The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 24.3

Chapter 24.3

The Special Promotion Awards (3)

While roughly loosening his collar with a finger, Wang Ong-Gu stomped down the stairs.

So thats that. Youd think he was a gangster rather than a cop.

Through a window, I watched Wang Ong-Gus back recede into the distance.

He had a lot of secrets that I needed to uncover.

To what extent was he involved with the Hae-Soo case?

Why did he suddenly transfer from the Violent Crimes Task Force to the Narcotics Unit?

Had he sincerely believed that I was the culprit in the Hae-Soo case?

I took out my handphone and called Ho-Un.


-Woah. Its been almost a year since I last heard from you.

Have you been well?

-What kind of student would say hes doing anything other than just average? Im just getting on by.

You sound like an old man.

-But whats up with you? Have a request?

Hes quick to notice.

Its a background investigation. Can you do it?

-That sort of thing is my specialty, but theres a slight problem.

Problem? What kind of problem? Has your mother said something?

-Non non. After showing her the business card, shes decided to ignore everything and let it slide. Ah, the person that you ordered me to investigate last time. Was he really the Suan Spaniel? How did things go?

Ill tell you the whole story next time. Just tell me what kind of problem you have first.

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If this was a serious problem, I might be in trouble.

Where else could I find an expert who was as clean and trustworthy as Ho-Un?

However the words that next passed his lips were as bland as flat cider.

-Im also a bit busy these days. Its time for the midterm exams.

Ah, thats right. So this guy was going to school properly.

-Thats why it might take a little more time. That alright?

Thats fine. Its nothing too urgent. Take it slowly.

-Okay. Ill just send you my invoice.

After concluding the deal with Ho-Un, I caught a taxi.

So far, I had been so busy with work that I didnt have the time to even touch on the Hae-Soo case.

Even though I really should have gone to look for him already.

Please take me to Suan Prison.

The person currently accused of the Hae-Soo murder case.

It was obvious that I might be able to get important information about the murder case from the man himself.

I arrived at the prison that I had spent twenty years within.

The road where I had died, and the cement floor that was the last thing I ever saw.

Everything was the same as that time.

I showed my police badge to the guard stationed at the prison gate and said.

Im here to visit Park Han-Dong.

After a short time, a man in a blue-grey jumpsuit appeared.

He had a meek appearance overshadowed by gauntness.

The first thing that I examined was his weary-looking, dark-hued face.

Although it was his second year in prison, it looked like he hadnt gotten used to it yet.

Of course, it would have been weird if he was doing well after having been framed and thrown in here.

Park Han-Dong came to a halt as soon as he entered the meeting room.

Guard-nim. Is this really the right place? I got a call that my dongsaeng was coming.

The guard flicked through his files before nodding his head.

Number 2110. Youve come to the correct location."

Then the guard shut his mouth without any further explanation.

After wavering helplessly, Park Han-Dong took a seat in the opposite chair.

So it looked like his dongsaeng would be here soon.

I should make way for her as soon as possible.

For now, I greeted him politely.

Hello. I am Go Ji-Hun of Suan Stations Violent Crime Task Force.

As soon as he knew my identity, the look in his eyes changed.

If it wasnt for the pane of glass between us, he looked like he would have immediately leapt at me and torn out my throat with his teeth.

So it was possible to convey such an atmosphere even with a meek appearance.

However this reaction was better than I had expected.

He should at least feel resentment for even unrelated cops, but for the Suan Stations Violent Crime Task Force in particular?

Of course it would be the source of all his rage.

If it were me, Id be slamming my hand against the glass window.

He stared at me in silence.

Ive come here because I have some things I would like to ask you about the Hae-Soo murder case.

I have nothing to say.

It seemed that he couldnt even stand the sight of me, as he got up and turned his back to me.

He was expressing his rejection of my visit.

The guards expression showed that he was wondering what to do.

I gestured to him that everything was fine, so the guard drew back.

Then I quickly whispered at a volume that only Park Han-Dong could hear.

I know that you are not the true culprit behind the Hae-Soo murder case.

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