The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 238 First Book

"Is this what Guskov meant when he said we wouldn't be able to understand the lessons in this class?" Dony, looking frustrated, tore apart the notebook in front of him.

Artur noticed that there were only a few scribbles in Dony's notebook, none of which had anything to do with Yu Chin's lesson. The same could be said for Artur's own notebook, but he only had two and couldn't afford to tear them apart.

"What are we going to do?" Sigurd, sitting next to Artur, asked with a downcast expression.

"Hooaaamm... I've already thought about this, so I made a plan. I've booked some seats in the library, and we need also to find out which book Yu Chin was reading earlier." Robert, who had been sleeping the whole class, offered a solution.

"Wow! That's Robert for you! You're reliable as always. How did you know our first class would be like this?"

"Hehehe... let's just say I have some reliable connections."


The students of class A15 stopped asking any further. A son of a hero must have connections in the Military Academy, and although Robert seemed to live alone, it was certain that there were people from the Gaht family keeping an eye on him.

"Let's go to the library!"

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The A Class library is the largest and most complete library in the Military Academy. The books contained in it are not only from popular books that can be found in large bookstores, but also from private and exclusive notes of senior graduates of the Military Academy who were once A Class students.

Consisting of six floors, each floor has more than one hundred reading rooms. The A Class library also has a memory stone that is useful for storing all the book titles available so that A Class students don't have to bother looking for the books they want one by one from the shelf.

The librarians who work in the A Class library are also numerous, wearing their own special uniforms. Most of these librarians are Level 2 Constellation Mages and some junior librarians who are still Level 1 Constellation Mages. They are tasked with cataloging, maintaining, and protecting these valuable books, the greatest achievement of humankind.

When Artur and his classmates arrived at the A Class library, they saw many students, most of whom were new students in the same generation as Artur. Although it looked full and crowded, there was no commotion in the library, indicating how strictly the quiet atmosphere was maintained.

Artur even saw one student thrown out by a librarian for speaking too loudly with his friend. These librarians were not hesitant to use spells to throw out students who violated the library's rules.

Whether they liked it or not, the A15 class students immediately closed their mouths and began to speak in whispers. No one wanted to be thrown out of the library, and according to the rules and regulations book, the librarians were authorized to deduct points from students who broke the library's rules.

"So, Robert, where did you book for class A15?" Sigurd whispered, trying to lower his voice.

"I managed to get reading room C-23. If I'm not mistaken, C-23 is on the second floor. But it's better for us to look for the books we want to read first before going to the reading room," Robert whispered back to Sigurd.

However, the question and answer between Sigurd and Robert could not be heard by the other class A15 students, so Robert had to repeat his answer to everyone who asked. Artur, who always walked beside Robert, had heard Robert's answer without needing to ask.

His hearing, which had been trained during his hunting trips in the Bog forest with the wall guards, made him able to hear Robert's whisper and others. Nevertheless, he had his own question that he said to Robert.

Waiting for no more class A15 students to ask Robert again, Artur whispered to Robert, "I'm sorry I have to say this to you, but shouldn't we just look for the book that Yu Chin was reading earlier? Why don't we borrow that one book and take turns reading it in the reading room? That way we can save points to borrow other books."

"I had already thought about that, but the problem is we don't know which book Yu Chin used in class earlier. There is also the possibility that the book he read was a personal note that hasn't been entered into the library. So it's better for us to look for books on the material that was taught and discuss them together."

Artur nodded in understanding of what Robert meant. Although it seemed that Yu Chin's explanation was based on the book he was reading in front of him, there was another possibility that Yu Chin was trying to trap them and he was explaining based on what he understood.

Therefore, if Artur and the others looked for the same books as Yu Chin had, there was a possibility that they would not find them. Or even that the book did not explain what Yu Chin explained. So when the weekly exam started, they would really be confused by Yu Chin's trap.

Artur could only shake his head, realizing that they were not only competing with the other class A students but also had to be careful with their own teachers. The way the Military Academy taught was really beyond his imagination, this place was much dirtier than the bottom of a cooking pot.

"We should start looking for those books before the second class starts. I don't want us to be deducted points for being late again," Robert signaled for the class A15 students to spread out and start looking for books on fundamental magic. They would meet again in thirty minutes at reading room C-23.


When Artur arrived at reading room C-23 with a book in his hand, the other class A15 students had already gathered at the long table with 20 seats. With their number at 42, some of them would have to stand.

But it seemed that class A15 gave Artur special respect by leaving one seat empty for him to sit on. Maybe they felt that Artur was Robert's closest friend or perhaps this was due to the respect they had for Artur for being the first to chase after Robert when they were about to fight with the wolf pack.

Whatever it was, Artur was not hesitant to sit on the chair that had been prepared for him. Excessive humility would only make him look down upon by those around him, and besides, Artur was not someone who was thin-skinned.

He would be worthy when those around him declared him worthy, and if those around him declared him unworthy, Artur would still feel worthy. This was the latest motto that Artur had to be able to socialize with these noble

"Alright, everyone has arrived and we have all brought books on fundamental magic. I hope the books you brought are different so that we can come to a broader and more accurate conclusion," Robert started the first class meeting of A15.

"Let's start with the first name on the attendance list. Arvon, please present what you learned from your book," Robert pointed to a student standing behind Sigurd.

"Based on the book I read, fundamental magic is the study of how to determine a mage's proximity to mana…"

After Arvon, Artur, the second name on the attendance list, stood up and presented what he concluded from his book. The book was titled "Magic and God," and although it sounded like a cult book, it still explained fundamental magic with factual information.

"Based on the book I read, fundamental magic is the classification of mana species' ability to communicate with the mana in the world. In this book, mana is depicted as an entity that can not only be studied but also felt…"

Then one by one, the students of A15 presented their conclusions from the books they read. After an hour, they finished presenting their conclusions, and it was time to connect them with what Yu Chin taught in class.

The problem was that none of the books they read said the same thing as what Yu Chin taught. Even the strange terms Artur heard in class were never mentioned in the books the A15 students read.

"I think what Yu Chin teaches in class is nonsense that he only uses to make us confused," Tony said angrily.

Some of the other A15 students also agreed with what Tony said. However, none of them could be sure if Yu Chin would base the weekly exam on what he taught in class or not. Robert frowned, thinking about the traps Yu Chin might have prepared for them.

If it weren't for his pride, Artur would be willing to sell himself to Yu Chin just to get a sneak peek at the fundamental magic weekly exam. But some of the A15 students hadn't given up, like Dony and Lila.

"Although there's a possibility that Yu Chin is tricking us, we can't be 100% sure. Based on what we've all concluded from the books we read, fundamental magic is the study of classifying a mage's proximity to mana. This is the same as what Yu Chin teaches in class," Dony argued.

"Dony is right. Although the terms and explanations are different, it seems that not everything Yu Chin teaches in class is nonsense. If you remember the terms metaphysics and meta...myth? mysticism? ah...whatever that was, that Yu Chin mentioned in class, I think those two terms have something to do with Mind-body dualism," Lila added.

After that, the debate in the C-23 reading room began.

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