The Regressor and the Blind Saint

Chapter 234: News (1)

༺ News (1) ༻

The report was over.

As Vera and Renee left the conference hall together, Vera tilted his head at the sight of Renee, who was deep in thought.

“What’s the matter?”

“There’s something I don’t understand.”

Thud. Renee’s cane hit the floor.

She was walking slowly down the hallway, then stopped.



“Vera, do you understand?”

“Understand what?”

“Why the world needs to be destroyed?”

Vera’s mouth shut.

He contemplated.

“…That’s true.”

He finally voiced an agreement with Renee’s words.

Vera frowned and added more.

“There doesn’t really need to be one. The collapse of Providence doesn’t just mean the extinction of mere mortals. It signifies the fall of this land and even Alaysia’s own immortality. If she goes through with it, she will naturally die as well…”

A suicidal act.

The thought, ’Is Alaysia’s goal suicide?’ flashed across Vera’s mind, then vanished.

‘But her attitude doesn’t explain it as an act of suicide.’

The Alaysia he had encountered and also seen in illusions seemed to desperately want something.

She desired eternity, not rest, and infinity, not emptiness.

That was why Vera felt confused.

Simply bringing the Tenth to this land couldn’t be the only goal.

Her real purpose must be something beyond that.


What could possibly be worth destroying Providence for?

He pondered about it for a while, but no answer came back.

“…Let’s keep walking for now.”

Thud. Renee pushed her cane and started walking.

Vera matched her pace and followed her.

Both their lips remained shut as questions loomed in their minds. The only sounds that filled the hallway were the sounds of their footsteps and the cane.


In a plain three day’s worth of horse riding in the northwest of the Empire, there was a lake so enormous that it couldn’t be fully captured in one view.

It was a lake known throughout the continent and had existed for thousands of years, becoming a page of countless legends.

It was called Lake Granice.

“So what I’m saying is, other explorers have already scoured every inch of land in the continent. And yet, they can’t find any trace of Alaysia? What does that mean? It means Alaysia must not be on land, but underwater!”

In the middle of Lake Granice.

A blonde woman spoke while standing on a floating boat.

Then, the red-haired middle-aged man sitting beside her sighed.

“What nonsense, did Alaysia turn into a mermaid or something? What are we even doing all the way out here…?”

His tone was thick with irritation.

The blonde woman chuckled at the middle-aged man’s attitude and replied.

“So, what’s your plan? Do you have a better idea?”

“Let’s just go to the Calgion Marshes like everyone else, okay? If we find some new vegetation there, we’ll be sitting on a goldmine!”

“Calgion? If you want to die, go die alone! Do you have any idea how venomous the lizardmen there are? Was your time as an explorer all for nothing?”

“At least it’s better than drowning! And given that armies gathered by scholars are already heading that way, do you think the lizardmen will even care about us?!”

The argument grew more heated.

Amid the rising tension and angry glares, a brown-haired young man who had been sitting quietly until then stepped in to mediate.

“Alright, alright… Minnie, Garrick, please calm down. First, let’s search here. If it turns out to be a wild goose chase, we can go to Calgion, okay?”

“Derek! That’s not the point right now!”

Minnie’s words made the brown-haired young man named Derek close his mouth.

‘That’s what you’re fighting about…’

If this isn’t important, what is?

Derek sighed.

They had been exploring the continent as a team for five years.

Though they should be close by now, the hot-blooded Minnie and the cynical Garrick were always getting into arguments.

‘I guess it’s my job to stop them.’

His shoulders felt heavy.

Thinking about how he should calm these two made his blood pressure rise.

Derek covered his eyes with his hand and trembled, then looked off into the distance.

“Under the lake!”


The shouting was now loud enough to echo across the entire lake, piercing Derek’s ears.

The thought that something terrible would happen if this continued filled Derek’s mind.

Derek, who was suffering from another headache today, was about to speak when…


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Something strange caught his eye.

