The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 257 The Decisive Battle (3)

The political turmoil within the human alliance was incredibly complex, and Artur didn't even know where to begin studying it. However, he understood what Dony meant.

"If that's the case, we must save Robert no matter what!" Artur said with utmost seriousness.

Awni and Kira, who had heard everything, exchanged glances with each other. Then they turned to Dony, gazing at the bespectacled, nerdy guy intently. They had long realized why Milton and Yin formed a coalition and how significant Class A15's development was to the human alliance.

But they never expected someone else to understand this matter in such intricate detail, like Dony did. In fact, it was the first time they had even heard Dony's name. Until now, the only ones they took notice of from Class A15 were Sigurd and Rini. Anton, Tony, and Lila didn't hold much meaning to Awni and Kira. Their clan had far more children, even stronger than the three of them. However, Sigurd's owl incantation and Rini's expertise in the fire spell faction were enticing enough to recruit.

However, after witnessing the battle between Artur and Higo, as well as Dony's ability to read the situation within the Demon's Slayer generation, they began to doubt their own judgments. Where did these two individuals come from? Were they so blind to not see their buried talents, or was it Robert who had developed their talents to shine like diamonds? Or perhaps it was a combination of both.

Regardless, Awni and Kira grew more convinced of their decision to be friends with Robert and Class A15.

"Why is that, Artur? It's not that I don't want to save Robert, but I believe it would be a futile effort that puts our only point at risk," Rini said, glancing at the class flag lying in front of Artur.

"Rini, my friends, don't you understand what Dony just explained?" Artur looked at each member of Class A15.

"Artur, I understand what Dony explained. For us, Robert is not just a leader but also a symbol of Class A15. However, even though I hate her, I have to agree with Lila's words. Milton and Yin won't be able to do anything to Robert. They won't dare to kill him because the Gaht family is behind him," Tony argued.

"No, you're mistaken. Robert isn't just a leader and symbol for Class A15; he has become a candidate for the leader and symbol of the Demon's Slayer generation. You all know that Robert has the ambition to change the military academy, and it's this goal that brought him here. Right now, that goal is almost within reach, and he's already a quarter of the way there. If Robert is chosen as the leader of the Demon's Slayer generation, he will have the support of 10,000 Class A students!" Artur spoke with utmost seriousness.

All the Class A15 students were not foolish; they knew that Robert had great ambitions, and they wanted to be part of his journey to achieve those ambitions. However, when their decision was faced with the risk of death, even those with steel-like mental fortitude would feel a slight hesitation.

After all, they were noble children. They had their own names and families to consider. If they could sacrifice a little and support Robert's success, they would be willing to do so. But if they had to support that success with their own corpses, that was another matter entirely.

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Perhaps one day, Robert would succeed and become a hero like his father, Stent Gaht. But that would be pointless if they were no longer alive to enjoy it.

"Artur, Anton is right. They won't dare to take Robert's life. This isn't something we should fight for at the cost of our lives," Lila said, bowing her head in shame as she spoke.

Artur fell silent, looking at his classmates as they hung their heads, their eyes meeting. Artur didn't see cowardice in them, only eyes that portrayed merchants calculating gains and losses. He never expected these nobles, whose mouths were always filled with honor and chivalry, to be unwilling to sacrifice and consider the costs.

Artur sighed deeply, knowing that he had to offer his classmates a sufficient price for them to sacrifice their lives. Unfortunately, he was just a commoner. Artur couldn't even sell his own life, let alone pay for someone else's.

He could only bow his head in resignation, feeling guilty for his weakness. Artur knew that Milton and Yin wouldn't kill Robert. He was Stent Gaht's only child, and even this ongoing war with the third mana species began with the death of Stent Gaht's beloved student. So if Robert were to be killed at the military academy, no one knew the hellish consequences that the world's strongest human would unleash.

