The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 260 The Decisive Battle (6)

A gleaming surge of electric light flowed through every muscle cell in Artur's legs, creating a dazzling explosion.

"Rini, forgive me, but I leave Higo and the others to you," Artur said in a flat voice.

"It's okay, just make sure you save Robert," Rini replied with a smile.

Without answering, Artur shot forward with incredible speed.

"Do you think you can just pass by me that easily!" Higo snorted, preparing his sword to intercept Artur.

But like an untouched beam of light, Artur effortlessly evaded Higo's sword strikes. So effortlessly that it left everyone stunned, as Artur passed by leaving only a shimmering trail of light. Like an untouchable electric current, Artur vanished from Higo's sight and sped past him.

Yin's eyes narrowed; she had never known someone this powerful existed around Robert. His fear of the A15 class's development grew stronger. He became more determined to eliminate this threat right here and right now.

In a matter of seconds, Artur arrived in front of Yin and his classmates. His sword remained sheathed, as Artur's goal was not to fight Yin. Even with the Sonic Boom, Artur had a feeling that he still couldn't defeat Yin. However, he believed he could bypass him.

"[Facet Sight]! [Mantis Scythe]!"

Facet eyes consisted of numerous small units called "ommatidia." Each ommatidium functioned as an independent lens that received light and sent signals to the insect's brain. The cluster of ommatidia provided insects with the ability to see their environment from a wide field of view and detect movement with exceptional precision. Facet eyes allowed insects to have incredibly sharp vision and be highly responsive to changes in their surroundings.

Yin cast two spells simultaneously, and suddenly his eyes transformed into facets, while sharp scythes grew from his arms.

With his new eyes, Yin could perceive Artur's lightning-fast movements. His transformed arms, now scythes, aimed where Artur would pass. The sharp scythe in Yin's hand gleamed in the sunlight, causing Artur's heart to race in anticipation of the impending death.

Artur knew he wouldn't have time to dodge that scythe, and he couldn't control his speed to come to a sudden stop. Consequently, the only option Artur had before his body was split in two was to draw his sword.

"[Lightning Sword]!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The mana sword and mantis scythe clashed, creating dazzling sparks of fire. With the assistance of his speed, he managed to strike Yin, forcing him to step back, but it halted Artur's momentum.

Yin slid a few steps backward, his feet gliding across the ground. Effortlessly, he regained his stance and turned to attack. Yin didn't give Artur any time to catch his breath or find another position to evade him.

"[Ant Muscle]!"

Although they are small in size, ants possess incredible strength compared to their body weight. Ants can lift and carry loads far exceeding their own weight. Some ant species can even lift loads up to 50 times their body weight.

Yin's body suddenly grew larger, with new muscles bulging in his arms. Like an unstoppable tornado, Yin swung the gleaming scythe toward Artur.

Artur knew he couldn't compete with Yin's strength. With his enhanced muscles, Yin could easily slice through Artur's body along with his mana sword. The only way to counterbalance this was by increasing his speed and response capabilities.

"[Lightning Nerve]!"

Like flowing water, Artur maneuvered and evaded every swing of the scythe unleashed by Yin. His nerves, supported by electric currents, allowed him to quickly respond to each incoming attack. However, Yin, with his facet eyes, could read Artur's movements and left no room for him to retreat.

They danced in a deadly choreography. Artur attempted to strike or cut Yin's body, but his sword couldn't penetrate the muscular defense shielding Yin. Only the electric current flowing through his sword grazed Yin's body, causing a tingling sensation.

The Sonic Boom spell Artur used strained his body, and his leg muscles began to ache. If he continued to use the spell, his legs would explode before the Sonic Boom cooldown. Artur had to find a way to catch Yin off guard, even if it was just for a split second.

"[Party Drum]!"

A recitation of the Bard spell faction echoed from behind Artur, accompanied by the enchanting sound of drums.


Upon hearing that, Yin's eyes momentarily glazed over, and his body almost swayed to the rhythm. However, he quickly regained consciousness, and his eyes filled with anger. In that brief moment, Artur seized the opportunity to dart past Yin.

He glanced back and saw Dony giving him a thumbs-up, with the illusory drum disappearing from his hands. Artur smiled and quickened his pace. He had found the opportunity he desired and wouldn't waste it.

