The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 26.1

Chapter 26.1

The Reincarnator vs The. Psychopath (1)

.hyungnim. Whats that guys name?

Its Chu Oh-Myeong. Just like the inside of his head, his name is rather unique.

fuck. So it was that bastard.

The most famous psychopathic bastard in all of Korea.

Compared to other murderers, he had held a much more vicious and meticulous image.

All because of what happened today.

Even though he had confessed to the crime in person, he had been released due to lack of evidence.

He only paid a fine of 500,000 won for obstruction of justice.

At the time, the police had dismissed it as a disturbance caused by a person suffering from delusions and had closed the case.

It took five whole years for that guy to finally be arrested.

After more than 20 victims had been murdered.

After being caught, the words that he said during his perp walk remain as the worst blot that had ever marred the administrations record.

Its not that I was caught, I allowed myself to be caught. I even turned myself in 5 years ago, but I couldnt help but feel sorry for them after seeing how they still couldnt catch me. Even if you commit a murder in Korea, all you need to do to be released from the police station is pay 500,000 won.

It was all a joke to him.

He was a guy who derived as much enjoyment from having the police in the palm of his hands as he did from the actual murders.

Where is he now?

Hes in the middle of being interrogated by the criminal investigation department. I think theyre trying to sic a profiler on him?

A profiler?

Although I felt sorry for them, I knew it would be pointless.

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Chu Oh-Myeong was so difficult to read that a Japanese psychologist had immigrated to Korea just because they were interested in studying him.

You cant defeat his tricks just by using scientific data.

I picked up my jacket and stood up.

Ill be back in a bit.

Huh? Newbie?

I started running to the interrogation room.

Despite not knowing my reason, Black and Mong-Do ran after me.

Hey. You guys!

Team Leader, who was left behind to look after the office, shouted at our receding backs.

If you all leave, what am I supposed to do when I need the toilet? One of you brats needs to get back here, now!

The interrogation room was guarded by a couple of investigation officers.

After greeting them, I entered the observation room.

A man and a woman were visible through the one-way glass window.

With one look at the mans face, all of my memories about Chu Oh-Myeong became crystal clear.

Possessing a neat appearance and dress.

Rather than a murderer, he looked more like an ordinary college student.

Excuse me.

Oh? Well if it isnt Detective Go. I heard that today was your award ceremony, so what are you doing at work?

Everyone else had to run out to do some field work, leaving the office empty.

Ouch. Youve got it hard.

Hows your interrogation going?

Even as I asked this, my eyes were fixed on the interrogation room.

The sounds from inside seemed to be blocked for some reason, as I couldnt hear what they were talking about.

But I could clearly feel that the two were on different ends of a struggle.

While Chu Oh-Myeong looked unfathomably composed, the woman sitting opposite him seemed to be losing her composure.

From her excessively upright posture, to her eyes that refused to make contact, and the way she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs.

Hes wringing her out.

I muttered in sympathy.

The head of investigation crossed his arms and pronounced with an air of self-assurance.

From what I can tell, this bastard looks like a mental patient. Hes quite detailed when hes confessing to killing someone or other, but with anything else he stays so silent that its like talking to a wall.

Well, theres no way that a killer could be considered in his right mind, so, in a way, calling him a mental patient was, in a way, correct.

In any case, there was no way that I could let Chu Oh-Myeong walk out of here.

Even before the honor of the police, it was because I had to prevent any more innocent victims.

Appearing to have reached her limit, the woman rose from her seat and exited the interrogation room.

What did he say? Any results?

The woman wore glasses and had her long hair tied back neatly.

She practically overflowed with an air of intelligence.

This was the profiler, Lee Sa-Ra.

She roughly pulled off her police badge that was hanging around her neck.

No matter how I look at him, while he does give me a strange feeling, I havent been able to dig up anything.

That just means that theres nothing to find. Lets not waste any more time chatting with him and get the kids to come back in. Haaaah!

With a yawn, the head of investigation decided to close the case.

In any case, we can open up another investigation on this guy whenever we need to. Lets focus on tracing the evidence back to its place of origin.

Please hold on a moment.

I carefully raised my hand.

If thats the case, would it be alright if I popped in for a second?

Hm? In there, with him?

We need to let him go soon in any case. Before that, let me take a shot at interrogating him.

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