The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

Chapter 89: Fighting the Dragon ②

Chapter 89: Fighting the Dragon ②

Translated by AmaLynne

The high-level magic Amegino Maelstrom unleashed by Sam became a storm that swallowed the dragon’s massive size.

The dragon, trying to escape from the wild turbulent current, violently attacked, but was swept away without any resistance.

The highest level of attack magic is not just magic to push away the wind.

The dragon’s body was swallowed by the stream, and the water turned into a blade and attacked it as if it had a will of its own.

The dragon’s cries echo in the sky as it continues to create tears all over its body.

The dragon struggles to escape from the stream, but it cannot be allowed to escape.

「I’m going to pull you out of Royal Capital in one fell swoop! UoooOOOOOOOOO!!」

Fresh blood drips from all over Sam due to the release of magical power beyond the limit.

Sam continues to pour magic power into his magic without regard for such things.

He succeeded in pulling the dragon, which was so large that it encompassed the royal capital, away.

「Hah… hah… hah, there’s hardly any magic left anymore. But I’m not done yet.」

With all his remaining magical power, he chased after the giant dragon that roared down with each storm on the grassy plains far away from the royal capital.

When he saw the dragon lying powerless in the mud and blood in the middle of the flooded grassland, he landed a short distance away.

「I guess I couldn’t kill it after all.」

Sam wanted to crush them in the storm, but he didn’t seem to have enough power.

Sam prides himself on his great magical power and is confident that he can use some powerful magic.

However, he is not so confident that he can easily master one of the most powerful magics.

Of course, there are only a few wizards who can use the highest level of magic.

「I’m still lacking in ability… If it’s Ur, no, she can’t deal with dragons.」

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sam wanted to add the skill cut-through to his highest level magic Amegino Maelstrom, but he couldn’t do it.

He’s ashamed for still being inexperienced.

「You hear me, right? I picked a place where there were no people and dropped them here. Let’s settle this here.」

「You son of a bitch.」

「You can talk?」

A human language was emitted from the dragon’s full-fanged mouth.

Sam was not surprised.

The dragon kings he had fought in the past had also spoken human languages fluently.

He had heard that the intelligence of dragons was superior to that of humans. If that was the case, it was no surprise that he could speak human language.

「Damn you, human!」

The dragon lifted its long neck and stared at Sam with red eyes.

Then, a faint red glow enveloped the dragon’s huge body, and its body shrank.


This surprised Sam.

What the dragon is doing now―――humanization.

Emerging from the light was a tall, beautiful woman with red hair that reached to the ground.

The dragon, which had an atmosphere somewhat similar to that of Ur, caused some confusion.

The dragon that became a woman was wearing a red folk costume coated in mud.

Her long, slitted eyes were red with a hint of danger in them, and she had a well-defined bridge of the nose and slender limbs.

She had a beauty that transcended human beauty.

However, the dragon stared at Sam with such a beautiful face distorted.

「You son of a bitch, human… to inflict so much damage on me, this red dragon. It’s the first time in five hundred years that I’ve been so wounded.」

「It’s an honor.」

「I’m sorry to see you like this because I used too much power in defense, but I have no problem killing a man of your caliber. If anything, it makes it easier to fight.」

The reason she took human form may have consumed her strength, but it was probably because it was better suited to fight Sam.

Originally, the dragon might have been able to crush Sam with its huge body, but it must have grasped in the slightest offense that this would not work on Sam.

In fact, the dragon’s huge body was a good target, although it did not do much damage.

(It’s going to be hard to fight. I don’t have much magic left in me either, so I’ll just have to settle it all at once without thinking about the consequences.)

As he deploys his water fist, he braces himself.

The Dragon also readied her thin arm.

「Here we go!」

「Come on, human!」

Both kick the ground and crash into each other.

The impact was tremendous, sending earth, sand, and muddy water splashing up.

Sam’s fist caught the dragon in the abdomen, and the dragon’s claws dug into Sam’s arms.

Both were almost evenly matched in strength, probably due to exhaustion.


The dragon spits out a breath at close range.

Sam’s left arm is burned as he tries to avoid it by flying.

He immediately casts a recovery spell and manages to get it back to the point where it can move.

As it is, he slams his water fist into the dragon’s face, and her fangs break and fly through the air.

「Die, human!」

A spear hand filled with magic power is released like a spear.

He narrowly avoids it, but his clothes are torn and his stomach is exposed.

If it had grazed him even a little, he would have been splattered with fresh blood.

He grabbed the dragon’s wrist and put all his strength into it.

The sound of a crack echoed through the air, and Sam’s hand felt the dragon bones crack.


Sam swung his fist even more, striking the dragon repeatedly in the face.

But they are hard.

The skin breaks and fresh blood sprays, but it is not a decisive blow.

Sam clicks his tongue and strikes repeatedly with his fist.

He knows that the dragon’s scales are hard.

Then, he will just attack it again and again until it becomes a decisive blow.

However, the dragon is not beaten without a fight.

The unbroken arm is again fired a spear hand.

The second strike was faster and sharper than the first, and Sam was unable to avoid it.

「Damn it.」

Sam clicked his tongue and clenched his back teeth to endure the intense pain that was about to come.

The next moment, the dragon’s finger pierced his shoulder.


Sam clenched back teeth and a scream erupted.

Sure enough, the dragon tried to ignite flames into his pierced shoulder.

Sam quickly kicked her away and kept his distance.

「―――I wonder why we’re playing such a mud fight. I hate it. But I’m fighting a dragon! My magic, my attacks, they’re getting through to the dragon!」

Sam holds his aching shoulder and rejoices.

The four years he had spent with Ur had not been in vain.

The child who had never been able to use magic properly was not strong enough to fight dragons like this now.

It was all thanks to Ur.

Sam thanked his late master from the bottom of his heart.

「Now, let’s start all over again. I can still fight. I still have magic and strength!」

「……What are you laughing at?」


At the dragon’s suggestion, Sam realized he was laughing.

He admits it.

Sam is enjoying the situation, fighting a national crisis, and even betting his own life for it.

But the dragon does not like him.

「Is it so funny? But I am not crazy about anything! No. Do you humans find me ridiculous? Is it so funny that a mother has her child kidnapped and is desperate to get it back!」


Rationality amid Sam’s raging emotions picked up on a word that he couldn’t miss.

「Wait, what do you mean?」

Ignoring Sam’s question, the dragon roars and rushes forward.

Sam intercepted it with a water fist, but he couldn’t help but ask her a question.

「Wait! What brought you to the Skye Kingdom, to Royal Capital?」

「What are you trying to get out of this? I was trying to get back my beloved child who was stolen from me by you humans!」

At the dragon’s words, Sam stiffened, unable to release his raised fist.

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