The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 121 Orcs' Choice Of Woman

Nevare and Moku see Nezena, Ez, and Iathra getting out of the carriage. Their meeting that night was very fruitful, they succeeded in drafting the constitution of the Kingdom of Monsters. Then it's just a matter of how to run it and appointing the right people to head the various departments in their respective duties.

Of course, it is Moku's duty as a king to choose who will be his ministers. Moku himself already has several names he will appoint for these tasks but he needs Ez's help to assess these people.

Nevare took a deep breath after a very exhausting night of brain performance. She glanced at her husband who she did not expect to be able to make all kinds of conspiracies and strategies as good as that. Nevare could never have imagined that there was an orc this smart.

How could there be such intelligent beings who belonged to a race known for their brutality and ferocity? Nevare had to once again judge her husband with open eyes and minds.

"Moku, what happened after I passed out?" asked Nevare remembering the last thing she saw was Moku's fist clad in blue flames hitting her stomach.

"Hehehe, of course there is a war" said Moku briefly with a grin that she was familiar with.


Moku and Nevare's fight deserved to be called the opening battle of the girl's return to the tribe that morning. The audience was heated up and impatiently waiting for the next event where the orcs would show their brutality and ferocity.

Whereas the orcs had been on fire from the start. They are like fire that wants to burn everything. Their pounding hearts couldn't wait to smell the blood from their own body or the body of their opponent. Their hands gripped the weapons so tightly that their fingers and palms turned white.

Unlike Palaka for the position of the tribal chief, there is no prohibition on carrying weapons on Palaka returning the girls to the tribe. For orcs to get women who could give birth to their children was a matter of great pride.

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They are races that only have one sex and are eager to have a woman who can continue their offspring. The belief that it is the strongest orc that can reproduce with women is still firmly believed since ancient times. Therefore, the orcs who participated in the return of the girls to the tribe were ready to die.

The event starts with the selection of the girl they want to fight for. Moku didn't want to linger in this place for long, they never knew when humans would find them or when The King and his army crossed The Great River.

Therefore, he prepared 4 large arenas according to the number of human girls present with a diameter of 20 meters. Each arena has a sign with the names of the four girls written on it. The fights will be held simultaneously and this is a royal battle form.

Right after he returned to his king's throne and Nevare had been brought back to his carriage, Moku started the event.

The orcs began to walk into the arena with the name of the girl they chose inscribed on them. Moku sits down with Nerphyl, Nezena, Ornell (Luna is too busy in her lab), and Tam. They discussed which girl had the most participant.

The first most popular girl must be Claire. With her bombastic body and smooth skin, no orc didn't want her as a wife except for Moku who couldn't be classified as a normal orc. According to Ornell's words, Claire had good hips for childbirth. This comment was not understood by Nezena and the other two girls but the understanding Moku tried hard to keep his facial expression innocent.

The second girl Moku guessed was Lina, this was also nodded by Ornell and Nezena. Although Lina is not as pretty as Claire, her young age makes the possibility that Lina can exceed Claire not small.

The third one, according to Ornell, is Widya, she has facial contours that show she is smart, so orcs who have started using their brains in fighting must be interested in her. To her, Vivi's small stature would not attract orcs, her flat chest and unraised hips were not good assets for giving birth.

However, this was denied by Nerphyl and Tam, while Moku and Nezena were silent. The two of them also actually agreed with Ornell but they kept quiet to protect Nerphyl and Tam's feelings.

Nerphyl and Tam feel that Vivi has a uniqueness that can attract men. Her cute face and small body were not a weakness but an advantage. Nerphyl even bet her share of animals with Ornell.

Speculation remains just speculation. The reality is sometimes different from what they imagine. And sure enough, when the orcs finished moving to their chosen arena, the result left the five people wide-eyed. Moku squeezed the handle of his throne so tightly that he heard a crack. This was because the choice of the orcs almost made him vomit blood and want to bury his face in the mud.

The number of orcs that chose Claire was just as they imagined seven orcs gathered in the arena and one of them was Boku. They glanced at Boku with wary eyes and most likely they would work together to take down Boku first. However, Boku puffed out his chest and looked at them fearlessly. The large mace in his hand rested on his shoulder ready to hit anyone who approached.

However, this is not what made the five people widen, but the second most participants number on the arenas was Vivi. Yes Vivi.. not Lina. Vivi looks more like a minor than a 19-year-old girl. And the orcs that chose the arena were those from the Center squad.

Goku, Vakgar, and Gul. They were the three largest orcs in the Dawnmist Tribe. The shortest of them is 2.4 meters and weighs more than 200 kg. What do these giants want with a girl with the body of a middle schooler?

'Fucking degenerate!!! Why are you humiliating me like this?!!' Moku cursed in his heart. He felt that the four women beside him glanced at Moku with disdain. He was speechless about the abnormality of the members of his race.

"Hoi! Hoi! Why are you guys in this arena? Don't you have any shame? She has a body like a child, you really are brainless" said Goku with annoyance.

"Pot calling kettle black! Why did you choose this arena yourself?" Vakgar snorted disapprovingly.

"Don't compare me to you guys! I just don't want to compete with Boku just because of women" Goku frowned.

"Heh! Team Leader we are here to make you remove the title of Center squad leader. We feel that if you have been charged with the task of assistant coach so we are kind enough to reduce your burden" Gul smirked.

"Goku, you better not cover up your evil intentions! Why would a 2.5-meter-tall creature like you want a girl shorter than 1.6 meters? If you want to avoid fighting with Boku shouldn't you choose Lina's arena?" Vakgar almost lost his respect for the leader of the Center squad.

"I told you not to accuse me of nothing! I entered this arena to protect Vivi from bastards like you!" Goku stomped angrily trying to justify his intentions.

'Like hell, we will believe it!' The thoughts of everyone who heard Goku's nonsensical reasoning.

"Heh! An unscrupulous orc like you should be removed from the center's squad leader position!" Vakgar points his club forward.

Gul lowered his body and took a low stance, the tip of his spear drawn forward preparing to attack.

"Heh! Show me how strong you two have become! I hope you don't embarrass the name of the Center squad." Goku also mounted his stance.

Moku shifted his attention from the three muscular orcs who most likely had pedophilic disorders to the next arena.

This was the arena that should have had the second place for most participants but only two orcs were standing opposite each other. Swa and Torgan.

"Torgan, why did you enter this arena?" asked Swa.

"Eh..ah..eee.. I thought this battle would be a battle royal, so I wanted to make a team with you. I never thought that it would be just the two of us in this arena. Why did you choose this arena?" said Torgan innocently.

Swa take a long sigh before answering "I just want to make my brother's dream come true"

Moku's brow furrowed, he didn't expect this to be the reason Swa practiced so hard all this time. He shifted his gaze to the next arena. The arena also has only two participants Mige and Kagan.

"Hehehe.. I never thought that the type of girl of your dreams would be one like Widya" said Kagan with a grin.

Mige's forehead furrowed "Kagan, don't tell me you came to this arena just to beat me?" said Mige with narrowed eyes.

"Huh? Why are you so confident like that? I didn't come to this arena because I wanted to beat you! But... I came to this arena to grab any girl you want. I can't wait to see your face when Widya and I make out HAHAHA" Kagan laughed slyly.

Mige's frown disappeared, and he smiled while shaking his head "Isn't that the same? Brother, when will you grow up?" Mige mounted his stance.

"Of course after defeating you, my brother" Kagan mounted his stance with a smirk on his lips.

Moku saw that all the orcs were ready to fight. He rose from his throne and said in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the caravan "The Battle Begins!"

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