The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 114 Ez's Mission

"Hei.. hei.. I'm also from the Kabau family too, why I can see my other relative?" hear a scared male voice.

"What the fuck are you saying, you hoodlum!!! Come back to wherever the hell you come from before I smash your pitiful face till even The One can't recognize it!" Ui throws a very harsh sentence that can be condemned as blasphemy by Nezena.

Before the fight really broke out between them, Anna ask in a soft voice "Ui who is that?"

"Ah.. Nevare forgive me for this, This is Ez the cowardly goblin who thinks of himself as the first diplomat of the monster species, His mouth is full of shit that you can smell the stink even behind the wall. Don't come over here Nevare before your ear got dirty by this shit talker." Ui explains and not to forget to throw some curses at Ez. Her poster already become lower and one of her hands already reach the knife on her back.

The cold sweet drip heavily from Ez's forehead because he feels Ui's dangerous murderous aura. Anna feels if she did not stop this quickly Ui really will have an excuse to murder Ez.

"Ui, let's hear him first. Maybe he has some important news for me" Anna said to calm down the situation.

Hearing that, Ui relax her posture but her hand still held the knife on her back. "hm! talk before you can only talk to The One for eternity" Ui once again throws some curse that can be blasphemy in Nezena's eyes.

Anna can only have a long sigh inside her heart. She already meets Nezena's maid and every one of them is so graceful and kind. You can see their holiness from their tiny green bodies. But her maid is more like the watchdogs than beautiful flowers, they bark at every male that comes near Anna's carriage. They don't care if it's orcs or other monster races as long they have a pole on their crotch they will lash out and be ready to fight to the death.

Seeing Ui who is still eyeing him like a butcher waiting for the time of execution, sweet drops more heavily from Ez's forehead.  He knows when he says something stupid Ui will lunge at him and stab his face. Ez try to search for a way to save himself but the sentence he will say was really a stupid sentence. Ez cursed his mouth which boasted a promise to do everything Moku said. But what he must do, he knows that he has a sadistic boss but still try to lick his ass.

"emm.. Nevare,, eh,, uuh,, ehh,, Nevare it's like this... eeehh" Ez feels like his tongue froze, and his mouth ooze some salty substance that makes him want to vomit.

"Why stutter like pecking chicken! Speaks Up!!" Ui barked like a dog.

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The bark surprise the nervous Ez and like loose rubber, he blurted out what he thinks "Do you want to go out with me?", when that very stupid sentence out of his mouth, Ez become white as paper. He knew the hell door is closed but he still wants to break it in.

"I know you are an idiot but I still can believe that you are this degenerate! I hope in the next life you have time to come when The One distributes the brain for his creature!" some blasphemy that is crueler than before spat out from Ui's mouth.

She already lowers her stance and the dagger is already in a stabbing position. She even doesn't want to say "let's fight together in The One's Heaven" to this idiotic lump of green meat. She will finish this failed creature from the first attack and help The One to correct this mistake.

Ui already thinks more and more of blasphemy in her mind and conflict about how to make Ez suffer. Clean death is too easy for this bag of waste resource, she needs to skin him alive before smearing him with honey and tying him in a tree, she will let ants do the rest while enjoying hearing the suffering of soon-to-be the orchestra of pain.

On the other side, Ez's body was already wet with the cold sweet. His mind spun like never before finding a way to survive but every option he choose only lead to more and more misery. It's like traversing a death labyrinth with every route will only to a dead end or trap that will make you curse to be born. Ez everything he will say after this will only sound like an excuse to flirt with Moku's wife, not only a wife but Nevare at that.

When you are too smart, you will know your end even before the suffering began. For now, Ez only hopes that Ui have more kindness and let him have a quick death. But from the shaking murderous eyes, Ez knows that Ui will never make him die easily.

However, like the grace of the god, a soft and stern voice hear from behind Ui like reprimand her for being too hasty to judge "Ui!". Like understand with just Nevare calling her name, Ui stood straight and the murderous aura along with the blasphemy thought gone from her head.

Nevare turn her attention to Ez who was breathing a sigh of relief, he was this close to death, he can see the reaper already whet his sickle in front of his eyes before he can lift the sharpened sickle Nevare's voice sound like a hymn of the angle of life. If he is still alive after this, maybe he will find a woman and have a baby with her.

"Ez, I know you are not stupid, so I gift a chance to tell me your real reason" said Anna with narrow eyes. She knows Ez will never do something this risky without a guarantee of safety. And only someone who can guarantee his safety from Nevare's wrath.

"hmm.. it's like this... I know you have so many thoughts on your mind right now. And I hear from Shezz that you are already out of your desperation. But as Nevare you know that your job it's not only merely become happy. You have a heavy burden on your shoulder right now. So as the first diplomat in the monster species to show you the way to find the answer you seeking for" Ez pat his chest proudly, he want to smirk but hold it back after hearing the grinding teeth from Ui's mouth.

Hearing that, happiness bloomed in Anna's heart, she knew this is that someone's message for her. She is happy not to be abandoned but still hurt because he still doesn't want to see her. But Anna steels her heart and is prepared for what he wants her really to do.

"So what is your advice for me?" said Anna in a serious tone.

"You know the inspiration will not come when you just lock yourself inside this cramp carriage with this sullen face female goblin..." Ez try to joke around to melt the atmosphere but it backfires as the grinding teeth sound become louder.

He cleared his throat and back finishing his narrative "so how about you walk outside with me and see what you really miss all this time when you are depressed? An even bigger problem will look easy to solve when you see it closer." said Ez with a sage tone.

Anna is silent for a while, she thinks about what that person really wants her to do. But after contemplating for a moment she still doesn't find the reason. Maybe she will understand after following Ez outside. Anna takes a long sigh, she really hates a riddle.

'Why you don't just say it in front of my face like a real man?' curse Anna in her heart.

"Okay, I will go with you" nods Anna.

"Okay then, I will wait for you outside" Ez says and walk out of the carriage.

Anna put the still-sleeping Nash on the couch beside her. She makes sure Nash is in a comfortable position then turns around. "Ui, please take care of Nash when I'm gone. You know he does not cry a lot but still throws tantrums when I'm not around, so please calm him down for a while" said Anna in an ordering tone.

"Leave it to me Nevare, I will entertain Nash as hard as I could when he wakes up. But still, are you really want to go with that goblin, what if he put you in a difficult position" said Ui in worry tone.

"You don't need to worry Ui, actually I will be in a more difficult position if I reject Ez's invitation" Anna smiles softly and shake her head.

"Why so?" Ui tilted her head.

"Because the invitation was not from Ez but from Moku itself" Anna glanced at the carriage door, outside Ez already waiting for her patiently.

Anna really wants to know what he really wants from his Nevare.

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