“Here we go again! Come on, admit it. You can’t swim, can you? You can’t dive either! You’re freaking out because you’re scared to go underwater!”

“Wha-what? I’ll show you, you brat?!”

“Hold on! Just hold on!!! Both of you, look at that!”

Derek urgently shouted.

At that, both of them turned their eyes toward Derek.

Derek’ was trembling.

His mouth was hanging open, and sheer horror filled his eyes.

Slowly, Derek’s hand pointed toward a corner of the lake.

“That, that…!”

They both turned their heads in the direction Derek was pointing at, and their mouths dropped open.

“Th-that is…!”

“A needle? No, it’s not… It’s a flagpole. The one that’s placed on the highest tower of the castle!”

Garrick’s astonished voice ended shortly after that conclusion.

“That thing sticking out over the lake means…!”

“There’s a castle sunk beneath it!”

Minnie looked back at Garrick after saying this.

“What? What happened to Calgion?”


Garrick made a strained expression.

However, it was not a sign that he was upset.

Rather, it would be more accurate to say the opposite.

The look on Garrick’s face upon seeing the flag was delight.

“You got it right for once…!”

Garrick didn’t usually smile, but even he couldn’t help but smile at the discovery.

It was obviously an ancient ruin, and a castle at that.

Due to the fact that it was submerged underwater, the chances of someone having been there before them were slim.

This meant that there would be tons of undiscovered artifacts and treasures inside.

“We’re rich, we’re finally rich! This damn explorer’s life is over!”

The boat rocked as Garrick stood up abruptly.

Minnie was startled and steadied herself, then nodded with a big smile.

“Yeah, damn it! I’ll buy a mansion on Second Street in the Imperial Capital and live the high life!”

Cheers echoed.

The explorers were lost in their dreams, imagining a bright future that brought a shiver to their spine.

However, amidst this, someone still couldn’t shake off his suspicion.

That was Derek, the one who discovered the flagpole.

“…Something’s weird.”

“What’s weird? The fact that everything’s going so well? That we’re about to become rich?”

“Let him be. He’s a bit of a timid type, so he needs time to accept it.”

Ignoring the chuckles of his companions, Derek spoke.

“Isn’t it weird that this hasn’t been discovered for thousands of years when it’s sticking out so obviously like this?”

“What do you me—”

“It’s been thousands of years, and it’s not like this lake is some random lake in the middle of nowhere. There are many legends about it. How many people visit here each year? The Imperial Family members? Clerics on pilgrimages? Isn’t it strange that none of them ever noticed this flagpole sticking out so blatantly?”

Silence filled the air.

The excitement that had been present just moments ago now seemed like a lie. The only thing surrounding the three of them was a chilling silence.

Indeed, Derek had a point.

Lake Grance was the largest lake on the continent.

Many legends and myths were born here, and countless people visited this place.

However, was it plausible that no one had ever mentioned this flagpole before?

It didn’t take long for the two to grasp the gravity of the situation.

With a crumpled expression, Garrick stared at the flagpole.

“…It appeared.”

“Yes, it makes sense to think that way. It’s probably been hidden by magic until now.”

“What if it’s just a result of the earth shifting?”

“Do you think only one or two people swim in this lake? Then we would have known about it a long time ago.”

“This is driving me crazy. Really…”

A forced laughter escaped from Garrick’s mouth.

Minnie reacted the same way.

“Going in there would mean death, right?”

Their faces were filled with regret, but they couldn’t bring themselves to actually enter.

They were veteran explorers.

Each of them had over ten years of experience and had been working together as a team for five years.

They understood this better than anyone else.

“What should we do? Should we report it?”

“…We should. If this castle just suddenly appeared, then the situation is serious. The same goes even if it’s not a clue related to Alaysia.”

Derek responded.

“It’s an active ruin. If we get caught in a trap, we could drown.”

Derek kicked a wetsuit tucked away in a corner of the boat.

“These cheap wetsuits won’t help.”

“What about the reward?”

