The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 226 Cliques

The meeting room was on the 30th floor, the highest floor of the class A dormitory building. With an area rivaling that of the gladiatorial arenas in the Stonhold Kingdom's capital. The meeting room has a large circular table in the center with chairs behind it.

A large lamp hanging from the ceiling gives a warm impression to the room. The blue-beige walls are filled with expensive paintings. The meeting room is no less than the royal banquet hall in artistic and wide.

When Artur and Robert arrived, the meeting room was already filled with other Class A students. This school year has a much larger number of new students than in previous years. The Military Academy opened entrance tests throughout the kingdoms and cities of the Human Alliance.

Based on information received from Robert there are more than 10,000 new class A students this school year. Three times the number of students from the previous school year. Even though almost all of the new Class A students had come, the meeting room didn't look crowded with visitors.

Everyone looked at Artur and Robert, the face of the child of the hero Stent Gaht was almost recognized by the new class A students but Artur's unfamiliar face made them pay more attention to him.

Artur was trying to puff out his chest and look less embarrassing for Robert's sake. But his clothes and complexion couldn't hide his commoner status. Even so, Arthur still firmed his heart and did not lower his head.

Whispers started to be heard around them but Robert ignored them and walked to the middle of the meeting room. His well-built body and the natural dignity he carried made everyone make way for him. Meanwhile, Artur was currently starting to feel the punishing glances from the students.

"Robert, Welcome! Glad you made it in time"

The two of them stopped when a student with black hair greeted them. Another student with darker hair followed behind and gave Robert a greeting nod.

"Awni Mahdavi, were you waiting for me?" Robert patted Awni's shoulder excitedly.

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Mahdavi was one of the first two Mana Ruling Families to join PSA and relinquish their status. Although the Mahdavi Clan's influence is currently  slightly waning, they are still strong after decades of alliance with the Rangkuti Clan.

"HAHAHA... Why should I wait for you? Your narcissism never changes. You don't want to introduce your new best friend to me?" Awni laughed before his attention shifted to Artur.

Before Robert could introduce him, Artur immediately stretched out his hand, "My name is Artur Morris, a commoner, if you want to get to know me then you should talk to me not to Robert," Artur says it curtly.

The meeting room suddenly became silent. All the students turned to Artur with frowns. Without needing to have the ability to read minds, Arthur knew what was in their hearts.

After all, a commoner blatantly introducing himself in front of a Mahdavi family and blatantly interrupting Robert's talk was not uncommon. Even though Arthur has an inferiority complex, he doesn't want to appear inferior.

"Oh?" Awni's face was shocked, he lost his way of expression for a moment before the smile returned to his face, "HAHAHA... This one is really fierce. Robert, you find a very interesting friend. Ah.. pardon my impolite Artur Morris, my name is Awni Mahdavi from Mahdavi Clan," Awni shook Artur's hand without hesitation.

Artur's forehead wrinkled when he didn't find disgust in Awni's eyes. Maybe he is the same noble as Robert or maybe he is really good at hiding his true feelings. Whatever it is, Artur will keep his guard up.

"You really embarrassed me, how can you forget about manners? Is your brain like a shrimp?"

Before Artur and Awni could break their handshake, a female voice was heard walking closer. Artur saw a beautiful woman walking with a beautiful dress on her body. Her black hair was wavy, and long to her back. Her furrowed forehead adds to the beauty of her brown-black eyes.

"Kira, you have come!" Robert welcomed Kira's arrival with open arms.

The two of them cheek-kissed before Kira's attention returned to Awni who seemed uncomfortable.

"Of course, I have to come, Robert, otherwise who's going to keep an eye on this idiot? Look I just went to get a drink and he's already making a scene" Kira snort at Awni.

"oh.. ah.. Hi dear..." Awni could only scratch his head.

Artur was a little stunned to see Awni, who looked flamboyant, became awkward in front of Kira. When Kira arrived, it was clear that all of Awni's attention was stolen from him.

