The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 245 Midterm Exam Part 2

[Military Academy, Mana Field 1]

Mana Field 1 is a tropical forest-type mana field. Although the main danger that must be faced in this exam is mutated animals, especially silver tier danger mutated animals, the tropical forest-type mana field has its own unique dangers.

In addition to the dense forest that can confuse Class A students, poisonous plants and insects can also kill them without knowing why. Plus, they have to compete with other Class A students. This mid-semester exam really makes the students feel like they are in a war within the tropical forest-type mana field.

Although tier 1 detection spells can make it easier for them to anticipate danger, Level 1 Constellation Mages have limitations in using spells due to mana limitations. Therefore, strong teamwork is needed, with members being able to trust each other.

"Robert, how far into the forest do we have to go?" Sigurd, who was at the front, asked.

Currently, he was tasked with being the first to use the detection spell. After becoming a Level 1 Constellation Mage, Sigurd's secret spell, owl incantation, changed into the Owl's Eye detection spell.

Not only did the range of detection increase, Sigurd could now also see in detail everything within the range of the spell. Making him a human radar in the truest sense of the word.

Using Sigurd's new spell, Class A15 could enter the mana field 1 calmly without fear of any danger.

However, the downside of this spell is that it requires more mana than usual detection spells. So Sigurd could only use the Owl's Eye spell for a few minutes after activating it.

Robert decided to use Sigurd's new spell to find the location of the base they would use during the mid-semester exam. Robert hoped that Sigurd could find the right location so that even if they were pressed, they would be able to return to the base to regroup.

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Therefore, to save time, all Class A15 students were forced to use speed reinforcement spells to increase their running speed. But several minutes had passed and Sigurd's Owl's Eye spell was about to end, and Robert still couldn't decide on the location of their base.

"Hmm... wait a little longer, I'm sure we'll find the right base location if we go deeper," Robert commented.

Although there are several places that look good to use as their base during this mid-semester exam, Robert's eyes always see their shortcomings. Whether it's because the location is too exposed and easily found, or because it's too hidden and difficult to find.

Various reasons that Robert presents make Artur feel annoyed. He feels that Robert is too indecisive and hesitant, wasting their time searching for the ideal base in his imagination.

"Robert! Goddamn it, make up your mind! Other classes may have found their base and started looking for their respective flags!"

The hidden object they need to find for this mid-semester exam is a flag with their class emblem. The class that successfully retrieves their own flag will get points, if they manage to find flags from other classes they will get additional points, but if their flag is taken by another class they will lose double points.

Therefore, the most important thing for this mid-semester exam is to find their own class flag and protect it from being taken by other classes.

The use of spells that can injure is allowed, but spells that can kill are prohibited. Unfortunately, there is no mage's spell that can be considered non-lethal. Although they are only Level 1 Constellation Mages, these students have destructive abilities like a bull.

For example, a simple spell like strength reinforcement. If a Level 1 Constellation Mage uses a strength reinforcement spell on their body and hits an ordinary human in the chest, their hand can pierce the victim's ribs to their spine.

So, the ban on using spells that can kill is only a formality from the military academy to show their concern for their students.

But if a student is killed in this mid-semester exam, the military academy will turn a blind eye and only consider it as an accident, without punishing the killer.

"That's why we need the right base. If we find our flag, we can use the base as a defensive fortress against other classes," Robert argued.

"Why don't you just bring our flag with you? So we can search for our flag first before looking for a base," Lila expressed her opinion.

"That's a foolish step. Don't you see how other classes are looking at us?"

Class A15 can be said to be the most compact class among all other A classes. Their compactness makes Class A15 excel in terms of points compared to other A classes, especially due to the weekly test scores of Class A15, which are always much higher than other A classes.

In addition to individual points, there are also points given to classes that achieve high performance. As a result, the students of Class A15 currently have a very abundant amount of points, possibly exceeding what their seniors have.

Just like the saying "the higher the tree, the stronger the wind", achieving A15 status has made the other A classes jealous. This is mainly due to A15's consistently high test scores, prompting the school to raise the passing average.

As a result, there are now several classes that want to team up to attack A15 in the upcoming mid-semester exams in order to knock them down a peg. The hatred and jealousy from the other A classes are not only felt by Robert but also by the other members of A15.

That's why when Robert mentioned the threats from the other A classes, Lila could only remain silent, as did Artur and the rest of the A15 members. They refocused their efforts on finding a base that could serve as a stronghold against the attacks of the other A classes.

Just before the active period of Sigurd's Owl's Eye spell was about to expire, Sigurd found something. "Hey, look over there!" he exclaimed.

All of the A15 students turned to where Sigurd was pointing and saw a fairly high waterfall. At first, they didn't understand why Sigurd was pointing to it, but after taking a closer look, all of the A15 students were surprised.


The waterfall that Sigurd was pointing to was a natural fortress that was desperately needed by A15 to defend against the attacks of the other A classes.

Firstly, the waterfall was difficult to access and could only be reached through a certain route. This would make it easier to predict enemy attacks and allow the A15 students to better defend themselves. Additionally, the location of the waterfall on a height advantage could provide a tactical advantage by allowing the students to have a wider view of the surrounding area.

Secondly, the waterfall could be a natural fortress that was hard to breach due to the steep and slippery terrain, as well as the strong and deep water flow.

This would hinder enemy movement, making it difficult for them to reach the A15 students' base. Meanwhile, the students could utilize their speed and expertise in moving on rough and slippery terrain to avoid enemy attacks.

Thirdly, the waterfall could provide enough water sources for the A15 students while in their base. Moreover, the sound of the flowing water could act as a noise barrier for the students' activities in the base, making it difficult for the enemy to hear them.

"What do you think, Robert? My Owl's Eye spell has just expired," Sigurd said, breathing irregularly. The effects of using the upgrade secret spell were starting to take a toll on his body and for the time being, Sigurd could no longer use the Owl's Eye spell.

"We need to make some changes to turn this place into the strongest natural fortress ever in Mana Field 1," Robert said, not giving his approval but instead giving a condition.

All of the tired A15 students quickly answered, "Yes, Sir!"

They had to seize this opportunity to make Robert satisfied so that he wouldn't force them to look for a new base again, even without Sigurd's Owl's Eye spell. Besides exhaustion, the time they spent searching for a base had made them fall behind the other A class students.

Even Artur, who always protested without fear, could only heave a sigh of relief because this seemingly endless search had stopped.

Without waiting for orders from Robert, all the A15 students ran towards the waterfall and began to decorate the place to make it a natural fortress that could satisfy Robert.

They didn't need to have a long discussion to determine their respective roles. Over the past few months, each A15 student had already gotten to know the strengths and weaknesses of their classmates. That's why when there was a task to be done, they quickly took action and worked on it according to their respective strengths.

Like an ant colony building its nest, in just a few hours, the waterfall they found turned into an impenetrable natural fortress. A sense of satisfaction accompanied the exhaustion of the A class students, but more importantly, it was Robert's satisfaction that made them happy.

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