The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 240 Ambush

[Bitter Maja, Wilwatikta Kingdom]

"....Goku and his team will attack from this direction. Boku, take your team to block the path at this location and make sure no one interrupts our ambush. Mige and his team will be in charge of securing the women and goods,"

Moku explained his ambush plan to the Asuras. This time, they were going to ambush a human alliance food supply caravan that was passing through the eastern side of Glittering Meadow.

Based on the intelligence division's report, some soldiers in the caravan were women, making it a prime target. If successful, they would secure wives for their future children.

They planned to ambush the caravan by passing through an underground tunnel that had been dug by the construction division to reach Glittering Meadow. With these tunnels, the Wilwatikta Kingdom could ambush human alliance caravans anywhere along the Glittering Meadow route to Bitter Maja.

However, they still had to be careful in choosing their targets. Caravans carrying soldiers to the front lines usually had a few mages guarding them. Though the Wilwatikta Kingdom had more than ten asuras, they still tried to avoid major battles.

If they defeated a group of mages, their battle would alert the human alliance to their presence. Therefore, they always sent sylphs to scout ahead.

Unfortunately, due to the current trend of sexual reproduction among sylphs, their numbers were decreasing. Those who remained focused their energy on practicing Vithaen Possession Art.

Fortunately, Lesnen's discovery opened up new possibilities for the Wilwatikta Kingdom's scouting. With Yagnar's help, they discovered a new Dragon Breath Cultivation path that allowed the Asuras to control animals or mutated animals from afar.

By recording the brain formations of animals or mutated animals in Pandava, asuras who chose the Dragon Breath Cultivation path could use their dragon prana to control them. Yagnar decided to call this path Brain Controlling Path.

However, many asuras criticized the name for being too broad. Besides, Brain Controlling Path could not be used to control humans.

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This had been tested previously on male human prisoners they had captured. The prisoner's brain rejected their control, and it exploded before they could give orders.

As a result, Yagnar renamed it Animal Controlling Path. Nonetheless, he did not give up on expanding his knowledge of using dragon prana to control living creatures.

Fortunately, Yagnar was a monster and lived in the monster kingdom. If he were human and lived in a human kingdom, Lesnen and Yagnar would have been burned alive for discovering something so dangerous.

With the discovery of Animal Controlling Path, the Wilwatikta Kingdom could use animals or mutated animals for scouting. Unfortunately, its use was limited to copper or iron-tier danger mutated animals.

Thus, they still had to be cautious of dangerous mutated animals in the Bog forest. Moku had already mapped out their locations and made their territories off-limits.

Especially in areas controlled by Orichalcum or Admantitie-tier danger mutated animals, which were very dangerous, even for Moku. At present, they had no advantage in provoking these mutated animals.

"All right, if there are no more questions, we'll start in five minutes. Check all your equipment and don't forget to connect your minds to Pandava so we can communicate. In three minutes, we'll begin the camouflage process," Moku concluded his strategy meeting.

The asuras left the meeting room and began preparing for the ambush.


The asuras are divided into three teams: Goku, Boku, and Mige. As usual, Moku will fight alone. Not that he doesn't want to be part of a team, but he is now too strong to be followed by other asuras.

If he joins one of the teams, it will only have a negative impact rather than a positive one. Moku will have to slow down and balance with the other asuras.

"Are you ready?" Three minutes have passed since their previous meeting, and the appointed time has arrived.

"Yes, Sir!" The asuras answered in unison.

"Activate camouflage!" Moku commanded.

"ACTIVATE CAMOUFLAGE!" All the asuras responded.

At the same time, bright green light filled their bodies. One by one, the asuras groaned as they felt changes in their bodies. Slowly, their slim bodies became burly, their long hair shortened until it disappeared, and two tusks began to emerge in their lower fangs.

All the asuras returned to their original form as orcs.

This is one application of the Dragon Breath Cultivation Body Building Path that Moku discovered. By using dragon prana, asuras can change their skeletal structure, muscles, and tissues to become a different form.

Thus, an asura who is two meters tall can become a giant with a height of 20 meters. However, the Dragon Breath Cultivation Body Building Path has limitations, namely the amount of dragon prana an asura possesses and the clarity of their visualization abilities.

Therefore, if an asura wants to become a 20-meter-tall giant, they must have enough dragon prana to support the growth of their body. Or if an asura wants to transform into something complicated like a giant jellyfish, they must be able to visualize the shape clearly in their mind.

For example, Moku's Asura First Form: Jormungand. Moku himself did not know the actual form of Jormungand, nor did he know the body structure of the mystical creature, but he visualized a giant cobra. By sacrificing cells in his body to create dragon prana, Moku successfully transformed himself into a giant snake.

The same concept is used to transform all the asuras back into orcs. They do not need to bother visualizing the orc body shape because they were once an orc.

Then the required amount of dragon prana is not much because it only changes the outer shape without changing the content inside. Each of the asuras who has turned back into an orc can still use their asura powers.

However, a problem arises, namely not every asura is suitable for learning the Dragon Breath Cultivation Body Building Path. Only hard-headed asuras like Goku, Vakgar, and the like can master the Body Building Path perfectly.

The rest had to go through obstacles to understand, just like Boku and Goku did when learning the Dragon Breath Cultivation Mantra Path. So, why were all the asuras able to transform back into their original orc forms?

The answer lies in the use of Pandava.

By borrowing Moku's understanding of the Dragon Breath Cultivation Body Building Path stored in Pandava, all the asuras were able to use it temporarily. They just needed to use dragon prana to activate the transformation.

After capturing a mage, Moku was finally able to try out his interrogation ability. With the help of Nezena, who could heal burns all over the body, the mage finally opened his mouth and started telling everything, including the color of the underwear he wore when he had sex for the first time with his wife.

From the kind-hearted mage, Moku learned that humans had a spell that could investigate all events that occurred in a place within a period of three times twenty-four hours. They could see the events as if watching a video playback.

This made Moku have to stop all their ambush plans against human alliance caravans until they found a way to hide their presence.

Although a horde of orcs could destroy a group of fully armed human warriors, it was still considered normal considering that orcs were generally stronger than normal humans.

However, if other powerful green creatures that humans had never encountered before, such as asuras, attacked a caravan guarded by fully armed soldiers, it would raise questions that needed to be answered.

Moku wanted to hide the existence of asuras and monster evolution for as long as he could. Fortunately, the Dragon Breath Cultivation Body Building Path could be the answer to this problem.

"We will leave in 30 seconds, check your equipment again, don't bring weapons that use iron, and don't bring organ-manipulating weapons. Our target is just a normal caravan that is not guarded by mages, but we still have to be careful in case humans use spells to investigate it."

A hobgoblin waited for them in front of a secret door. Seeing Moku nod to him, the hobgoblin began to open the secret door, revealing a dark corridor that seemed endless.

Moku intentionally did not install lighting inside the tunnel. Monsters could see in the dark, and darkness also concealed traps that might be in the tunnel if someday humans found out about it.

"Everyone, let's go!" the order was given.

One by one, the asuras entered the underground tunnel.

After all the asuras entered, the hobgoblin closed the tunnel door and locked it from the outside. He would only open it if someone inside the tunnel said the secret code they had established beforehand.

With the speed of the asuras, it only took them a few minutes to reach the outer part of Glittering Meadow. From there, they began to release animals and mutated creatures to locate their targets.

After a few minutes had passed, a caravan with hundreds of soldiers as their guards entered the area where the asuras were lying in wait. For some reason, the sight of the caravan caused the asuras' mouths to water as they imagined the carnage that was about to take place.

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