him back but the lasso around his waist kept him from moving. As a result, Goku looks like someone whose waist is tied to the rock while his arms and legs are being pulled back by a herd of bulls.

"What did I say, you won't drift away! Don't worry, this rope is made from Stuga skin and it's very hard, even with a river current like this it won't break easily" Moku smiled proudly with his homemade rope.

Boku stares at Goku's fate with wide eyes and a pale face. The sound of bones crunching was heard from his waist, and several places on his skin began to tear and ooze blood, Boku seemed to hear Goku's voice asking for help from his filled water mouth. Boku always thought that Moku was a wise leader but also a strict trainer, but his imagination is just too narrow, Moku is not a strict trainer but a sadistic coach.

Boku still feels sad about Goku's fate when he hears the "whirr! whirr! whirr!" sound from the top of his head. Boku looked up and saw Moku was already spinning his lasso. He forgot that Moku had two lassoes in his hands.

"Moku, wait.. wait.. we can talk—"

The lasso swooped down again and wrapped around Boku's waist.

"Got you!" Moku smiled happily and threw Boku into the river.


The same fate happened to Boku, he disappeared for two seconds before coming back out and swimming for his life. Once again the swift current of the river washed him away before being caught by the lasso that entangled his waist.

Boku feels what Goku feels. His mouth, nose, ears, and eyes were filled with water. His body was like being bent by giant hands and his skin was like being sliced with a sharp knife. Boku screams in pain but what happens is the water that storms into his lungs.

Luckily Boku quickly close his mouth but his ringing ears told him that the water had found a new entrance.

Seeing that the two orcs had entered the river smoothly, Moku appreciated his work. He was a good teacher, Moku remembered that he tied his body to a tree in the past and ended up hitting hard on the river wall. Then Moku tied his body to a large rock but the rope he had prepared broke so that his body disappeared into the current.

Remembering his suffering while practicing the third level of breathing technique Moku took a deep breath. Moku felt he was pampering Boku and Goku too much, he prepared a rope that would not break and held the rope with his strong body.

Moku feels that the early generations always learn from their suffering and create new things that will make it easier for them. However, this new thing is used by the younger generation to make life easier to the point of being lazy. Like grandparents complaining about their grandchildren living a life of ease, Moku sighed loudly.

Moku connects his telepathy to Boku and Goku, another convenience he gives to the younger generation. From here Moku will teach them how to control their inner power, and once again another convenience that he gives to the younger generation.

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