"FUCK! STOP HIM NO MATTER WHAT!!" Yin shouted his command.

He didn't have any spells that could catch up to Artur, who was getting farther away. Yin could only rely on the executioners to stop him.

The executioners, their faces concealed by black cloths, stood their ground and assumed stances. They began preparing their spells to confront Artur, who was rapidly approaching.

"[Fire Palm]"

"[Reinforce Speed]"

"[Poison Breath]"

"[Reinforce Strength]"

"[Reinforce Sight]"

"[Skin Hard]"

"[Earth Skin]"

"[Water Palm]"

Various spells were chanted by the three executioners, but there was no doubt in Artur's eyes. He swung his electric sword at a speed surpassing the executioners' ability to respond.


With three slashes, all three executioners fell, clutching their injured abdomens.

Artur arrived in front of Robert, whose hands were nailed to the cross.

"You look pathetic," Artur jeered.

Robert could only avert his gaze, trying not to pay attention to Artur. Using his sword, Artur cut the ropes that bound Robert's neck, and with a spell, he removed the nails from his loyal friend's palms.

Artur supported Robert to stand, his battered body showing that he wouldn't be able to fight anymore. "Robert, hold on tight. I'll take you away from here,"

"What about the others?" Robert asked weakly, his eyes witnessing their classmates being slaughtered by the Milton coalition.

"Don't worry, the others will follow," Artur said calmly, trying to hide the anguish in his voice.

"Artur, wait, release the seal on my mana flow," Robert said before Artur dragged him away.

Artur paused and fell silent, but he didn't have time to think, Yin was getting closer. "Alright," Artur said before placing his hand on Robert's chest and channeling mana into him.

The seal that sealed Robert's mana flow shattered, and at the same time, the mana around them swirled and was drawn into Robert's body. Suddenly, Robert no longer needed Artur's assistance to stand and distanced himself.

"Artur, do you know why Stent Gaht is said to be the strongest human in the world?" Robert suddenly asked.

"Isn't it because he's the only human with a Level 9 Constellation Mage?" Artur replied, not understanding.

"Right and wrong! Stent Gaht became the strongest human in the world not only because he's the only human with a Level 9 Constellation Mage, but also because he mastered the Light spell faction. And you know, Artur, the Light spell faction is the strongest spell faction in the world!" Robert said with his usual silly smile on his lips.

Before Artur could ask what Robert meant, his loyal friend began chanting his spell.

"[Impurity Extraction]!"

Suddenly, Robert's entire body illuminated, and black specks emerged from his body. Simultaneously, all his wounds closed, and his dull eyes regained their radiance. Robert's golden hair fluttered, and mana gathered around him like a tornado.

"[Light Skin]"

Robert's skin glowed, making him shine in the scorching midday sun. Artur squinted his eyes from the radiance of Robert's body. When he opened his eyes again, Robert seemed enveloped in light.

"[Light Mind]!"

Another spell was chanted by Robert, but this time, no light shone from his body. However, Artur could see Robert's golden eyes glowing brighter.

"The Light spell faction is not a mutated spell like the Ice spell faction, which is a mutation of the Water spell faction, or the Spark spell faction, which is a mutation of the Fire spell faction. The Light spell faction is a branch with its own mana color. We are controllers of light, and light is our essence," Robert reached out toward the sun and clenched his fist.

His hand suddenly emitted a brilliant light, as if there was a sun within it. Then, Robert assumed a stance, drew an imaginary sword, and suddenly he wielded a sword of light from his hand.

"[Light Sword]!"

Artur gaped as he watched Robert use a mana sword without actually possessing a physical sword. He didn't understand the concept of the light sword that Robert used. Without an object, how could the mana flow into nothing?

"Artur, mastery of the mana sword doesn't require a physical sword. The sword is merely a supportive object for the formation of the spell. Someone who masters the mana sword can create a mana sword from anything, even from the air itself." Robert smiled smugly.

The desire to punch his best friend's face began to resurface in Artur's heart, but he didn't have the chance because Yin arrived with his classmates. Robert and Artur simultaneously assumed their stances, shoulder to shoulder, preparing to face the enemy.

"Artur, my previous defeat wasn't because I was weaker than Yin and Milton. I lost because I didn't have a loyal friend by my side. Let's show them the strength of the two of us!"

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