The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 21.2

Chapter 21.2

Please Set the Table (2)

Dal-Gon slowly took in Noh Gil-Siks face.

He looked a lot older than when they had first met.

Although it had only been a few years, the time they had spent together had been arduous and eventful.

Now it seemed that the time had come to bring things to an end.

In other words, he had to set aside his label as a gangster.

Though it might not strictly be a happy ending, at the very least he didnt want to end everything with a tragedy.

Dal-Gon crooked his finger, gesturing Gil-Sik closer.

Hyungnim. To all my older brothers, I can only offer one final present.


Thank you for everything up until now. Because of you all, I was able to avoid starving and live a happy life.

The visiting hours were quickly drawing to a close.

So before the afterglow of their heightened emotions could cool, Dal-Gon whispered.

The detective in charge of my case is a bit weird. He acts just like someone whos known me in the past. Flawlessly at that. Anyway, because of that, I managed to pick something up. It feels like the police will be making their move soon.

What kind of move?

It looks like theyre going to wipe out the Guma gang. They managed to step on the gangs tail due to the drugs that I hid.

Hm. That feels good to hear.

This is not the time to be relieved. Because once the Guma gang is over, were next. Thats why you should take care of the money issues while the police are still distracted. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

for now, I get what youre trying to say. Ill try my best to persuade the boss. If possible, you should also rethink your decision.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This visit had turned out to be more fruitful than Noh Gil-Sik had expected.

After all, it was true that their organization did need time to recover from the mess that the nightclub incident had left them in.

If Dal-Gon was telling the truth, now was the time for that, while the polices attention had been diverted.

It was a good incentive with which to appease his enraged boss.


Visiting hours have ended.

As a mechanical alarm sounded, the guards stepped forward.

While exchanging melancholic gazes, the two men rose from their seats.

Now the time had come for the two to go their separate ways.

If it was fated they might meet again, but it wouldnt be that easy.

Live well. Dal-Gon-ah.

take good care of yourself.

Exiting the detection center, Noh Gil-Sik climbed into a black sedan.

The car pulled away slowly.

For some reason, Noh Gil-Sik felt pinpricks running down his back.

Those pig bastards. Where on earth did they pick up that sort of rumor?

Telling everyone that the Guma Gang has taken over the Fork Gangs shares in the nightclub.

And on top of that, that they had even swallowed up the boss slush fund?

However, as the police were the source of the rumour, it wasnt so easy to dismiss it. No matter how ridiculous it seemed.

Turn the car around. Instead of the Hwanak District office, head over to the boss place.


The car made a large u-turn to get onto a different road.

Along with a small car that was following them from behind.

It might have been due to the drivers skill, but the small car wasnt spotted at any point along the route to their destination.

Which was the Emperor Motel.

Unlike its prestigious name, its exterior showed the signs of its many years.

Climbing up to the top floor, Noh Gil-Sik stood in front of the room at the end of the hallway.

Knock, knock-

The door opened cautiously, and a seedy-looking man peered out from within.

It was Song Dae-Ak.


Geez. Just look at me. Im really crying here. What a manly friendship!

Black clapped his hands as he admired the scene.

Black and I had established a simple surveillance station next to the visitation room.

Although a surveillance station might be a bit much when we were just eavesdropping on their conversation with a wiretapping device.

But hes quite the weirdo. Even though you know him so well, he doesnt remember you at all? Could he have been in an accident?1

Avoiding eye contact, I made excuses for him.

I felt uncomfortable whenever the topic of conversation drew close to my reincarnation.

Who knows. Im curious about that as well. In any case, no matter what happened, its fine as long as things go well.


1. In case it isnt clear. This refers to the trope of losing all memory of someone due to head trauma.

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