The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 213 Grand Opening Preparations

[100 Kilometers North of Bitter Maja, 6 days before the mana explosion]

Dozens of goblins were seen busy digging a very deep hole. The recovered orcs helped the goblins work with their strength. Meanwhile, the alraune changes the position of the trees by talking to them.

"Move this tree over there!"

"This hole isn't deep enough! Please dig deeper!"

"YOU STUPID! Don't use leaves that are still green to cover them! Use dry leaves that are still wet to make it look more natural!"

"Alraune!! Please spray some stink to disguise the monster smell that's still lingering in the air!"

Orders and shouts were heard everywhere. Moku wants to set up a grand stage for a meeting between demons and humans. He already knew where the location of the demon army was and the human army was being led by Lordo to this place right now.

Moku even designed this place more carefully than when he planned the development of the Wilwatikta Kingdom. Moku doesn't want any mistakes because even one mistake can cause their presence to be noticed by demons or humans.

Moku should have built this stage closer to the demon army's position. But he had a hunch that there was a very powerful being watching over the demon army. Because of that he chose not to approach and set his trap out of sight of the powerful being.

"Volx, How much longer until we get this over with?" Moku asked the goblin next to him while looking at the design drawing in his hand.

"We need two hours to finish and one hour to check everything is ready" Volx replied after calculating the time needed.

"Hurry up! I'll also help, I want everything done within two hours"

".... Yes Ku!" Volx could only nod as Moku commanded in an undeniable tone.

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Two hours later all the preparations had been completed. Moku was standing in front of a large hole with an invisible bottom. This hole is the result of the hard work of the Wilwatikta Kingdom development division.

With the help of other monsters, they managed to make an underground dome complete with air vents and escape doors. With all this, the orcs can evolve without being seen from the surface.

Of course, when a mana explosion occurred, this hole wouldn't be able to hide the presence of orcs inside. But the true purpose of this hole was to make the surrounding mana more concentrated.

"Are you ready?" Moku asked the two asuras and two orcs beside him.

Lina and Widya could not hide their blushing faces by looking down. They had been told beforehand by the valkyries how the orcs' first evolution actually went.

Widya finally found out why Mige had never touched her all this time. It's not that Mige doesn't want to, but he has to hold himself back in order to remain a virgin until his first evolution. That way the dragon prana he gets will be purer and he doesn't need to supplement it by eating mana organs.

The monsters nodded in response to Moku's formality question. Boku and Goku are nervous, in this second evolution, they will meet the gatekeeper, Garuda.

In order to continue their journey on the Moksha ladder they have to sacrifice the sin of sloth. Boku and Goku don't know what effect they feel when they lose their sense of peace. Even though Moku looked fine when he lost the sin of sloths, they couldn't match themselves to a prodigy like Moku.

Meanwhile, Swa and Mige were both nervous and scared.

This was their first evolution, from the previous three orcs who evolved had not had any dangerous accidents. However, there are no accidents not necessarily no danger in the process. It's just that the number of orcs who evolve is still very small, so it's not variable enough to be sure.

That's what Luna said and Moku agreed.

Then, Mige and Swa are virgins, unlike Boku and Goku who have seen a woman's naked body before. Once again Moku cannot be included in the calculation for the orcs' ability to restrain their lust.

According to Boku and Goku, their first woman was a prisoner who was unable to conceive anymore. So even though Boku and Goku fuck them roughly, there is no loss for the tribe in their death. And of course, their first sex experience ends with two women's corpses that no longer have a life.

However, Widya and Lina are not the same as the two prisoner women. They are both wives that Mige and Swa love and losing them would not only break their hearts but also create immeasurable loss to their tribe.

That's why now Mige and Swa feel afraid.

Even so, this process must still be carried out and the two orcs must become stronger.

Swa and Mige glanced at each other, feeling the softness of their wife's hand in theirs, they both nodded showing their readiness.

"Good, Let's Go!"

Moku jumped into the hole followed by the orcs and two human females behind him. Seeing that the other monsters started to cover the hole back with soil.

For the next stage, everything is left to Moku and the others.


Moku and the monsters walked through a dark underground passage without any light. Even so, their eyes could see in the dark and watch their every move.

Swa and Mige guided Widya and Lina who couldn't see in the dark with their human eyes.

This darkness relieved the anxiety in the hearts of the two women a little. Being completely naked in the dark is not as bad as being completely naked in the light.

"Boku, Goku, you guys will start the evolution first," Moku said while pointing at a chamber beside the hall.

Inside were two intact Golden Tier Danger Arachnid Bee carcasses for their dragon prana intake later. The second evolution process is much longer than the first evolution, but it will be faster than the previous Moku because there is no need to negotiate with Garuda a second time.

Boku and Goku immediately walked into their chambers and started meditating. They had to prepare their minds first before absorbing dragon prana.

"Swa, Mige, you will evolve one by one, starting with Swa first" Moku pointed at another chamber that was down the hall.

Inside there are big chains to tie Swa when he gets out of control later.

Moku chained Swa tightly and then reasserted the bond a second time. He didn't want his negligence to hurt Lina, even though Moku would be able to easily neutralize the raging Swa but it would leave a trauma in Lina's heart.

He didn't know how far Lina and Swa's relationship had progressed. But it seems that the wall left by Laya is still the last barrier for the two of them. Therefore this evolution might be the only hope for the two of them to get closer.

"Done, I'll wait outside, Lina you can start whenever you're ready"

Moku comes out of Swa's chamber and closes the door with a stone. This stone was actually a mana organ that had already been condensed. By channeling dragon prana into the stone, Moku can lock it so that mana cannot enter the chamber.

This way the mana explosion will be delayed for a while until the chamber door is opened again.

Time passed and Swa's screams could be heard from inside the chamber. Moku checks the situation inside with his inner eye to make sure Lina's safety.

Swa struggled trying to fight his own desires, the chains that shackled his body screeched loudly as if they were going to break.

But with Boku and Goku's previous evolution experience, Goburu creates a new chain made of mana organs.

This chain is able to absorb the dragon prana that is in the orc's body. That way, even though Swa struggled as hard as he could, he would not be able to break the chains that bound him.

Seeing Swa increasingly losing consciousness, Moku once again helped him telepathically. He and the other two asuras had given advice to Swa on how to deal with losing control when he saw a woman's naked body for the first time. However, it seems that Swa, who is still a virgin, is not strong enough to regain consciousness when he sees Lina's naked body.

Moku tried to call back Swa's consciousness that was buried by his lust. Several hours later, Swa became calmer and managed to control his dragon prana. The next process is to channel the dragon prana into the generator room.

"Mige now it's your turn!" Moku pointed towards the empty chamber which was next to Swa's chamber.

"*gulp! O..Okay"

Mige walked stiffly towards his chamber, he looked like a robot with low oil joints. Widya also doesn't look normal, her face is deathly pale and you can see her eyes are empty.

The couple is scared.

Moku could only sigh and walk ahead of them. As before, Moku chained Mige tightly and confirmed it a second time. Moku said the same thing to Widya and then closed the chamber door with a stone after leaving.

A few minutes later Mige's screams were heard from inside the chamber. Moku smiled to confirm that there was no mistake in his plan.

Currently, the stage for the performance has been prepared magnificently. The fireworks were already set in formation. Moku just needs to light its fuse to invite the guests.

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