However, that didn't mean Milton couldn't humiliate Robert. He would go to any lengths to destroy Robert's reputation in the eyes of the other Class A students. That way, even if Robert achieved greater accomplishments in the future, the shame he experienced today would forever stain his legend.

Awni and Kira exchanged glances once again and whispered to each other.

"Hehehe... looks like I won our bet this time, My love," Awni whispered.

"Hmm... I had too high expectations for Artur. It seems he doesn't quite understand the psychology of a noble," Kira grumbled in frustration.

"Losing is still losing, don't make excuses," Awni snorted.

"I know. What do you want, a blowjob?"

"Hehehe, how about a titjob?" Awni's face grew mischievous.

However, before Awni could revel in his victory, Rini suddenly stood up, capturing everyone's attention. "My Class A15 friends, I know that you're willing to sacrifice your lives for something that isn't too important. But have you forgotten that this midterm exam is different from the midterms of previous years?"

All the Class A15 students exchanged glances and whispered among themselves. They remembered that this midterm exam was a simulation of an actual war. Capturing the class flag was merely a form of stimulation for the Class A students to fight against each other. So what the military academy wanted to see wasn't individual class adventures to earn points, but a war resulting from the flag's capture.

However, the coalition formed by Milton and Yin changed everything. No one would dare to attack the coalition of eight classes at once.

"The ones evaluating this midterm exam aren't just the military academy teachers, but also the Gurru Committee. What do you think they will assess if we don't rescue our captured leader?" Rini continued.

The faces of all the Class A15 students changed; they frowned and looked as if they had just bite a sour fruit.

In a war between mage forces, the highest-level mage is always assigned as the commanding officer. Although commanding officers are rarely captured due to their own power and the protection of their forces, it's not unheard of.

A commanding officer who is captured but not immediately killed, instead humiliated, is equivalent to humiliating their own forces. A humiliated force will no longer hold its honor among other forces. This is highly detrimental because in large-scale wars like inter-mana species conflicts, coalition forces are crucial.

No force is capable of standing alone, and most of them have specialized spell factions. For example, forces specialized in fire spells have the strongest offensive power but require other forces specialized in defensive spell factions like shield spells or earth spells faction to protect them from enemy attacks.

That is why, when a commanding officer is captured, their forces will do whatever it takes to rescue them, even resorting to suicide attacks. If it's impossible to save the commanding officer, the other option is to kill their own commanding officer before they can be humiliated by the enemy.

This not only concerns the norms of inter-mana species warfare but also the honor of a mage.

"Not only that, but how will the other Class A students view us if we allow the Class A15 leader to be humiliated by the enemy? I hope you all realize that we have no other choice but to save Robert!" Rini concluded with a smile, looking at each of the Class A15 students before sitting back down next to Artur.

"I don't like your downcast face!" Rini taunted Artur.

"What do you mean? Why do you care?" Artur glared at her with one eye.

"..." Rini didn't answer, she just smiled, observing that Artur was no longer looking down.

"Is your method working?" Artur whispered.

"..." Rini still didn't answer, but her smile grew wider.

Suddenly, Anton stood up. "We must save Robert, no matter what!"

Followed by Tony beside him, "I won't retreat until Robert is safe!"

Simultaneously, all the Class A15 students stood up. "Let's save Robert!"

And Lila raised her fist in the air. "FOR ROBERT!!!"








Seeing all the Class A15 students, who were reluctant to fight, now seemingly willing to give their hearts to Milton for Robert's safety, Artur could only stare with his mouth agape.

Rini, sitting next to him, happily covered Artur's mouth and whispered mischievously into his ear, "You have a lot to learn to be able to speak with a group of nobles. By the way, I can teach you, but you have to pay for it, and you know what I want," she said, licking her lips.

Artur looked at Rini, who now had a predatory gleam in her narrowed eyes. Somehow, he sensed the danger emanating from this red-haired girl, a danger that threatened his virginity.

Meanwhile, on the edge of the cave, Awni could only kneel with deep regret, "MY TITJOB!!!" he screamed inwardly.

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