Seeing Arthur's confusion, Robert whispered in his ear, "This is Kira Rangkuti, Awni's fiancé."

Arthur nodded understanding what was going on. It seems that the engagement between Kira and Awni is not only based on the two families' business but also on love. Even though Kira looks like she is scolding Awni, she is actually helping her fiancé.

After this incident, Artur will not be able to hold grudges against Awni, even though he still has resentment Artur still has to forget Awni's current impoliteness.

"I am sorry for my idiot fiance, Artur, my name is Kira Rangkuti... Ah, you don't need to bow, from where I came from we only bow to god and parents, and of course, sometime we will bow to our husband if they deserve it"

Kira prevented Artur from wanting to give his greetings and glanced at Awni with narrowed eyes. Awni just scratched his head with a chuckle escaping his smiling lips.

Even though Artur was a commoner, his father, Gilbert, was someone who had interacted with nobles. So he taught the manners of a noble so that his children would not do embarrassing things and cause trouble when they had to deal with nobles.

But the Rangkuti Clan seems to have its own way of showing courtesy. Artur accepted that easily since the Stonhold Kingdom wasn't the only kingdom in the human alliance. So that cultural differences within the vast alliance area are a natural thing to find.

"My new friend Artur, can I know where you came from?"

Kira asked after giving the glass in her hand to a black-haired woman with the same complexion as her. After that, she took Awni's hand in a gesture that looked very familiar.

"Ah, I came from--"

"Hahahaha I never thought that a hypocrite like you would finally come with a servant, Robert,"

Before Artur could finish his sentence a student came cutting in. He walked with his chest puffed out and confidence in his eyes. Like an ocean parting, the disciples made way for him.

He was not alone, several other students walked behind him with their chins up. They are like a tax collector who is checking the farmers. None of the students dared to raise their heads as the group passed before them.

Robert's forehead furrowed with obvious displeasure he snorted "Shut the fuck up Milton. Who do you call my servant? Artur is my friend and for sure I don't need a lackey like yours" glancing at the two others who walked after the man from behind.

Rika who was standing next to Artur whispered to him "That's Milton Lewis, son of Calvin Lewis, the second strongest human,"

Arthur did not recognize the name Calvin Lewis and it was the first time he had heard of the second-strongest human in the world. But with this information, Artur immediately realized why Milton sounded so resentful of Robert.

In this world no one cares about the second best, all history and legend will only record the first best. Even though the achievements of the second-best surpass all of their ancestors, all of that will only be overshadowed by the glory of the first-best.

"Robert it seems you've hung out with the lower classes for too long that you don't understand that to be a 'friend' you have to have the same status. And however I look at it, your 'friend' doesn't have the status to walk beside us." a man with red hair answered Robert's comment.

"Equal status? Do you really consider yourself and Milton of equal status? Or is it like a grandfather considering a guide dog as a friend?" Robert was not to be outdone.

"What do you say?! Who did you say like a dog? Watch your mouth, Robert, before it takes you to the grave!" the black-haired man beside Milton snorted angrily.

Kira once again whispered in Artur's ear "That red-haired man is Riley Spencer from House of Spencer and the angry black-haired man is Sharad Badakar from House of Badakar."

Artur nods, the House of Spencer and House of Badakar, the two major families that used to belong to the Mana Ruling Family along with the Mahdavi Clan and Rangkuti Clan. Even though they no longer had full control over the human alliance, it could be said that the Stonhold Kingdom was still ruled by the Spencer family.

Some of the rumors that Artur had heard from the adventurers in the tavern also said that the two families were the real masterminds behind the Alchemist Association. They were also the ones who had raised the price of Mana Potions to the point that they couldn't even be bought even if they had to pay with their souls.

Robert ignored Sharad's threats and snorted with a smirk on his face, "Heh... I can talk as I please. If I'm going to get in trouble for it then neither of you will be able to be the culprit."

With those words, things got even escalated.

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