“If this isn’t a clue related to Alaysia, we’ll end up in an underground prison for reporting false information, and our credibility will drop. It’s too risky a gamble.”

At Garrick’s response, Minnie spat out curses with a frowning face.

“This sucks…”

“Don’t be disappointed. Just think that it was never meant for us in the first place.”

The atmosphere on the boat was sinking rapidly.

Meanwhile, Derek stroked his chin while looking at the flagpole.

‘Is there really no way?’

His colleagues describe Derek as cautious.

As a top explorer and a top graduate from the Academy of Archeology, he racked his brains to find a solution.

‘Going deeper is not an option. No, we can’t even go inside in the first place. The only option is to scrape something from near that flagpole. If we can find out what that castle is for, things will get much easier…’

Leaving aside the rest, simply examining the architectural style of this structure could provide valuable information.

With that alone, it would be possible to determine the time period in which it was built.

‘I have memorized all the architectural styles in the Age of Gods. If the fortress was built in the early age or in primitive times before that, the architectural style itself will be a clue.’

He found a way to verify it without actually entering inside it.

Derek did not hesitate.

He moved quickly and began putting on the wetsuit stored in a corner of the boat.

“Huh? Derek, what are you doing…?”

“I found a way.”

Having put on the wetsuit, Derek looked back at the two and spoke.

“We just need to know the architectural style. Please take me near that flagpole. I’ll just take a quick look at the exterior wall of the building beneath it.”

He spoke in a confident tone.

Garrick’s eyes sparkled.

“Ah, that’s right! I just remembered, but you were an educated man!”


“Did you forget already? Derek is from Tellon Academy! He even graduated top of his class in the Archeology Department!”

Upon hearing Garrick’s words, Minnie’s expression brightened.

Derek chuckled as the two started to regain their color and continued speaking.

“It’s old news. I ran away from the academy because the life of an academic slave was too scary. Well, it does come in handy now.”

“You…! I love you!!!”

“Me too! I love you too! We’re going to be together forever!!!”

“Wait, hold on…! I’m getting dizzy! The boat is shaking!”

Minnie and Garrick hugged Derek and started jumping around, causing the boat to sway heavily.

Derek was flustered, then he gave up on calming them, closed his eyes tightly, and hurled himself into the lake.


“That surprised me!”

The two managed to cling to the boat while Derek started diving into the lake.


Beneath the surface of the lake, Derek held his breath and looked at the view that unfolded before him.

‘It’s this big?’

The castle was huge.

No, it wasn’t just huge.

‘This is…’

It was even larger than the Imperial Palace.

Had there ever been a building of this size among the structures on the continent?

Derek was filled with amazement and awe as he gazed at the castle’s exterior.

Then, he quickly snapped out of his daze and looked at the castle again.

‘…Now is not the time.’

Derek began to swim.

He headed for the base of the flagpole, which was a fairly short distance away.

As expected, it was a spire.

Derek planted his feet on top of the spire with a small window.

He touched the exterior and examined the seams between the stones for a moment.

‘…What is this?’

Derek froze.

His eyes widened as much as they possibly could.

‘It doesn’t exist. I’ve never known of any architecture like this.’

Something was strange.

His knowledge of history was second to none.

He could match anyone in the academy, especially when it came to the history and life during the Age of Gods.

Yet, even he could not understand this.

Derek’s expression turned serious.

His eyes stared intently at the seams.

As the oxygen in his wetsuit slowly dwindled, Derek realized something.

‘…This is not architecture.’

This wasn’t an architectural structure.

No, to be precise, it wasn’t a building.

The seams that appeared, the constantly flowing material, could never be characterized as architecture.

It was an almost certain assumption.

When Derek realized that, a single question arose in his mind.

His head slowly turned.

At the far end was a small window.

That was the same window that had been too dark to see through just a moment ago.

‘…If this is not a building…’

What the hell is inside it?

Just as that question came to mind,

— Hehe…

Derek heard laughter.

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